
We want to encourage members to take advantage of the Temporary Nurse Aide (TNA) to CNA pathway, as we know many of you are struggling with staffing issues. At present, only a fraction of the approximately 1,800 individuals working as TNAs have submitted their applications to the Board of Nursing (BON) to be deemed eligible to take the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) examination.
It is important to remember that Gov. Ralph Northam’s Executive Order (EO) 57, which allows for the TNA to CNA pathway and other health licensing waivers, is time limited by the duration of Virginia’s state of emergency due to COVID-19 as set forth in EO 51. Stated differently, while there is not currently an end date to the state of emergency, the governor can amend EO 51 to establish an end date. When that occurs, the end date of EO 51 will also become the end date of EO 57.
The BON can only act on fully completed applications and provide deemed eligibility for a TNA to test during the time EO 57 remains in effect. To be considered for the NNAAP exam, a TNA must first complete an application through PearsonVUE and the employer must provide written verification of competency and employment as a TNA—see this sample attestation letter for instructions and sample text. Additional details about the TNA to CNA process are detailed on this BON webpage.
We know that many members have used TNAs over the last year and want to retain these individuals who have become familiar with working in the long term care setting. If you have any questions, please let me know. 


April Payne, MBA, LNHA
Chief Quality & Regulatory Affairs Officer
Executive Director of VCAL
Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living 
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