VICA Weekly
Valley Industry & Commerce Association
Friday, May 28
In This Issue
  • Quote of the Week
  • Access DC Advocacy Day Trip
  • VICA Advocacy
  • Government Handbook
  • Members
  • Upcoming Events
  • Hot News
  • Member Spotlight
  • Member Messages
"At long last, we're putting the pandemic behind us. This is only made possible due to our residents' hard work to bring down cases and hospitalizations. And it's also due to the willingness of residents across the county to get vaccinated as quickly as possible."
LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis
Access D.C. Advocacy Days
VICA President Stuart Waldman and the Regional Economy delegation meet with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff (left.) The VICA delegation also heard from Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra (right.)
This week, VICA members and staff virtually traveled to our nation's capitol to discuss legislation that affects our businesses and communities. ACCESS D.C. is the region's largest annual advocacy trip, connecting almost 100 businesses and civic leaders with federal lawmakers on issues ranging from immigration and education, to transportation and health care.

This trip helps to ensure that our region is a leading voice in the national dialogue. ACCESS D.C. consisted of a coalition of LA Business groups and civic organizations in developing a shared advocacy agenda and virtually traveling to Washington, D.C., as a united voice which enables participants and our partners to elevate the priorities of California and the Los Angeles region.

Participants meet with members of Congress, the president’s administration and global leaders to actively engage in advocacy and discuss ideas and solutions on how we can best work with Washington, and other countries, to strengthen our regional economy.
VICA Advocacy
Action Alert: Fighting For Small Business Owners and The Franchise Business Model
This week, VICA advocated against Assembly Bill 257 (Gonzalez), which would enact the Fast Food Accountability and Standards (FAST) Recovery Act, eliminating franchisees’ authority as small business owners and destroying the franchise model.

Fast food restaurant franchises are a proven pathway to business ownership for thousands of Californians, and preserving the small business franchise model would promote continuing economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. AB 257 would fundamentally change the contractual terms between independent franchises and the national brand by stripping franchisees of their independence. Additionally, AB 257 is rife with misconceptions regarding franchises that are not supported by data. The bill makes improper assumptions about operational responsibility and abuses within the franchise model. In reality, every franchisee running a good business supports punishment of bad actors, and there is no evidence that the existing legal and regulatory framework in place is insufficient to bring these bad actors to justice.

Finally, AB 257 would empower a small Council of non-representative individuals to exercise powers over businesses that supersedes state law, further burdening our small businesses and blocking our economic recovery. Complying with arduous standards will lead to business closures, higher prices for consumers, and reduced job opportunities for entry-level workers.
VICA Emphasizes Strong Support For the North Hollywood to Pasadena BRT Project
This week, VICA emphasized our strong support for the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project F1 alignment.

This project will be a key regional connection that will provide convenient access to many employers, activity centers, complement existing regional bus lines, offer competitive travel times, and enhance connectivity to Metro and regional rail services. This project provides a greener alternative to live, work and play in the diverse community of the San Fernando Valley and across the region. This BRT will provide an equitable connection to employees and students to the many destinations in the San Fernando Valley. This project is part of the 28 by 28 Initiative approved by Metro in 2018, and so far, we are on schedule to have this project completed by the 2028 Olympics – which we are all excited about.

We are excited to see this project connect the San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. Approval of the alignment will allow the project to move forward into preparing and completing the Final EIR bringing this much needed project into fruition.
VICA Speaks Out for Employers in the City of Los Angeles
This week, VICA advocated and emphasized our strong opposition to the Emergency Order Regarding Supplemental Paid Sick Leave.

Employees have already been granted paid sick leave for COVID-19 and adding a supplemental amount for the vaccine will hurt businesses. The retroactive entitlement will further financially burden the business community by making employers liable for additional costs for supplemental sick leave. This will be especially difficult for employers who had been negatively affected due to the pandemic. Employers may not have sufficient business and tax credits to offset Paid Sick Leave. This could cause businesses to shutdown or layoff their employees. The additional paid leave requirements, on top of the newly enacted Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act, without documentation of need would severely impede our ability to keep medical personnel and public employees on the job during this period of crisis. We must respect small businesses and allow an exemption and employees must be allowed to require documentation.

