The Valley Bridge
We are congregations who seek to be a collective expression of the Body of Christ, joyfully participating in Christ's ongoing life and work. "Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing." 
(I Thessalonians 5:11)
Congregation of the Week of June 5-11
First Presbyterian Church of Foley
Elders: Nancy Stiles, Brian Malikowski, Jenny Seaton, David Henry, Candy Markfort, Catie Schmitz, Debbie Corrigan and Bill Brauen (clerk of session)
Deacons: Sally Lloyd, Donna Yeager, Jan Matvick, Joyce Rife, Deb Cross and Brad Emery
Trustees: Ben Brauen, Diane Thorsten, Jim Markfort, Derek Miller and Torrey Lewandowski
Sunday School Superintendent: Melody Henry
Youth Leaders: Aimee and Jason Aumock
Secretary: Georgia Holewa 
Pastor: Beverly Brock

Prayers for the Aumocks as they begin as the youth leaders of our church; the upcoming Foley Fun Days and Vacation Bible School and our new graduates of high school and college. Prayers for this hurting and troubled world: for those who use a gun to solve their problems, for countries being invaded by an aggressor, for persons fighting a long-term pandemic; for our farmers and teachers. Lord, hear our prayer.
A Word from Kathy

The political ads for the mid-term elections have started. I'm afraid we're in for a summer of nasty campaigning. Some ridiculous ones as well. Lately, I saw one person who's is running for a house seat and promises to fire Dr. Fauci and Nancy Pelosi. It's been a long time ago since I took a class on civics, but I'm pretty sure that a representative doesn't have the power to fire either one. I wonder if they are that naive or they think the voters are.

Rev. Benjamin Cremer writes this: Beware of leaders who stoke your anger and fears toward others, rather than your compassion and love. They are only seeking power over you, rather than power for and with you.

If we want a better government, we need to be informed voters and ask ourselves, "What really are they saying and what do they stand for?" If their whole campaign is against something or someone rather than for something positive, maybe they are not the best candidate.

This is my last article as the Gap Executive Presbyter. My prayer is for you all to have wonderful ministries and may you all show the love of God to this very troubled and hurting world. So, goodbye for now and I will leave you with one last thought: "When you forgive, you in no way change the past--but you sure do change the future." --Bernard Meltzer

Kathy Terpstra
Money available for Peacemaking

The Peace and Global Witness Offering is one of the special offerings of the PCUSA. It is usually taken on World Communion Sunday in October. It is dedicated to peacemaking in many different forms. Peacemaking is the job of the whole church. 25% of the offering is kept by the local congregation for their projects. 12.5% goes to the Presbytery and 12.5% to the Synod.

Over a few years the Presbytery has accumulated over $7,000 from this offering. The Presbytery Life Committee is offering money from this fund to help with peacemaking projects. If you have an idea to further the peace in your church or area, send a brief note to the office explaining your project, the cost, amount requested and where other funds would come from. Make sure your session is on board with this. Applications will be taken until September 1.

Some ideas would be:
  • Hold a Bible or book study focus on peace: example "Five Risks Presbyterians Must Take for Peace" WJK.
  • Find local projects that deal with poverty, violence, racism, climate change, immigration/migration or justice.
  • Sponsor a speaker for a community event.

We encourage you to think about ways to promote peace in your community. We would like to see this money used in ways the givers have intended.
Pr0ject Grants Available from First Presbyterian Madelia

The Mission Redevelopment Committee of First Presbyterian Church, Madelia is seeking applications to receive grants. Qualifying projects may include:
  • Development, formation, or redevelopment of Presbyterian churches
  • Evangelism or recruitment of new members
  • New building construction
  • Renovations or capital improvements
  • Presbyterian sponsored mission projects

A written letter of application describing the project, other funds available for the project, and the amount of grant requested should be submitted to the Mission Redevelopment Committee and postmarked by August 15, 2022. Grants will be selected and distributed by September 30, 2022.

Mission Redevelopment Committee
P.O. Box 156
Madelia, MN 56062
Pastor Opportunity

It's been a hard couple of years for everybody! Pastors are dealing with all the issues that are related to the pandemic, along with all the normal ups and downs and other parts of ministry. In addition, they are ministering to congregations that are also dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety.

The Commission on Leadership has decided to give those in ministry some help and support in the form of affordable coaching. The Synod has trained coaches to provide the service at a cost of $50.00 per session. The Commission on Leadership has approved paying one half of the cost for one session a month for up to 24 months. If you are already working with a coach or want to use another one, you still can be reimbursed $25.00 per month. This program is available to all pastors, CREs who are serving churches and Christian educators.

We all can use some help and support as we continue to deal with a lot of heavy issues. If you are feeling just a little (or a lot) overwhelmed, please take advantage of this opportunity.

