Dear Parents & Guardians:
It is our hope that you and your family have enjoyed a nice and safe summer. We want to welcome the new VHS students, specifically the Class of 2024. We also want to welcome back all of our students from the Classes of 2021, 2022, and 2023.
The 2020 - 2021 school year will consist of unique challenges for our students, staff, and families. Although this year may look different, we are committed to doing our very best to meet these challenges and to provide the best learning experience possible for your child.
Recently, Dr. Dionisio announced that due to circumstances as a result of COVID-19, Verona High School will be fully virtual for most of our students. For students who will be attending school in-person, a school counselor will contact you to provide more information.
The goal of this email is to provide you with the information you will need as we enter the new school year. We recognize that this is an extensive communication, however, we designed this email to provide you with answers to most of your questions.
If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the school for assistance. We hope that your student has a wonderful school year.
Because this email is long, please click "View Entire Message" at the bottom of this email to read the entire message.
NJSIAA guidance allows for a safe return to play pending the evolving nature of public health concerns. NJSIAA established a COVID-19 Medical Advisory Task Force and a Sports Advisory Task Force to review state and local health guidelines, as well as NJDOE guidance, to determine changes that will need to be made to accommodate the 2020 - 2021 interscholastic sports seasons.
The Verona Public Schools District reserves the right under local control to cancel seasonal athletic activities when deemed necessary and in the best interest of the health and safety of our student athletes, coaches, and volunteers, as well as the coordination of operational and financial constraints.
Athletics will be played outside or in larger spaces to allow for social distancing, whenever possible. Please visit the NJSIAA website to utilize their COVID-19 resources. Please also visit the Verona Schools Athletics website for additional information.
Students are expected to be present for school each day. To be present for a class, each student will be required to login to his or her Google Meet Class and be visible throughout the entire period while in the Google Meet. If a student is not able to attend the class or will be out for the day, the parent or guardian should call the VHS Attendance Office at (973) 571-6750 so that the student absence can be recorded.
High school students should be careful not to exceed the total number of allowable unexcused absences for a class. When a student exceeds the allowable amounts, the student may lose credit in the course. To read more about the attendance policy, please click here: attendance policy.
VHS Back to School Night will be Thursday, September 24, 2020. This event will be virtual and each family will be receiving electronic invitations (Google Meet link) before Back to School Night. The evening will be coordinated so parents and guardians can visit classes and learn more about VHS. More information will be forthcoming.
Verona High School offers a number of extracurricular and co-curricular clubs for students to join. We strongly believe in the value of students becoming active members in one or more of the many clubs we offer. Many of our clubs are extensions of classroom learning, promote social awareness, or otherwise provide an avenue for students to pursue their interests. All clubs are supervised by a faculty advisor and all students are eligible to participate. Our current Stage 2 status may require modifications to club opportunities. After the start of the school year, the clubs advisors will advertise a Google Meet for those interested in joining their club.
The VHS Code of Conduct is designed to support all students and to facilitate the learning environment. While in Stage 2 of Verona Public Schools: School Reopening Plan 2020 - 2021, each student is expected to adhere to all policies. This includes appropriate behavior during virtual lessons. It is highly recommended that each student utilize appropriate virtual background options that offer privacy without creating a disruption.
We will provide adequate notice if the school decides to move to Stage 1, 3, or 4 of the Reopening Plan. If the district decides to move from a Stage 2 to a Stage 3, we will cohort the students and communicate your student's cohort. Because we are in Stage 2, we are not cohorting students at this time.
Thanks to the support of the Verona community, many significant upgrades have been made or are in the process of being made to our school. We have new lockers, new tiles for the walls and floors, a new athletic training room, renovated locker rooms, a new wall for the Learning Commons that meets current safety expectations, a new gym floor, new bleachers, new stage rigging, and new air conditioning units are being added as well. In addition, the main lobby is in the midst of an impressive make-over. Our custodial staff is working tirelessly to care for what is quickly becoming a more updated high school building. To read the latest on the referendum, please click here. As we continue to make facility upgrades, more communication will be forthcoming.