We believe that it is imperative for the City Council to be working with the business community at this time to ensure that we are protecting employers and employees. This motion will further cause undue burden and expenses to businesses in the City of Los Angeles. VICA opposed this Emergency Order Regarding Supplemental Paid Sick Leave.
VICA Urges Housing Committee to make Amendments to Anti-Harassment Ordinance to Ensure Balance and Protection For All
This week, VICA urged the Los Angeles City Council Housing Committee to consider amendments to the Anti-Harassment draft ordinance to ensure balance and protection for all parties.

VICA can assure that the business community and housing providers condemn any form of harassment, but VICA wants to ensure that this additional local standard also adds a layer of protection from costly and frivolous lawsuits. Clarification that enumerated behaviors expressed in this ordinance must meet the definition of harassment will help reduce the amount of unfair de facto violations in order to avoid abusing the ordinance. Further, the Housing Committee needs to make the definition of harassment consistent with California Civil Code Section 527.6(b)(3), a crucial component of any anti-harassment law.

We believe that the Anti-Harassment Ordinance could benefit from these amendments stated about to protect the community from bad faith actors. VICA respectfully requested that the Committee amend the ordinance with the suggestions.
The 2021 Government Handbook is here!

VICA continues to send out Government Handbooks to our Members, please keep an eye out for their delivery. If you need to update your mailing address, please email If you do not receive the delivery by the end of May, please contact Cathy.
VICA Thanks Our New & Renewing Members
President's Circle:
  • Southern California Gas Company (1988)

Gold Member:
  • The Walt Disney Company (1993)

Bronze Member:
  • UCLA Government & Community Relations (2009)
  • Starbucks Coffee Company (2020)

  • Consensus Inc. (1996)
  • LBW Insurance & Financial Services (2007)
  • Set Decorators Society of America (2013)
  • Warner Bros. (2016)

New Members:
  • Genga & Associates
  • Verdugo Hills Council, Boy Scouts 

Upcoming Events
VICA Hospitality Round Table
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Join us for VICA's Leaders Forum with Councilwoman Nithya Raman
Friday, June 11, 2021
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
The Week Ahead
SETH Committee
Sponsored by: History for Hire Inc.
Thursday, June 3
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Virtual event
Save the Date
Healthcare Committee
Sponsored by: Mission Community Hospital
Thursday, June 10
12 noon to 1:30 p.m.
Virtual Event
Land Use Committee
Sponsored by: The Garland
Tuesday, June 8
8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Virtual Event
Leaders Forum with Councilwoman Nithya Raman
Sponsored by: Comcast NBCUniversal, EKA & Southern California Gas Company
Friday, June 11
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Virtual Remo Event
San Fernando Valley Business Hall of Fame - Home Edition
Friday, June 18
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Virtual Remo Event
VICA In the News
Business Life | May 25
Hot News
Half of LA County residents 16 and older are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19, an encouraging milestone as the region prepares to fully reopen in June.

U.S. stock indexes closed mostly higher Thursday after economic reports showing that layoffs are falling and the economy is growing.

LAUSD announced that all campuses will reopen full time on a normal schedule in the fall, but also stated that an online option would be available to families.

SoCal home prices are at an all-time high after the median home price increased 20.2% from last year to $655,000, which is $25,000 more than the median in March.
COVID-19 Lottery
California is giving away $116.5 million in cash lottery prizes intended to persuade millions more to get the COVID-19 vaccine before the state fully reopens in June.

The Metro Board voted to direct CEO Stephanie Wiggins to develop a financially sustainable proposal to allow students and low-income individuals to ride for free.

Los Angeles
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti is likely to be nominated as U.S. ambassador to India by President Biden, but an official announcement could still be weeks away.

California has asked some residents to cut back on water usage by 10-20%, while farmers across the Central Valley are letting fields lie fallow.

> Please share a brief biography and a fun fact about yourself that people would love to learn, ie: you love skydiving, you have run a marathon, you started your own business at a young age, etc. (2-3 sentences) 

> Tell us about your belief in VICA, how has VICA been most valuable for you? 

> If you were to share an experience with someone about VICA, what would that be? 
> Share with us what you believe to be the greatest accomplishment VICA has achieved?

> What was your organizations and/or your greatest accomplishment in 2020?

> Can you share what VICA has meant for you and your business during COVID?

Send responses and headshot to Shauna Carter
Member Messages
Member Messages
Get Your Message in VICA Weekly!
VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.
Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the
San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,
Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.