Attention VPK Providers:

The Division of Early Learning (DEL) has uploaded the application and affidavit for additional compensation for VPK providers into the Provider Portal.

Attached is the VPK $15/hr Wage Incentive Chart provided by DEL.

Again, for those VPK providers who choose to participate in the incentive program, your FY22-23 School-Year Differential Payment Rate is $631.80 per child + Broward ($1.17 per hour) for the year .

[$618.00 State Base + Broward Cost Adjustment (X CDC) = $631.80]


The Wage Incentive Program are for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) providers who elect to raise the pay rate of their VPK employees to a minimum of $15/hr for all time worked on the VPK program.

For more details about the Wage Incentive Program, visit 

VPK $15/hr Wage Incentive Program Description

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