Freshmen Orientation will happen this year with school counselors and Peer Leaders. The orientation will be done virtually through Google Meet and will be conducted with small student groupings. The School Counseling Department will send out more information on the orientation and how your student can join the Google Meet.
We ended the last school year on virtual instruction. In spite of our best efforts to collect all books and materials from each student, some students did not return their books on the scheduled return dates. As a result, students who have not yet returned their books from the 2019-2020 school year will have a fine in Genesis. This fine will not allow the parent or student to access grades and other aspects of the student information system (Genesis).
It is important to return materials to the school so that students are able to have the books for the 2020-2021 school year. We appreciate your attention to this important matter.
Should you have a fine and still need to return books, please do the following:
- All books should be labeled with the student's name and placed in a bag.
Books should be placed in the wooden cabinet outside the main doors of VHS. Please follow this up with an email to Mrs. Ballinger at
If parents decide to pay the fine for a book, all checks should be made payable to Verona Board of Education. Please email Mrs. Ballinger at to arrange a time to pay the fine.
Please remember to complete all of your Genesis Forms in the Genesis Parent Portal. Parents and guardians who do not complete their student's forms may be blocked from seeing all of the functionality in the Genesis Parent Portal.
Each student is expected to be prepared for each lesson. This means, your student should be seated at a table or a desk with the supplies needed to actively participate in the class. In addition to fulfilling his or her academic responsibilities, each student should report to class on time, adhere to all teacher procedures and expectations, treat everyone with respect, ensure his or her electronic device is adequately charged, and follow all Verona Public Schools policies. Students are also expected to be dressed for school as per the dress code. Students should not be in pajamas or in clothes he or she would not normally wear to school.
Grading is determined by the teacher of the class. Many times, there are departmental expectations and procedures regarding grading. Please ask your student to see his or her teacher's class syllabus for more information regarding how the class will be graded.
In the spring, the school implemented a Pass/Fail grading system due to the immediacy of COVID-19. Please understand that each class will be graded starting in the fall semester and that a Pass/Fail grading system will no longer be used.
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
To report an alleged HIB concern: email Mr. Cogdill, Mr. Lancaster, or Ms. McFadden. If you want to report an alleged HIB concern anonymously, please click here.
District Anti-Bullying Specialist
Lakendra McFadden
District Anti-Bullying Specialist
(973) 571-6750 ext. 1962
Anti-Bullying District Coordinator
Robert Merkler
Director of Athletics
& Special Programs
(973) 571-2029 ext. 1026
Mental Health and Wellness
We at Verona High School value the importance of each student's mental health and wellness. Please visit our Health and Wellness Website for resources and contact your student’s counselor for more information.
Juliet Carvajal is beyond excited to join the Verona High School Art Department. Ms. Carvajal is a 2011 VHS graduate. Since graduating from VHS, Ms. Carvajal earned her BA in Visual Art with a concentration in drawing and painting from Ramapo College of New Jersey. Ms. Carvajal began her teaching career last year at Bordentown Regional High School where she taught a wide variety of mediums including drawing, collage, painting, printmaking and sculpture. Ms. Carvajal's goal is to create an empowering environment that encourages her students to self-reflect and self-express as they grow as artists.
Erica Pelusio is excited to be joining our staff at Verona High School in the Mathematics Department. This school year will mark Mrs. Pelusio's 17th year of teaching high school mathematics. Mrs. Pelusio grew up in West Paterson, New Jersey and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from William Paterson University in 2004 and earned a Master's in Education in Instructional Design and Technology in 2019. Mrs. Pelusio began her teaching career at West Essex Regional High School, where she taught for 12 years before moving with her family to Morris County. During the last four years, Mrs. Pelusio taught at Jefferson Township High School. Mrs. Pelusio is excited to be teaching back in Essex County and for this upcoming year she will be teaching AP Statistics and Algebra 2 Honors. Mrs. Pelusio enjoys spending time with her husband and two boys. Mrs. Pelusio enjoys exercising, baking, dancing, watching movies, and spending time with her family.
