November 5, 2019
Sybil Finken and Marilyn Straw - VOR's Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 2006
Dear VOR family,
My name is Marilyn Straw. I have been a member of VOR since it was first formed in 1983. I was President of the Board of Directors from 1998 to 2001.
VOR has always spoken out for the needs of families like mine, like all of ours. My son Bob, who is now 59 years old, lived in Woodward Resource Center until the state of Iowa began downsizing in 1989. He now lives in a group home near us. We see him weekly.

Why have I remained with VOR all these years, after Bob left his ICF home and was moved into the community?
Because VOR is about more than just my family and what we have had to go through. It’s about all of our families. It's about our shared experiences in fighting for the best care we can get for our loved ones. VOR is about more than just trying to keep ICFs open. It’s about making sure the system works for all people, especially those who get left behind by the other advocacy groups that have taken a one-size-fits-all approach and overlook just how unique each and every one of our loved ones rea lly are.
This is the time of year that VOR reaches out, asking for donations and membership renewals. Can you help us this year? Any size donation will help.
In past years, I’ve suggested that all it would take to make VOR stronger would be for each member to sign up one new member. That’s not a very big project for each member, but it would be a giant leap for VOR. Do you know someone who might benefit from joining VOR? Please sign them up. You’ll be doing them a favor, and you’ll be doing all of our families a favor.
Thank you,
Marilyn Straw
VOR member since 1983

Bob and his dad, Bill Straw

836 South Arlington Heights Road #351 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Toll Free: 877-399-4867 Fax: 877-866-8377

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