
Here's the link and passcode to the recording of today's member webinar. Skip to the 10:17 minute mark for the start.
Passcode: H2#YuRiU 

Here are some links to items we discussed on the call:

Below you will also find information Amy Hewett discussed to promote the #GetVaccinated Campaign and Careers in Aging Week.


April Payne, MBA, LNHA
Vice President of Quality Improvement | Director of VCAL
Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living 
Communications Tools:
#Get Vaccinated and Careers in Aging Week

#GetVaccinated Resources

We know sharing the facts about COVID-19 vaccines is a crucial component of the ongoing effort to protect the most vulnerable and save lives. The following links go to great resources to promote uptake of the COVID-19 by staff and residents.

If you need any additional information, please contact Amy Hewett.

Careers in Aging Week

Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) runs April 18-24. You can celebrate all week by bringing awareness to the numerous career opportunities available in long term care and aging services. CIAW is also an opportunity to celebrate current caregivers in the industry for their heroic efforts.

Spread the word about careers in aging and celebrating your employees by promoting these rewarding careers on social media using the hashtag #CareersinAging. 

Use these sample social media posts to get started and visit the AHCA/NCAL Careers in Aging Week webpage for resources and stories of our health care heroes.
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