VICA Weekly
Valley Industry & Commerce Association
April 1, 2022
In This Issue
  • VICA Board Votes to Repeal PAGA
  • VICA Continues to Advocate for the ESFV Light Rail
  • LA City Healthcare Industry at Risk
  • VICA Advocacy: Environmental Quality Hearing
  • 2021 Annual Report
  • Job Opening: Membership & Development Manager
  • Thank You to Our Members
  • Events
  • News
  • Member Messages
"It's a proud moment for the team, proud moment for U.S. soccer. The team's ecstatic... This group can do some damage"
Gregg Berhalter
U.S. Men's Soccer Head Coach
Statement during his interview after the U.S. qualified for the 2022 World Cup
PAGA is Costing Businesses in California - It's Time to Repeal
2022 CA Ballot Measure: California Fair Pay and Employer Accountability Act - SUPPORT
This act, a reform initiative that would repeal the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) and replace it with enhanced enforcement mechanisms by the Labor Commissioner, would give employers and companies the leeway needed to correct any discrepancies with labor laws, unburdening from fear of paying expensive lawsuits.

The act would give employers and companies the leeway needed to correct any discrepancies with labor laws, unburdening from fear of paying expensive lawsuits. This would provide companies more time to resolve any violations, while also avoiding costly penalties that could potentially hurt employers of companies financially. Additionally, this would still hold employers and companies accountable since the Labor Commissioner will still have the authority to enforce labor laws and impose penalties.

Too many elected officials say PAGA is just a cost of doing business in California. However, we just need to return all Labor Code enforcement to the state Labor and Workforce Development Agency. That agency has continued to adjudicate many claims since PAGA was enacted. In spite of the State’s efforts on COVID-19 relief and attempt to help businesses stay open in California, it is becoming increasingly likely that they will be forced to shutter operations.
PAGA is meant to help workers but instead buries small employers who really just want to help their communities, their families, their workers and all of the people they serve.

The VICA Board is officially supporting the Ballot Measure to repeal PAGA.
VICA Celebrates Federal East San Fernando Light Rail Funds
For years, VICA has been an active advocate of the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Project, a Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority proposal to build a 6.7-mile light rail project with 11 stations, nine traction power substations, an overhead contact system, new vehicles, and a maintenance and storage facility. You can read more about the ESFV Light Rail here.

Administrator Nuria Fernandez of the Federal Transit Administration recently approved $250 million for the ESFV Light Rail Project, connecting Sylmar to Van Nuys and giving Valley residents more opportunities to live, work, and play in their community. Additionally, this project will help reduce traffic in the San Fernando Valley, as well as lowering vehicle emissions and broadening economic opportunities. VICA will continue to monitor updates on this project and fight for connectivity in the Valley.
LA Healthcare Industry at Risk with Potential City Ordinance
2022 LA City Ballot Ordinance: Healthcare Workers Minimum Wage Increase - OPPOSE
This arbitrary minimum wage increase to $25 an hour for everyone working in healthcare facilities would put accessible and affordable healthcare at risk at the worst possible time. Providers across the country have given increased benefits where financially possible and put the health and safety of their workers above all else.

However, like many other industries, the healthcare sector has faced significant losses of revenue during the pandemic, and these losses, combined with a staggering 40% minimum wage increase would have major impacts on providers and services.

The increases will financially devastate the healthcare industry, and thus those most in need of services, as costs will inevitably be passed to patients. The requirement that employers do not reduce non-wage benefits, raise employee costs, or lay off employees leaves employers with no choice but to raise costs if they cannot afford these exorbitant wage increases. Additionally, this proposal singles out the private sector, but arbitrarily excludes thousands of public sector workers, yet another example of policy that shields the government from the “beneficial” policies they pass. 

The VICA Board will be opposing the LA City Ordinance if it qualifies for the 2022 ballot.
VICA Advocacy: Environmental Quality Hearing
On Monday, the VICA Legislative Team testified in support of SB 922 (Wiener), a bill to exempt transportation-related projects from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

SB 922 builds on earlier legislation acknowledging the environmental benefits of sustainable transportation, including biking, walking, and public transit. With this bill, environmentally-friendly projects which support sustainable transportation would be exempt from CEQA protocol which requires a lengthy report on the project’s environmental impact. Such exempt projects may include bicycle transportation plans, bicycle parking and storage, signal timing improvements, and related signage for sustainable transportation.

This bill not only supports California’s environment, it benefits the members of its communities as well. Because sustainable projects are exempt from CEQA, they can be initiated and implemented efficiently. Residents will be able to use new bicycle parking units and enjoy speedier commutes without having to wait for CEQA completion and approval which, in some cases, could take more than one year. 
VICA Sponsors West Valley Day of Service
Join Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel on Sunday, April 3rd, for the first-ever West Valley Day of Service. Dozens of community groups and non-profits will be working to bring folks together to assist with service projects around the West San Fernando Valley.

