In this Email:

  • A Message from the VRTA President
  • Do you know Someone that would make a Great Insurance Agent?
  • Today’s Interest Rates
  • How Well Funded are our Schools?
  • Important VRTA Dates to Remember

August 2023

President’s Message

VRTA’s Vision is thatAll retired school personnel will be safe, productive, informed and financially secure in retirement.” In the July edition of Creekside Newsletter, my message stated that DoubleTree’s room reservations for the Fall Conference must be received on or before Friday, August 25, 2023. After consulting with officers and committee chairs, we concluded that the appointed date could possibly hinder attendance. I contacted the Hotel management and explained our concerns. DoubleTree agreed to change the cut-off date for room reservations to September 8, 2023. The special rate for VRTA members, ($134.00 plus taxes) is in effect 3 days before the event and 3 days after. The maximum occupancy is 4 individuals per room. Check-in-time is 4:00 PM and check-out-time is 11:00 AM. Those District Presidents who could be reached through email addresses in the Directory have been notified of the date change. They were asked to contact the Unit Presidents and Unit Presidents are asked to notify their members. Please share the information with all VRTA acquaintances. The direct booking link for overnight hotel accommodations is:

Guests are advised to make their reservations directly through the provided link, the three-letter group code is 92E if booking through their Hilton App.

The Fall Conference will continue to offer sessions highlighting presenters with VRTA’s Mission Statement in mind. Our mission is: “To be the voice, resource and connection for all retired school personnel.” Speakers will bring forth resources and connections leading to a pathway that helps VRTA members achieve goals. Take advantage of the information that is shared, share experiences, and ask questions.

Members who wish to participate in the Marketplace should contact Karen Whetzel at for details. The deadline to submit a request for a table is September 8. 2023.

Other deadlines and expectations were covered in the July edition and emailed to District Presidents and Committee Chairpersons.

Continue to check and Facebook for current information, Sometimes, even best-laid plans require changes.  

Jean Marrow

VRTA President

Jean Marrow

VRTA President

Phone: 804-350-7719  


VRTA Benefits

Offered through Creekside Insurance Advisors, Inc.

Call Us Today!! (540) 722-2529

Toll-Free (800) 467 5425


We are currently hiring two additional agents. Who do you know that is highly motivated and looking for an opportunity with a great company? We will work with the right candidate to help them get their license and will provide all necessary training. Have them send their resume to

Insurance Advisory Services

  • Home & Auto
  • Medicare Products
  • Long-Term Care
  • Life Insurance
  • Fixed Indexed Annuities

Financial Advisory Services

  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Pension Survivorship Analysis
  • Portfolio Management

Phone (540) 722-2529

Toll-Free (800) 467 5425


How Well Funded Are Our Schools?

There is no disagreement that K-12 education needs more funding. Depending on the situation, politicians tout increased funding the last several years, and it is true that more money has been budgeted for education. On July 10, JLARC (Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission), the oversight arm of the General Assembly, issued a report on education funding commissioned in 2021.  It showed that “Virginia school divisions receive less K-12 funding per student than the 50-state average, the regional average, and three of Virginia’s five neighboring states (Kentucky, Maryland, and West Virginia). School divisions in other states receive 14 percent more per student than school divisions in Virginia, on average, after normalizing for differences in cost of labor among states. This equates to about $1,900 more per student than Virginia.” (Richmond Times Dispatch, 7/11/23) JLARC also noted that well-funded schools lead to increases in student performance.

The SOQ (Standards of Quality) are requirements that must be met by all Virginia public schools and school divisions and must be reviewed (re-benchmarked) every two years. These revisions are recommended by the Board of Education and must be approved by the General Assembly. JLARC found that the funding formula for the SOQ does not adequately account for a school division’s size, number of higher-need students or regional labor costs. Most states use a K-12 funding formula based on the number of students, but Virgina’s formula is based on an arbitrary number of staff that the state is willing to pay for, and almost every locality finds it necessary to employ more than the GA will fund. JLARC recommended replacing the staff-based formula with the student-based formula or use student-based calculations for special education and English learner funding. The 2022 General Assembly did not provide adequate funding for the prescribed revisions made by the Board of Education in 2021; in fact, they have never fully funded the SOQ.  

The current budget stalemate is over refusal to compromise on how to spend a large surplus. Some want to use part of it for tax relief and others insist that now is the time to use it to support the growing needs of K-12 education and other necessities that have suffered for a lack of funding. The FOS (Fund Our Schools) coalition representing 22 Virginia organizations, including VRTA, has sent a letter to the Board of Education supporting the JLARC recommendations. They have also included other suggestions for consideration as they make the 2023 revisions. The draft revisions will be released in September. 

In order for Virginia to provide the education our students need, we must convince candidates of the necessity of implementing the JLARC recommendations.

Bea Morris 

VRTA Legislative Chairperson


Important VRTA Dates to Remember

Friday, August 11, 2023: deadline for submitting information for the VRTA Fall Newsletter, submit to Susan Martin at

September 26-27, 2023: VRTA Fall Conference at the Doubletree in Richmond, VA

April 16-17, 2024: Spring Delegate Assembly at the Doubletree in Richmond, VA