In this Email:

  • A Message from the VRTA President
  • Today’s Interest Rates
  • VRTA Leaders Attend National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA) Advocacy Conference
  • It's Time to Get to Work

December 2023

President’s Message

The format for the Spring Delegate Assembly will be based on the compilation of the Evaluation forms that were submitted at the end of the Fall Conference. The plan is to offer multiple sessions within the parlor. These sessions will run concurrently, and topics will be based on the suggestions taken from the forms. A list of the sessions will be provided, and members can choose the ones that interest them. The plan is to offer these sessions during the time that is usually scheduled for the after-Luncheon presentation or keynote speaker. Following a break, we will continue with the usual afternoon lineup.

There is an ongoing inquiry concerning a different facility for VRTA’s conferences. A multitude of concerns and considerations will need to be addressed before a change can be considered. Members will be kept informed of the progress.

DoubleTree has agreed to increase the number of “Block” rooms. However, you will still need to abide by the cut-off-date, twenty-one days prior to the conference.

We are still working on solutions to the concerns you expressed on the Evaluation forms. A variety in the menu has not been addressed yet. Door prizes and the reception will be included in the Spring schedule.

To those of you that celebrate Christmas, I wish you a joyous holiday!

Jean Marrow

VRTA President

Jean Marrow

VRTA President

Phone: 804-350-7719  


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VRTA Leaders Attend National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA) Advocacy Conference

“There are only four kinds of people in the world- those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers.” This quote attributed to the late Rosalynn Carter who recently passed away expresses the theme of the 2023 NRTA Advocacy Conference. Many of the tributes to Rosalyn noted her advocacy for caregivers.

Attendees at the Advocacy conference learned about the Assisting Caregivers Today (ACT) bipartisan, bicameral caucus in Congress and when talking to members of Congress, thanked those who are members (Senator Kaine, Representative Spanberger, Representative Kiggins are all members) and encouraged others to join the caucus.

Talking points on caregiving were used as Tina Whitaker (VRTA Legislative Co-Chair) and Karen Whetzel (VRTA President Elect) talked with staff in the offices of Representative Spanberger and Representative McClellan.

Prior to visiting Congress, NRTA provided a day of education including Federal Legislative Climate and Outlook, Federal and State Retirement Security Landscape, New Resources to Support Public Pension Advocacy, AARP’s Social Security Campaign, Pension Advocacy Engagement as well as an overview of Policy Solutions at the Federal and State Levels to support caregivers. Learning helped as we engaged with representatives in Congress and will assist us in Virginia.

Joyce Williams, President of AARP Virginia and a VRTA member, was co- leader along with Mary Beth Dixon, Senior Advisor, NRTA, of a “Water Cooler Conversation” at the end of the day of learning. Joyce and Mary Beth helped attendees explore the topic, “Working with Your AARP State Officers,”

VRTA is part of a coalition working for Nursing Home Reform. Lobbyist Bonnie Atwood, Legislative Chair Bea Morris, and President Elect Karen Whetzel participate in this effort.

Participants in the Advocacy Conference were able to meet and talk with retired educator leaders from other states, learning how they are organized and how they function. Most of the states have paid staff, at least part time, which we don’t have in Virginia.

Hearing about the upcoming AARP campaign on social security, and the history of AARP campaigns and work in Congress was eye opening! There are many myths about Social Security, and AARP plans to educate members and the public about them, and work to continue this program which retirees have worked for and deserve.

For more information or questions on the NRTA Advocacy Conference, AARP Virginia, or other things covered in the conference, contact AARP Virginia President/VRTA member Joyce Williams (, VRTA President Elect Karen Whetzel ( , or VRTA Legislative Co-Chair /Tina Whitaker ( Also, check the NRTA website and Facebook page, as well as VRTA’s for more information.

Karen Whetzel



With 34 new state delegates and 17 new state senators, it is imperative that we make them aware of who we are and what is important to us. Eleven of the 17 new senators have been in the General Assembly before, but many will have new constituents this session. To make our advocacy more efficient and more effective, the Legislative Committee needs your help. 

We need five constituents of each state senator and delegate who are willing to contact their senator and delegate when there is a special need to explain, make a request, etc. Please go to the website (, click on the Legislative tab at the top of the screen, then click on Legislative Liaison Form. Make a copy of it, fill out all the information, and mail it to Tina or Bea. If we need you to make a contact, we will call or email you and make sure you feel confident talking about the issue. It will probably be something that needs immediate attention.  If your unit has more than five constituents willing to make a contact to a legislator, it’s fine to send all of them, but we need at least five.  

We’re seeing progress on our request for a JLARC study of the teacher crisis. Thanks to Bonnie Atwood’s efforts, Republican Senator Glen Sturtevant has sent our request to Legislative Services to be drafted. As soon as the language is finalized and the bill has a number, we will send it to you.  Democratic Delegate Betsy Carr has also sent a similar bill to be drafted. Having two bills, one in the Senate and one in the House, and one sponsored by a Democrat and one by a Republican, provides a better chance of passage. Other legislators have indicated support and will sign on to these bills.

FOS (Fund Our Schools) coalition surveyed its member organizations and narrowed the many needs to the following:

  • Support of the 2022 JLARC recommendations including updating the state funding formula to more accurately reflect the needs of public schools.
  • Support public funds being used to support public schools and oppose any attempt to divert public money to private schools.
  • Support K-12 students’ mental health needs by ensuring access to school counselors, social workers, and therapists by increasing funding and improving student-counselor ratios.
  • Support positive school climates as an investment in the safety and well-being of students.
  • Support allowing localities to institute a local sales tax by referendum if they find it necessary to support school construction. Currently, Virginia law bans communities from choosing to raise revenue to support schools.

For information on these items see the following websites:

One of the main purposes of the 2024 GA Session is to pass a two-year budget. Gov. Youngkin will present his 2024-2026 budget to the public on December 20.  The House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees will hold regional public hearings on this proposed budget on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in Northern Virginia, Western Virginia, Hampton Roads, and Central Virginia (Richmond). More information will be available soon on live and virtual attendance.

Now is the time to study these issues and to learn as much as you can about the lawmakers who represent you. Let’s do our homework and be ready for the first day of the 2024 GA Session on January 10.

Bea Morris 

VRTA Legislative Chairperson


Important VRTA Dates to Remember

April 16-17, 2024: Spring Delegate Assembly at the Doubletree in Richmond, VA