Erica Tavaglione is very happy to join our school counseling team at VHS. Since joining our school, she has expressed how excited she is to help each student navigate his or her high school experience and begin to plan for the future. When Ms. Tavaglione is not working with students, she is teaching adult and youth aerial yoga, scuba diving, and snowboarding.
Ms. Tavaglione earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and Master's Degree in Psychological Studies at Seton Hall University. Following the completion of her Master's Degree, she went on to receive a Post-Master's Certification in School Counseling. Additionally, Ms. Tavaglione's is certified as a College Admissions Specialist through the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). This will Ms. Tavaglione's sixth year as a counselor.
Lee Ann Rivera is excited to join the Verona High School staff as a Special Education Mathematics teacher. Mrs. Rivera graduated from Rutgers University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Statistics. Mrs. Rivera earned a full scholarship to attend an interns fellowship program at Fordham University where she earned a Master's in Childhood Education. Mrs. Rivera continued her education at Rider University where she earned a certificate in Special Education. Mrs. Rivera taught a variety of abilities and grade levels for 15 years in both public and private schools. In addition to working as an educator, Mrs. Rivera also works in a church with a Youth Group where she facilitates a program that focuses on the social and emotional growth of tweens and teens. Mrs. Rivera enjoys spending time with her family, including her 3 young boys. Together, they love to swim, ride bikes, and eat ice cream.
Kimberly Craven is excited to join the Physical and Health Education Department at Verona High School as a leave replacement teacher. Ms. Craven has two Bachelor's one in Exercise Science from West Liberty University and one in Physical Education/Health from William Paterson University. Currently, she is working towards her Master's Degree in Special Education and is also a certified EMT in Jersey City. Ms. Craven is very energetic and loves coming up with creative ideas to teach students in PE and Health. Her goal is for her students to be engaged in class and to have the knowledge and skills for life long personal health and wellness.
Derek Felano is a recent graduate of Montclair State University. He has his Bachelor’s Degree in English with a Minor in Film, and has his Master’s Degree in the Art of Teaching with a dual certification in General and Special Education. He is an avid reader, a movie enthusiast, and a sports fan. His favorite book and movie are the same: To Kill a Mockingbird. Mr. Felano is a lifelong soccer player and has become a coach and trainer in recent years. Furthermore, Mr. Felano loves riding his bicycle, and spending time outdoors. Mr. Felano is very excited to be starting his professional career in Verona as a Special Education Language Arts teacher.
Amanda Hyland graduated from The College of New Jersey with a degree in Mathematics in Secondary Education and is excited to join our team at Verona High School. Ms. Hyland decided to study mathematics because she is motivated to help students find success in a subject that many find intimidating. Ms. Hyland's goal is to build her students’ confidence and knowledge in engaging and meaningful lessons so that they can develop as math thinkers and doers. Ms. Hyland has a passion for choral music and sports, and looks forward to becoming involved in these activities at VHS. When Ms. Hyland is not teaching, she enjoys writing music for her college alma mater cappella group or playing pick up basketball, soccer, field hockey and other sports. Ms. Hyland looks forward to her career as a mathematics teacher at Verona High School and meeting each of her students and their parents.
Jennifer Mejia is excited to join the administrative assistant team at Verona High School. Ms. Mejia comes to Verona High School with experience in the educational and medical setting. At VHS, Ms. Mejia will be the administrative assistant for the assistant principal as well as the point of contact for student attendance. Ms. Mejia has worked in a school setting for the last four and a half years and in the medical field for 15 years. Ms. Mejia loves to watch her son play baseball and compete in boxing, and she loves to do other fun activities with her family.
Picking up Books & Materials
Books will be distributed during the week of September 14, 2020. Further details will be sent to each student and parent/guardian to ensure all families are properly advised and to ensure books are safely distributed.
Race, Culture, Class & Identity Task Force
Race, Culture, Class, and Identity are very important topics facing our schools and society. VHS and the Verona Public School District will be working with stakeholders to evaluate our practices and to make recommendations for growth. To read more about the Race, Culture, Class and Identity Task Force, please click here. Additionally, VHS is proud to offer a new core curriculum course that will focus on literature centered around the topics of Race, Culture, and Identity. To read more, please click here.
