Help us promote these Racial Justice opportunities, please!
Dear Member and Friend Congregations,

Vermont Interfaith Action would appreciate your help to promote a workshop and a book study on becoming an effective white ally in racial justice. The workshop starts a week from today, and the book study shortly thereafter. Please use the announcement below this week if you can.

Thank you for your help,

Liberatory Path Workshop: What is the Work of Being Anti-Racist in 2021?

Whether you are just learning about what it means to be anti-racist or you have been working on this for decades, this 4-part workshop on the history of racism and what is at stake as we re-imagine our culture is for you.

We will spend four sessions on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 pm to:
  • Gain a basic understanding of how whiteness is constructed in our world
  • Ground ourselves in what our own interest is in fighting for racial justice
  • Understand how white supremacy culture and burnout impacts our ability to be effective in our communities and organizations
  • Establish the ongoing work of being anti-racist

This series on Zoom is designed to explore how racism impacts our lives personally, in our faith communities, within VIA and the broader VT community. It is also designed to be lay a foundation for further conversations beyond our time together. Note that each session builds on the other and if you are unable to make more than 1 session, please consider not registering until we offer it again.

Registration is limited to the first 20 people. There is a participation fee of $25 which can be paid by check to the VIA office or through our donation link. If you have any questions or have difficulty in paying the registration fee, please contact Melissa. No one will be turned away for lack of payment.

Mon, May 24th - Whiteness and White Supremacy Culture
Mon, June 7th - Dreaming of a Self Beyond Whiteness
Mon, June 14th - White Supremacy in Our Organizing
Mon, June 21st - Calling Each Other In

This series will be offered two more times, in Sept-Oct and Jan-Feb, if these dates do not work for you. We ask that if you sign up, you make a commitment to attend every session.

Liberatory Path Book Study: "So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

This book study will dive into Ijeoma Oluo's book "So You Want to Talk About Race". This four part study on Thursday nights in June is being offered to folks who may not have done much work already around racial justice but feel that it is time to start. There is no cost for this series on Zoom, although participants will have to obtain the book - through a local bookstore, audiobook, library, borrowing from a friend, etc. If you are unable to get a copy but still wish to participate, please let us know.

This study will be led by Rev. Marjorie Macneill and Rev. Leigh Caffrey, with support from VIA staff.

Thurs, June 3 - 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Thurs, June 10 - 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Thurs, June 17 - 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Thurs, June 24 - 7:00 to 8:30 PM

This book study will be offered two more times, in Sept-Oct and Jan-Feb, if these dates do not work for you. We ask that if you sign up, you make a commitment to attend every session.

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