Sunday, April 3, 2022
9:00 AM - Noon
Los Angeles Pierce College

Service projects include: helping the homeless, maintain the West Valley's open spaces, improving local schools, cleaning local spaces, supporting domestic violence survivors, and helping the global blood shortage

Learn more about the West Valley Day of Service and sign up to volunteer here.
VICA's Annual Report
VICA is proud to release our 2021 Annual Report. To learn more about VICA's legislative successes, accomplishments, and events of 2021,
read our Annual Report here.
VICA Vacancy
Click the image to learn more and apply today!
VICA Thanks Our New and Renewing Members
State Officeholders Dinner
Friday, April 22
Stage 29 at Universal Studios Hollywood

VICA’s State Officeholders Dinner provides a rare opportunity for Valley business leaders to connect with state lawmakers and participate in an informal event, allowing for fun, candid, and interactive conversation.
The Week Ahead
April - Sacramento Advocacy Day
Tuesday, April 5
All Day
Sacramento, CA
Not-For-Profit Committee
Sponsored by PacFed
Thursday, April 7
8:30 - 10:00 AM
VICA Office
VICA After Dark with Darren Kettle
Wednesday, April 6
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Hosted at Burbank Airport Marriott
Save the Date
Land Use Committee
Tuesday, April 12
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Hosted at The Garland
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
Sponsored by Los Angeles Association of Health Underwriters & Saybrook University
Thursday, April 14
12:00 - 1:30 PM
VICA Office
Aviation Committee
Tuesday, April 19
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Hosted at Aerolease Group
Government Affairs Committee
Wednesday, April 20
12:00 - 2:00 PM
VICA Office
Hot News
As a dry summer looms, California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered water suppliers across California to step up their local drought responses, but fell short of requiring water rationing or setting a statewide conservation target. Despite pressure from experts urging a strong mandate, the order leaves the exact conservation measures up to the urban water providers and major water wholesalers that supply the vast majority of Californians. California’s water watchers said that the order wasn’t enough.

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said schools need to use the pandemic’s challenges to change dramatically to better help students by providing more services aimed at mental health needs, college and career programs, tutoring and after-school and summer programs. He has said previously that every student should have access to a mental health professional, every student should participate in an extracurricular activity, and schools should provide 30 minutes of tutoring, three days a week, to struggling students.

When California legislators voted last June to again extend eviction protections, they promised the third time would be the charm. But the state’s rent relief program, which has struggled to reach the neediest tenants and landlords from the start, continues to lag. As of last week, the state has paid $2.4 billion to about 214,000 households — fewer than half of all who have applied for aid. Those delays have forced the legislators’ hands.
A NASA astronaut caught a ride back to Earth on Wednesday after a U.S. record 355 days at the International Space Station, returning with two cosmonauts in a Russian capsule to a world torn apart by war. Mark Vande Hei landed in a Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan alongside the Russian Space Agency’s Pyotr Dubrov, who also spent the past year in space, and Anton Shkaplerov. Wind blew the capsule onto its side following touchdown, and the trio emerged into the late afternoon sun one by one.

LAX and Delta Air Lines officials celebrated another milestone in the airport’s ongoing modernization efforts on Tuesday, cutting the ribbon on the first phase of a multi-billion-dollar makeover of Terminals 2 and 3 — with the new ticket lobby area part of a much broader re-imagining of the terminals.
This was for an area called a headhouse, which is set to open to the public next month. Departing passengers will enter through the new facility, where they’ll find ticketing and check-in, security screening, and baggage claim in one place.

LA County Supervisor Race
Contrasting visions of environmental and transportation policy in Los Angeles County unfolded as three leading candidates for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Third District faced off in an online forum. State Sens. Henry Stern and Bob Hertzberg joined West Hollywood City Councilwoman Lindsey Horvath in an hour-long airing of their positions on renewable energy amid climate change and transit infrastructure.
Member Spotlight
Are you interested in a Membership Spotlight?
Answer the below questions, send responses and a professional photo,
and we'll ensure your in the line up for 2022!

Please keep each question response to 2-4 sentences maximum.

  1. Please share a bit about your background and a fun fact that people would love to learn, ie: scrapbooking is your favorite hobby, you were in a band, you have traveled around the world…  
  2. What has been your organization’s largest accomplishment or efforts made over the past year? 
  3. Please share how VICA has supported your business strategy or expanded your footprint with the business community?  

Send responses and headshot to Peter Warda
Member Messages
Member Messages
Get Your Message in VICA Weekly!
VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.
Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the
San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,
Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.