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Vaccine Information for Restaurant Workers
We’re thrilled that restaurant workers are now included in the population eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. This is incredibly important and great news for our industry. 

We know there’s questions you have and we’re working on getting answers. In the meantime, we’re sharing with you the available information about the vaccine and how to schedule your appointment. You may also share this information with your employees. 
  1. Visit vax4nyc.nyc.gov/patient and follow the prompts to schedule your first dose or call 1-844-NYC-4NYC.
  2. Once you secure an appointment, you must complete the New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Form
You must show proof of eligibility and there are multiple options. Employers and employees, please click here and carefully review.
If you have additional questions, please contact the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-212-COVID19. Translation line service can be accessed for those who require it.

The NYC Hospitality Alliance will bring you additional information as it becomes available.