"When we permit rudeness, our patients die unnecessarily."
This was the powerful message Dr. Chris Turner imparted to hundreds of hospital employees, physicians and administration during a speedy seven day, five hospital tour of the Okanagan that included a full day conference in Kelowna.
Dr. Turner is a consultant in emergency medicine at University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire. He is co-founder of Civility Saves Lives, a campaign that aims to raise awareness of the impact of behavior on performance. He has spoken around the world including at the Houses of Parliament and has given two TEDx talks.
"In complicated and complex situations, information sharing positively predicts performance," Turner says. When people find themselves in situations where they do not feel psychologically safe, the flow of information and ideas is greatly diminished. Turner further explains that if an individual is faced with mild to moderate rudeness, they experience a 61 per cent reduction in cognitive ability. In healthcare, this can have deadly consequences.
Turner provides many insights and tips for changing workplace culture. Recordings of his presentations as well as resources and a step-by-step roadmap for promoting workplace civility are available at: 4civility.ca
Anyone who participated in the Civility Tour (Site-Specific) and Conference (CME) is asked to complete a short survey. Survey results will inform next steps for creating culture change.
There are two surveys, one for the individual days and one for the conference (CME) on Saturday, Nov. 16. All staff are to fill these out, even if you are not a physician.
For more information on Civility Matters, please contact Sharon Hughes-Geekie at programdirector@vernonphysiciansociety.ca