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Greetings From The Farm!

Greetings, friends! It's been a terribly long time since our "monthly" (lol) newsletter made an appearance; so long, in fact, that it's not even worth it for me to list all the great things we've had going on since last I wrote. Suffice it to say that we had such a fantastic summer and fall that I just got too busy to keep you all up to date, and we're now counting the days before our departure to the sunny south. So let me bring you up to speed!

What's Up

Our show season was one for the record books, with riders from Training Level to Grand Prix finding success. We finished our 2023 season at the Regional Championships, with two riders in the winners' circle - Abe Pugh on Alice Drayer's inimitable Elfenperfekt winning the Grand Prix Open, and The Elvis Syndicate's C. Cadeau and I taking the blue in Third Level Open. Instead of the USDF Finals, I found myself in Kentucky the weekend before, having been selected for a USEF High Performance Developing Clinic. And because there's no rest for the wicked, we're already thinking about our January shows in Wellington this winter! Phew!

What's New

Speaking of our winter disappearing act, I'll be home in VA twice this winter for in-person lessons: January 13-14 and February 10-11. You can sign up for lessons on TimeCenter, and I'll have self-care stabling available for those who'd like to ride both days.

We'll be doing arena rentals as we have in the past - $20/horse/45 minutes, with online payment and signup at TimeCenter. Any questions, give me a shout.

We're also going to try something new this year: virtual lesson packages! We're offering substantial discounts on 10-lesson packages with a short expiration date: must be used by April 10. But they can be taken from anywhere, your own barn or our indoor arena at no additional charge. Never taken a virtual lesson before? There's a few ways, but we love the Pivo, which is on sale right now. It's far and away the superior virtual lesson system, with its low price and with no subscription required for use. There's links to the Pivo and everything else you'll need here, and if you've got questions, reach out to either myself or to Ali.

We can't wait to see you, whether in person or behind a screen, so you can get to achieving all your dreams! We clear out on December 15, so until then, we'd love to see you live for lessons or training. Sign up on TimeCenter, keep an eye on Facebook for the latest details and have a very happy holiday!

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On behalf of everyone at Team Sprieser, we look forward to seeing you around the farm!


Lauren Sprieser
Sprieser Sporthorse
6782 Olinger Road
Marshall, VA 20115
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