

& Updates

December 2023

To VSCA & Beyond: Where Leadership Has No Limits

The VSCA State Office, the Officer Schools and Region Representative Schools, and the entire Advisory Committee are excited to invite your school to attend the 97th annual VSCA Convention, March 15-16, 2024 at Courtland High School in Fredericksburg.

The officers and Advisory Committee members are working hard to create an exciting leadership event designed to enable members to share ideas, network with peers, and build stronger leadership skills to take back to their home schools. The convention will begin on Friday afternoon with region meetings, a general session, and an idea exchange. Our traditional awards banquet will be held in the evening followed by a variety of fun leadership social activities. Delegates will spend the night in their choice of hotel and return on Saturday morning for a full day featuring a general session with our keynote speaker, Juan Bendana, Learning Labs, elections, a session with Virginia School Board representatives, idea exchange, our amazing pep rally, and more! 

Use the information in this guide to help you register your school delegation for an amazing experience full of learning with hundreds of the best student leaders and their advisers from across the Commonwealth. For additional information and links to various convention-related elements, click on the link below.

Convention Information

Learning Lab Presenters Needed for Convention

What does your council do really well? What’s your most successful program? What tips can you share about holding efficient meetings or successful projects? VSCA invites all member schools to submit proposals for a Learning Lab workshop session to be conducted at the annual state convention next March. Both student and advisor presenters are needed.

Proposals will be considered by a program review committee of student leaders on the Advisory Committee and will be evaluated on the timeliness of the topic, overall interest, a well-defined description, and relevance to student council issues. 

Applications to present must be submitted by Friday, January 19, 2024 to be considered. Presenters should plan an interactive session 30 minutes in length for student leaders or student council advisers. Presenters will be responsible for supplying all materials (laptop, handouts, etc.) on a contributing basis; that is, they will not be financially reimbursed for registration, travel, lodging, etc. Apply to present at Those selected to present will be notified by mid-February 2024. 

Interested in Running for Office?

Candidate information packets are available on the VSCA website for students interested in running for elected office for the 2024-25 school year. Elections will be held for the following positions:

  • VSCA President School (Student must be a rising senior)
  • VSCA Vice-President School (Student must be a rising junior or senior)
  • VSCA Secretary School (Student must be a rising sophomore-senior)
  • VSCA High School Representative School (8 positions available)
  • VSCA Middle Level Representative School (3 positions available)
  • VSCA Elementary Level Representative School (3 positions available)

All positions will be filled by member schools. Schools, once elected, will be represented on the VSCA Advisory Committee by a student and the school’s SCA adviser, who will be jointly responsible for fulfilling all duties of office.

New for 2024-25, the officer schools will have the opportunity to host the 2025 Convention, beginning with the president school having first choice. If no officer school wants to host it, an application process will open for any Advisory Committee member school to apply to host. 

Completed applications to run for office are due by January 19. Check for more information. 

Candidate Packet

VSCA Sate Service Project Selected

The VSCA Advisory Committee members voted to have this year’s service project a state-wide effort to address hunger in our communities. Member schools are invited to conduct food drives of any kind – cereal wars between grade levels at your school or with cross-town rivals, holiday food baskets, events where people pay to attend by donating canned goods, a regular drive of random items, etc. – and report your results to VSCA. Part two of the project will take place at Convention, where attendees are asked to bring t-shirts to be made into reusable shopping bags for food shelters to use when providing food for their constituents. More information about the project can be found in the convention registration packet.

Virginia Student Councils Association is a leadership learning program of the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals, Inc., 4909 Cutshaw Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23230

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