
This afternoon Gov. Ralph Northam issued guidance on the phased reopening of nursing facilities, information on funding for nursing facilities and assisted living facilities, and information on COVID-19 cases and related deaths in LTC facilities. You can read the full statement here.

Reopening Guidance

We will be analyzing the VDH Nursing Home Guidance for Phased Reopening and providing you with additional analysis to help you with implementation.


With respect to the funding, we know that the amount of funding specified in the release, $246 million, includes amounts already authorized by the CARES Act distributed through the Provider Relief Fund as well as the $20 per day Medicaid add-on. The release states there is $20 million for assisted living facilities, which is first-time funding for ALFs, but does not provide any specificity. We are awaiting more information on the funding items to provide you with more details.  

Outbreak Data

The disclosure of the facility-specific data on outbreaks is a change in policy for the state. Because of the substantial number of COVID-19 outbreaks in LTC facilities and the accuracy issues related to the CMS data, the Commonwealth felt this was important information to share to reduce public confusion.

The facility-specific data is sorted by outbreak in progress, pending closure, or outbreak closed. It is posted on the Virginia Long-Term Care Task Force webpage.

We believe this information shows what we have known for months, which is that COVID-19 disproportionately impacts seniors with chronic conditions and the dedicated staff who care for them. This transparency and availability of real-time, accurate data will validate our calls for assistance that nursing homes and assisted living centers have been making since the beginning of this pandemic.

As I mentioned, we will be providing additional information related to today’s announcement as we learn more. We continue to be so humbled to represent you and your dedication to caring for your residents and patients in spite of many difficulties. At the end of this message we have included an op-ed that was published today by the Freelance Star about the sacrifices you have made during the pandemic .


Keith Hare  
President and CEO
Long Term Care Providers Made
Many Sacrifices during Pandemic

Keith Hare | Freelance Star | June 19, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic, a public health crisis unlike anything any of us have experienced in our lifetimes, has drastically altered our reality. As a nation we’ve faced uncertainty as to what the future holds.

However, in the midst of the challenges we now face, Virginia’s long-term care providers have emerged as frontline heroes in this health crisis.

Virginia’s long-term care facilities—both nursing facilities and assisted living communities—have been greatly impacted by COVID-19. Since mid-March, across the nation these facilities have been in complete lockdown to halt the spread of the highly contagious virus.

While long-term care has always been a 24/7 operation, these providers doubled-down to care for our seniors and to keep them safe. Despite the challenges this virus presented, and the long hours and days without breaks that have come with it, our long-term health care providers have remained resilient in the fight to protect these valued individuals—our parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors.

When the pandemic hit, our long-term caregivers stepped up to protect their residents and themselves from the virus while continuing to provide everyday care and services. This was no easy challenge given the aggressiveness of the virus and the high-touch care residents who live in long-term care facilities need.

These heroes have been on the frontlines of the pandemic for months—selflessly accepting the risk that providing frontline care may cause to their own health and that of their families.

Some long-term care providers have gone weeks without a single day off. Some have not had a day off since the start of this public health crisis due to circumstances—including staffing shortages and outbreaks. Many have also been working multiple shifts in order to meet staffing needs.

In an effort to contain the virus, some providers have sacrificed their health and their time with their loved ones to keep our most vulnerable population safe and prevent additional exposure. Amid these difficult times, there’s no denying their professionalism and compassion.

Thanks to the hard work of our long-term caregivers, we’ve seen widespread recoveries within our long-term care communities. According to the Licensed Nursing Homes COVID-19 Dashboard, over 2,000 nursing facility patients or residents have recovered from COVID-19.

From following strict infection prevention and control procedures even while assisting residents with day-to-day tasks, our long-term health care providers have proven themselves devoted to fighting the battle against COVID-19.

While it’s been an incredibly challenging time, they have shown true selflessness and bravery.

Let’s come together to express our gratitude and appreciation for these health care heroes, who have given up so much and have worked so vigilantly for months to look after our loved ones.

They are truly heroic and inspiring figures.
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