The schedule will follow an A, B, C, and D, day rotation. The first day of school (September 14, 2020) will be an "A" day. Meaning the school schedule will be as follows: A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D, and so on....
If the school district moves to a different stage of the Reopening Plan, we will announce that change with adequate notice. If the district decides to move from a Stage 2 to a Stage 3, we will establish cohorts and communicate your child's cohort. Because we are in Stage 2, we are not cohorting students at this time.
School Counseling Department & Child Study Team (CST)
The School Counseling Department and CST play a key role in the operations of our school. Our counselors and case managers work one-on-one with students and families based on each student's individual needs.
Parents/Guardians of students who elect to take a school provided Chromebook will receive an email from Capture Point/Community Pass titled, Welcome to Community Pass. The email you will receive explains how to pay the yearly insurance premium of $30 for the use of a school provided Chromebook device. If you have already used Capture Point/Community Pass, click here to access your account. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to look for this email, sign-up for a Community Pass account, and pay the insurance premium by September 14, 2020. If you have any issue with finding the email or registering for a Community Pass account, please contact the IT Department at
Paying the insurance premium is required for students who received a chromebook in the spring or will take a school provided chromebook this upcoming year. If you would like to take a school provided chromebook, the Verona IT Department will distribute them tomorrow, Saturday August 29, 2020 and on Sunday, August 30, 2020 from 9am to 12pm. The distribution will occur at the Brookdale Elementary School Gym (14 Brookdale Court, Verona, NJ). Please walk to the back of the school by the right side of the building.
If you are using a school provided chromebook and you decide you do not want to pay the insurance premium but instead use your own personal device, please return the chromebook device at the above scheduled location and times. Please make sure you return the chromebook charger as well. We ask that all parents, guardians, and students who plan pick-up or drop-off a chromebook device wear a mask and keep a 6 feet of social distancing.
Please understand that a government issued photo ID is required to pick up your student's device. There will be temperature scanners at the entrance as well as a Covid-19 form that will need to be signed. Click here to read the Covid-19 form prior to arrival. All students are reminded to adhere to Verona Board of Education Policy 2361 and all Verona Board of Education policies.
If you have any questions, please contact the IT Department at
VHS Learning Commons / Library
This year we have introduced the VHS LC BOOKHUB (think GRUBHUB, but instead of ordering food you are ordering books). Students can reserve books online either by using the hold system in our Destiny Card Catalog and/or by using the BOOKHUB ordering form. This year, we also joined the NJ Ebook Consortium, which will provide our students with access to over 350 ebooks and audiobooks. More information on how to access them be will be coming soon.
The Verona School Community Association (SCA) is an important member of our school team. The SCA’s active participation in our initiatives continues to strengthen our collaborative commitment to providing inclusive, healthy, and positive experiences for every student. We are extremely grateful for everything the SCA has done and continues to do. Please click here to learn more about our SCA. Should you have a question or want to get involved in the SCA, please contact Mrs. Antonia Castner via email at:
What do I do if I have a concern with a class, counselor, or coach?
If you have a concern regarding your student’s experience, please first contact the teacher, counselor, or coach so that he or she has the opportunity to resolve your concern directly.
Should your concern remain after speaking with the staff member, please contact their supervisor for more assistance. The following is a list of VHS Supervisors:
If your student needs working papers to start a job, please email Mrs. Ballinger at
VHS Administration Contact Information
Mr. Cogdill, Principal,, Ext. 1010
Mr. Lancaster, Assistant Principal,, Ext. 1017
Mrs. Gadaleta, Director of School Counseling,, Ext. 1015
Mr. Merkler, Director of Athletics,, Ext. 1026
Mrs.Venezia, Supervisor of Special Education,, Ext. 7513
Mr. Schels, Supervisor of Humanities,, Ext. 7522
Mr. Stevenson, Supervisor of STEM,, Ext. 7020
Mr. Cogdill
Verona High School
Mr. Lancaster
Assistant Principal,
Verona High School