Justice Respect Compassion Diversity
May 17, 2020

Notes from the Chair: VOTE BLUE

Under the coordination of Becky Strain, the KCDP has developed a plan to get out the vote (GOTV) next November which we will be sharing in detail as we get closer to the Presidential election. 
The theme is simple , VOTE BLUE , f rom the top of the ballot to the last Democrat listed. Also, we ask that you not vote for any unopposed Republican. The
under count will be another protest against the opposition.

If Democrats would simply get registered and get out and vote we could win elections statewide. There are roughly 2.6 million unregistered potential Democratic voters in Texas according to the TDP and many registered Democratic voters who don’t routinely vote. Our main focus for the November election will be to get folks registered and to get Kendall County Democrats energized to vote in November. We also want to recruit folks to become involved with the KCDP and BAD, and want to energetically support regional candidates like Wendy Davis, Rebecca Bell-Metereau and Stephanie Phillips. We will employ many tools including: signs, mailings, emails, phone calling, texting, door to door (if we can), advertising in print and on the radio, and most importantly using social media to reach all our potential voters.  
You can help by donating your time and treasure.
Don’t forget Democratic Party Runoff Election is now scheduled for July 14, 2020.

Here are some important dates to note:

  • Monday, June 15, 2020 - Last day to Register to Vote
  • Friday, July 3, 2020 - Last day to apply for ballot by mail (Received, not postmarked)
  • Monday, June 29, 2020 - First day of Early Voting
  • Friday, July 10, 2020 - Last day of Early Voting
  • Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - Election Day

Legal action continues as the TDP and others seek to expand who can request a mail-in ballot

In a 2-1 split along party lines ruling, a panel of the 14th Court of Appeals of Texas said it would let stand state District Court’s ruling that susceptibility to the coronavirus counts as a disability and is a legally valid reason for voters to request absentee ballots. While the Texas Appeals Court supports that expansion will be allowed, the Texas Supreme Court issued a stay on Friday so the final decision is still a ways off. No matter the outcome of these suits, there will still be in person voti ng and we will need to staff the polls. If you are interested in working please let me know.

Remember, anyone over 65, if you will be out of town, or are sick or have a disability you can vote by mail in Texas. 

There are a number of ways to request a mail-in ballot. Here’s an easy link that lets you prepare a letter requesting a ballot: txdem.co/VBMApp or you can call the Kendall Co. Elections office and request an application for Ballot by Mail at  830-331-8701 . The Election office will be happy to help you with any questions that you may have.

Until we can be together again, please stay safe and please stay engaged.
Thank you all for your support of the KCDP.

Kevin Henning
Kendall County Democratic Party Chair

Voters Guide and Vote 411
Be informed! Compare candidates! 
Find what is on your ballot!
It is easy to  Be a Texas Voter  with the League's famous nonpartison Voters Guide, available in print or online at  VOTE411.org .   It is the ideal tool to prepare yourself to vote. 
With  VOTE411.org , you are able not only to compare the candidates for each race, but also to create your own personalized ballot. Simply compare candidates and mark the candidate you plan to vote for in each election. Review all the races and choose all your candidates. Then click finish to print your personalized ballot.
  • The 2020 Texas Primary Election Runoff Voters Guide online VOTE411.org (available by July 1)
  • The 2020 Texas Primary Election Voters Guide in English
  •  The 2020 Texas Primary Election Voters Guide in Spanish
Please share the League's nonpartisan Voters Guide with your friends and family and visit the   LWV-Hill Country website  for more local voting and election information.

Sign Up to Watch the US Senate Debate Between Democratic Runoff Candidates Hegar and West!
John Cornyn has spent decades in the U.S. Senate working for his corporate PAC donors not Texans. Now, there are two great candidates vying to take him on: MJ Hegar and Royce West. Tune into the primary debate on  June 2nd at 7PM  to learn more about each candidate and how we can defeat John Cornyn in November.

Sign Up to Attend the Texas Democratic Convention Online!
Kendall County has 21 delegates to the Texas Democratic Convention, June 1-6. They’ll be voting on Party business, committee members, platform plans, representatives to the Democratic National Convention in August, and more.
But here’s the really good news…..since the Convention is 100% online this year,  everyone  can register to attend! You can’t vote on Party business, but you can take advantage of the many panels, training, speakers, Q&A sessions and more.

They’ve started posting schedule items here:  Convention Schedule
Check back often, as they will continue to add to this schedule.

Social Hour This Thursday

Join us on Thursday, May 21 from 4:30-5:30 pm for our next Zoom Happy Hour!

This time: we'll have a Virtual Scavenger Hunt! Laura will present a list of household items, one at a time, and you get points for bringing the item back. Winner receives a special prize, donated by Kevin. Bring your favorite beverage and snack and join us for an informal get-together in this time of social distancing. RSVP here:  RSVP HERE
Entre Vecinos
Some of you are aware of the local group called " Entre Vecinos " (Among Neighbors) that we've helped to organize as a way to listen, learn, and understand the needs of the Hispanic/Latinx community in Boerne and Kendall County, and to brainstorm ways we can help each other to address those needs.
We have introduced a new bilingual Website  where we aim to provide useful information updates and promote connection regarding key issues like education, health, housing, immigration, and civic participation. We invite you to take a look and pass along to anyone who may be interested.
If you want to be notified automatically when we publish new updates to the website, go to the site and hit the "Subscribe" link near the top of the page.
 Volunteer at the Corner Cupboard Grocery and Nutrition Center
Whether for an hour, a day or a regular, recurring slot, HCFS needs volunteers at the Corner Cupboard. Volunteers are trained in order to best interact with our clients.
Contact Rhonda McNeill

We will deliver signs

We have Rebeca Martinez and Wendy Davis signs.
Send request for signs to Becky Strain .
We have temporarily closed the Office. Please check back. We hope to reopen in May.
Donations made via Act Blue go directly to Kendall County Democratic Party, except for a 3.95% credit card processing fee. The money we raise supports the Democratic Operations for Kendall County. We need funds to operate an Office, Train volunteers, “Get out the vote” efforts; Mailings, Posters, Advertising, etc. 
Donate Online!
We encourage you to donate to the Party online with the secure online donation site ActBlue accessible from our home page .
We understand that some folks just don’t like online donations: “Prefer to donate via check or money order? Send it to PO Box 2321, Boerne TX 78006-6321.”
Kendall County Democratic Store
 Show your pride for the Kendall County, Texas Democratic Party! Apparel comes in a variety of colors and styles.

Check out the selections; KCDP logo t-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, totes and more available  Purchase Here

Check out KCDP Facebook page!
Feel free to forward to a friend!
Click here to be added to our mailing list!
Office 5 18 East Blanco, Boerne
( same building as Mary’s Tacos, enter through rear entrance) 
Hours: Closed at this time
830-388-0109 bstrain947@aol.com