God can bring good out of the most dire situations. Please pray daily for an end to the destructive coronavirus.
In this time of crisis, we should appeal to God through
prayer and fasting.
If you're stuck at home due to the outbreak, take advantage of this time with your family. Here are some tips for pro-life activities for various ages.
Create Pro-Life Posters!
Join our Pro-Life Poster Contest for K-8th grade students. The theme is: "Protect all life." Your kids can do it from home and winners receive cash prizes!

Click HERE for details & contest rules.

The deadline is March 31st. Please call before dropping off posters, as our office hours may be adjusted due to the virus.
Have a movie night with your older kids! Unplanned is rated R, but there is nothing objectionable in the film aside form the obvious thematic material. It is a disturbing, but true story of a young woman who works in the abortion industry, but ends up converting to the pro-life movement. You can buy it or rent it live streaming on Amazon HERE .
Clean out your closet
Perhaps, now is a good time to sort through those old baby clothes or pull out that old crib you don't use anymore. Why not gather these things and prepare them for donation to your local pregnancy center?! Contact us for a referral, and please make sure all items are clean and sanitized.
Go to 40 Days for Life
Our local Planned Parenthood is STILL performing abortions, and you can practice social distancing outside the facility. Click HERE to see open hours and sign up to pray. This can be a great way to get the family out of the house and participating in a truly life-saving activity.
Help your neighbors
Now is the time to live out your pro-life values by caring for the lives of those around you. Check in on your elderly neighbors, deliver food and supplies to those who need it, and practice charity towards everyone
More Pro-Life Educational Resources
Watch this incredible video about fetal development with the whole family.

This is a children's book designed to teach young children about the greatest human rights issue of our time (Check out the book link to find other resources for kids as well!)

Teach your teenagers how to respond to pro-abortion arguments.