Hamilton Headlines

News and notes from Hamilton Middle

June 7, 2023

Vol. 4, Issue 43SE

Artwork Special Edition

As you might imagine, as the year comes to a close there is a great deal of artwork being completed in both Sarah McRae's Art class and Jeanne Steele's Computer Art class--too much to include in the limited number of Hamilton Headlines yet to come in June. So, today I share with you a Hamilton Headlines Artwork Special Edition!

8th Grade Color Theme Mini Canvas

6th Grade Fruit and Veggie Mosaics

6th Grade Lightbulb Drawings

8th Grade Fruit and Veggie Study

8th Grade Linoleum Prints

8th Grade Influential African American Portraits

6th Grade 1-Point Perspective Drawings

7th Grade 2-Point Perspective Drawings

7th Grade Value Drawings....

6th Grade Paper Weaves

Sketchbook Fun, Grades 6-8!

Photo Finish:

Happy printmakers! It's been fun, 8th grade!

Hamilton Middle Website
