Vaxelis Market Share

The market share threshold for CPP members who participate in the Vaxelis™ Performance Group discount opportunity has been adjusted to 70%. This will allow more flexibility as you consider incorporating this new vaccine into your routine vaccination schedule. 

If you would like more information about this vaccine or the discounts available to CPP members, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or 614-722-2145.

Prevnar 13®
Beginning July 1, 2022, CPP members can now access an increased discount on Prevnar 13® vaccine purchases.

PLEASE NOTE: Single doses of Prevnar 13® are no longer available for purchase when ordering directly from Pfizer. Members can still purchase boxes of 10 prefilled syringes. Click here for more information.

If you are not already enrolled in the Pfizer discount opportunities on Prevnar 20™, Prevnar 13® and/or Trumenba®, contact the CPP office for detailed instructions on how to access these discounts.