A Letter From Andrea Evans, CEO

We Always Need You

When I first started working for VTR over fifteen years ago, I never imagined what I would have the great honor to witness.

I worked at the ranch, so it was really amazing what I saw happen in the lives of all our boys through the years. There are times still, we simply "plant a seed", but most times, youth learn how to navigate their actions and feelings through life skill education and the mental health services we provide. Through the relationships developed with our Direct Care Staff, Mental Health Professionals and Social Workers, youth are guided to healing, and many graduate from the program. How do we help? Read the story, "I am Sixteen Years Old" below.

We also have our Transitional Life Home (TLH) that accommodates our young adult men.
They are either transitioning out of foster care or they have become chronically homeless. Our hope for this year, is to be able to house more young men that need help. This program is so dear to me. It provides long term help and housing for up to two years. No other program in our area offers this. These young men need to become established by developing the life skills needed to live in the real world. Our staff guides and cares for them as they continue to become adults. We had a young man transition from the Ranch to the TLH in August. Without this program availability he would most likely be on the streets or having to couch surf from friend to friend. He now has a roof over his head and is working towards finishing his high school diploma and getting a job.

We have been so blessed through our Foster Family Agency and Adoption Agency through the years, with both children, youth and Resource Families (Foster Families). How can you help? We need to find more parents to take these precious children in that sometimes have more medical needs, or are higher in emotional and behavioral needs. We also want to offer more training for our parents and staff. Do you know that teens are waiting for parents who will care for and help them navigate life this time in their life?

With the End-of-the-Year already upon us, we reflect on all the blessings so many of You have provided. Your continued support, either financially, with in-kind donations or service provides for so many things we need to help the children, youth, young adults and families we serve. Thank you to those who remember us in your End-of-the-Year contribution.

How can you help through the holidays? At Thanksgiving our boys at the Ranch and Transitional Living Home love celebrating Thanksgiving. We usually, through staff and community donations put on a large Thanksgiving feast. This year due to COVID, we won't be able to celebrate in this way. If you can help by making a donation online, or by mail we would appreciate it so much!

Every year at Christmas we provide Christmas for our children, youth and families. This year we are in need of VTR Angels (YOU) to purchase gifts, or provide gift cards for our families. If you can help, please email: FFA@valleyteenranch.org.

Have a wonderful, day of Thanksgiving!
I am Sixteen Years Old...
One of our boys started his letter with, "I am sixteen years old". He talked about the support system he had at home, but had acted out in emotion and rarely thought about his actions. He said that VTR helped him control his anger through counseling using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills. After a six month stay, he said he will use everything he learned from VTR...
"The class that stood out to me the most was the Victim Empathy class, because not only did the teacher understand my true emotions, he could also relate in many ways. Some of the staff at VTR helped me realize life is a balance and that too much of anything is bad for you. You have to see things from every perspective. I also learned no matter how successful you are in life to always remain humble and respect those who helped me get to where I am today. VTR never gave up on me and it made me feel like I had a second family, that I could return to or call anytime to ask for help. This is one of the first programs that I have completed. it makes me feel accomplished and proud. In the future, I look forward to building my relationship with VTR as I accomplish more goals. Therefore I would like to thank the whole VTR team for giving me a second chance and allowing me to prove myself. Lastly, I know I am ready to go home now that I am graduating the program."
are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday for Donations only at this time. To make arrangements call us at 559-437-1144 or email: contact-us@valleyteenranch.