December 15, 2021
Vol. 3, Issue 20
Winter Break: December 18-January 2
Creating a Safe Campus for All
By: John Burkholder, Principal
Over the past couple of weeks there have been a lot of conversations on our campus among students about behaviors that are related to sexual harassment, sexual assault and gender inclusivity. There is clearly a need for more information and understanding around each of these topics. But where there is a need, there are our students.

This past Monday I met with eight eighth grade student leaders about developing a plan of education that addresses sexual harassment, sexual assault, and gender inclusivity. These students as a group are very committed to making sure that our school is safe for all. Leaders of the group are now beginning to work on a plan to provide education on the above topics to all students in Advisory classes in early 2022. Today I also began to talk with some sixth and seventh grade students about providing voice in developing this plan. I am also enlisting the expertise of some folks in our district's central office to support in the planning process.

I want to emphasize that each and every day that I come to work as principal at Hamilton I work to maintain a schooling environment that is physically, socially, emotionally, and academically safe for all students. My own children attended Hamilton, including my daughter two years ago in my first year as principal at Hamilton. I want you to know that I will not tolerate behaviors of sexual exploitation, harassment, or assault and that consequences for such behaviors will be consistent with those required in our district's Behavior Education Plan.
Safety Never Takes a Holiday
A couple of other important safety items to share with you as we head into the New Year.

Waiting for a Ride After School: Given how dark it is after school and that it is getting cold outside, I want you to know that students waiting for a ride after school are always welcome to wait in the breezeway inside our main front doors. Please know that students are not directly supervised in this location after school and appropriate behavior is expected.

Walking Home in the Dark: Many of our students cross busy streets in the dark on their way home from school or bus stops. As a school, we have placed an order for 100 orange safety vests that we will be making available free of charge at the request of any student. Students can not wear the vests while at school, but will be encouraged to put on the vests as they begin their walk home. I will let you know when these vests have arrived--hopefully by January 3!

The above information will also be shared with students on January 3.
Meeting Date Change: Affinity Meeting for Parents Interested in Learning More About and Supporting Each Other Around Special Education in our Community
If you read the most recent edition of the Hamilton PTO newsletter, you will have noted an upcoming first meeting of a new affinity group for primary caregivers of middle school students with disabilities and advanced support needs. Please note the the first meeting date will be on Friday, January 21 via Zoom. This meeting, the first in an ongoing series, is open to all interested parents, not just parents of students with identified special needs. The purpose of the affinity group is to offer connection for parents, and to help grow understanding and advocacy in our Hamilton community around the inclusivity of all people with special needs.

Our first meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 21 at 7:00pm and will take place on Zoom. The updated link to the Zoom for this first meeting is below and will be shared again in future editions of this newsletter.
Reminder: School Closed During Winter Break
While our custodial crew will be doing some work on our Hamilton campus over Winter Break and the contracted work to complete our hallway tiling project will continue, please know that our Hamilton school building and main office will be closed for the duration of Winter Break. School resumes and our main office will once again be open beginning on January 3.

All of us at Hamilton wish you and your loved ones a safe break and a happy New Year!
Reminder: UW Department of Psychiatry Brain Research Opportunity
The UW Department of Psychiatry and BRAVE Research Center are looking for youth ages 10-16, accompanied by a caregiver, to participate in two neuroscience research studies:

1) Emotional Development Study, and,
2) Parent-Child Learning Study.

Study visits include clinical interviews, MRI brain scans, surveys, and various computer games/tasks. All visits take place outside of school hours at a clinic on the West Side. Families are compensated after each study visit. Because of the MRI scans, eligible youth cannot have braces. Earn a $10 Amazon gift card for completing a brief online screening form to see if you’re eligible to participate in either of these studies.
See the below link for the flyer for the studies, screening form, and contact information for any questions you may have.
Hamilton Quick Links:
Upcoming Dates of Interest
Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:
  • 20-31-No School: Winter Break

  • 3-School Resumes
  • 17-Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
  • 21-No School: Grade Reporting
  • 21-End of First Semester
  • 24-Beginning of Quarter 3

Photo Finish
Some closing shots of 2021 at Hamilton....