Valley Internship Experience Workgroup

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Virginia Talent & Opportunity Partnership—VIEW’s Monthly Newsletter!

Shenandoah Valley Internship Symposium Recap

The Valley Internship Experience Workgroup (VIEW) held a Shenandoah Valley Internship Symposium on November 7 at Laurel Ridge Community College in Middletown. Businesses, non-profit organizations, K12, and higher education were represented in the 45 attendees. Participants heard from an employer panel about “Best Practices for Internships” and then could choose to attend 2 of 3 break-out sessions:   


1. Educator Panel: “From Classroom to Career: Best Practices in Hiring Student Interns”

2. “Build or Enhance Your Internship Program with Free Internship Resources” - Virginia Talent & Opportunity Partnership (VTOP/VIEW)

3. Student Intern Panel 


100% of participants responding to a survey said they would recommend the symposium to other professionals. Here are a few comments from participants:


"Overall, the day was stupendous. I appreciated the information, the venue, the food (DELICIOUS). Everything was well organized and an enjoyable time of learning. Thanks so very much! "

"Full of content in a concise amount of time." 

"It was one of the best events I have attended."

Nominate a Virginia-based Employer as a 2025 "Top Virginia Employers for Interns"

The Commonwealth seeks to recognize the "Top Virginia Employers for Interns" and their role in providing work-based learning opportunities to students through its fourth annual award program. 


Complete this form and submit for consideration by February 28, 2025 so that your business or organization can be considered for this distinction. All Virginia-based employers offering internships, regardless of size and sector are eligible to be nominated. The nomination form should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. 


State-level recognition and award notification will take place by April 1, 2025, and regional events will occur after the notification in April or May.

The 2025 recipients will also be recognized during a special event on Virginia Intern Day (July 31, 2025). 

Winchester Manufacturer, Continental, Puts Interns First in Established Program

Continental HR Business Manager Carrie Porter and her team have had immense success with their internship program because of a few well-oiled practices and procedures. “We treat [the internship] like a brand new job,” Porter said. “Each one of [the interns] is set up with their manager as a mentor.” Each summer, Continental hosts interns throughout the entire plant in areas such as Safety, Human Resources, Quality, Research & Development, Accounting/Finance, and Design/Marketing. All positions are a 10-week, full-time, paid opportunity.

When planning for the upcoming summer, Porter and her team first identify areas or departments where help is needed and projects can be developed. Porter emphasized that projects should be something an intern will focus on for the whole summer but also be work which will carry on at the plant level and beyond after the intern is gone. “Really identify what you want the scope of the intern to be. Then get an intern who is really interested in what you need them to do,” Porter said. “We’re anxious to hire them, but we also want them to hire us.” After the hiring process is done, Porter’s HR team outlines the entire three-month contract and schedule with each new intern. “It’s important to set the ball rolling from the get-go.”

Porter also attributes some of Continental’s success to the community resources of which they take advantage. Continental uses their company website and Handshake, a job posting platform that caters directly to university career centers and students, to post positions. With the free website, you can provide your company website link, select which colleges’ pages you wish to post to, and connect with alumni as well. Porter has had a “wonderful experience” with Handshake. Another resource Continental offers to their interns is a local contact for short-term corporate rental properties in downtown Winchester. There is also a bus line that runs from downtown right to Continental’s plant. Two interns took advantage of that opportunity in Summer 2024.

A measurable result of Continental’s success is hiring one of their Summer 2023 interns, Peyton Herring, as a full-time employee. The offer was extended to her in March 2024 before she had even graduated. Overall, Porter asserted that interns are a great success for any business and promotes DEI initiatives in the workplace. She also advises to send out a post-internship survey to interns after their contract has ended.

Intern Spotlight: Meet Anika Tyson

Do you currently host an intern and want to highlight their success? Have them fill out this form to be featured on V-TOP—VIEW’s social media and in upcoming editions of our newsletter! 

Upcoming Events

VTOP-VIEW Internship Hour Webinar

Third Wednesday of Every Month | 12-1pm


Did you know that interns are a good source of new talent for your business? Interns can offer new perspectives, knowledge and techniques to address business challenges and projects. Find out how to get started with hosting interns in this interactive session. Bring your questions!



VTOP-VIEW Tap into Talent Working Session

Upcoming Sessions:

  • January 14 - Christendom College, Front Royal | 1-3pm
  • February 20 - Harrisonburg Innovation Hub | 2-4pm

$30,000 for your small business or non-profit organization! Interested? If your business has less than 150 employees and meets other requirements, you may qualify for intern wage matching funds. Complete required training by attending an in person working session. 


Have a session location in mind? We are seeking locations throughout the Shenandoah Valley to hold in person working sessions. Contact Mary Sullivan if you would like to host a session or have an idea of a location in your area. 540-568-5568,   

JMU Spring 2025 Career Fairs

Visit the University Career Center’s website to learn more about JMU events or register as an employer here

College of Integrated Science and Engineering February 11, 2025 | 11am-3pm

Hart School (Hospitality Management, Sports & Recreation Management) February 12, 2025 | 10am-1pm

University Career Fair

February 18-19, 2025

Teacher Recruitment Day February 27, 2025 | 9:30am-4pm

Save the Date - Valley Internship Connect

Valley Internship Connect

March 26 | 5-7pm

Harrisonburg Innovation Hub

The Valley Internship Experience Workgroup (VIEW) is planning the “Valley Internship Connect”. Employers and students will make connections for summer internships in the Shenandoah Valley at this networking event. Stay tuned for more information.

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