Contact Kathy Terpstra if you want to get started: 320-815-8158 or e-mail
Next Stated Presbytery Meeting
Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Commissioners and visitors, please RSVP by June 6 to Karen Lange
Presbyterian Planning Calendars 2022-2023
We will order 2022-2023 Presbyterian Planning Calendars August 1. The PCUSA Store is listing the publishing date as August 2, 2022. The presbytery orders a big batch to get a discount. E-mail Karen Lange to order. Order deadline is July 31.
This year's cost is $10.00 each plus the cost of shipping the calendars to you (no shipping cost if picked up). Pay after receiving the calendars.
Seeking Youth Director at FPC Saint Cloud

First Presbyterian Church of Saint Cloud is now conducting a search for a Youth & Campus Ministry Director. It is a full-time position working with youth and campus participants. The position description can be found at
Introducing The Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller
The Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller begins her work as our new Executive Presbyter June 1! Here is a short bio that the Search Team brought to the last presbytery meeting.

The Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller comes to us with a trio of impressive degrees: a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Colorado, a Master of Arts in Counseling from Colorado Christian University and a Master of Divinity from Denver Theological Seminary. These degrees, she believes, uniquely prepared her “for the ministry by heightening (her) awareness of the needs we experience in body, mind and soul.” Her most current role since June 2010 has been pastor of The Presbyterian Church of Red Bluff in Red Bluff, CA. Prior to that Beth served as Associate Pastor, temporary supply at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Arvada, CO as well as Director of Children’s Ministry and Adult Spiritual Formation. Her Presbytery experience includes serving on the Committee on Preparation for Ministry; recently serving on a Presbytery Task force for “Connectional Revitalization” and Presbytery Council for the Sacramento Presbytery. While at Trinity Presbyterian in Colorado, Beth served on the Committee on Ministry for the Denver Presbytery. 
Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller is familiar with rural, agricultural society and small church ministry as she currently serves a rural church. As a Pastor, Beth endured conflict and handled it with grace and dignity. She understands the dynamics of rural small churches, along with the struggles and challenges they face with their finances, lack of volunteers and reaching younger families. The search committee found Beth to be very easy going with a warmth and approachability about her. We believe she is collaborative, willing to learn and listen to the concerns of others. She is thoughtful, keeps positivity at the forefront and she is a breath of fresh air who will bring a revived energy to our presbytery. What is most exciting is that Rev. Buckwalter-Miller wants to travel around to meet every church in our Presbytery and spend time getting to know them! Her deep commitment to her spirituality and longing to build personal relationships with pastors, staff and visiting churches will be a blessing to the members of our Presbytery. 
Applications Now Open to Leadership for Social Justice Program

In a world where the politics of exclusion, extraction, and organized abandonment threaten to engulf our communities in fear, dread, and despair, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities believes that communities of faith are critical sites for building forms of community care, solidarity, power, and hope. Congregational pastors are called to serve in unique leadership roles, tasked with activating, developing, organizing, and inspiring communities. And yet, pastors often feel like they lack the time, resources, and support to effectively carry out this important and increasingly necessary work.
United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is therefore excited to invite congregational pastors in Minnesota and adjoining states to participate in our inaugural Leadership for Social Justice program. The program begins September 2022. 
Led by a team of experienced teachers, leaders, mentors, and grassroots community organizers, this hybrid, tuition-free, nine-month program will equip pastors to reflectively engage in a broad range of pressing social issues—including struggles for economic, racial, gender, sexual, and ecological justice—in contextual, practical, and faithful ways. The program will support pastors in developing and/or deepening sustainable, community-based ministries in social justice responsive to what God is doing in our world, congregations, and communities.
Our first cohort of 16 pastors will meet twice a month (Friday mornings) from September 2022 through May 2023. In addition to earning a Certificate in Leadership for Social Justice, those participants who successfully complete the program may also be eligible to receive up to eight credits toward a Doctor of Ministry degree. The Leadership Center for Social Justice will also be collaborating with Convergence to assess the vitality of participating congregations and their leadership and to build on existing areas of strength.
If a pastor you know is interested in pursuing this opportunity, please have him, her or them complete our application at by July 1, 2022. Applicants must also supply a letter of support from congregational leadership.

Visit and share our Facebook post about this unique opportunity.
This innovative continuing education opportunity is a program of United’s newly launched Leadership Center for Social Justice, made possible through a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative. The mission of the Center is to equip, inspire, and empower leaders to faithfully and reflectively engage in concrete, contextual ministry for social justice. In the spirit of faith, hope, and love, the Center supports leaders in developing skills in contextually-sensitive, creative, and effective leadership and social praxis.
Rev. Ry O. Siggelkow, PhD (he/him/his)
Director of the Leadership Center for Social Justice
United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
767 Eustis St., Suite 140, St. Paul, MN 55114
PW Synod Gathering
June 16-19, 2022
Hilton Garden Inn

(click the link above for packet)

1132 Larsen Park Rd
Sioux City, Iowa 51106
PW: Better Together
Tied Together With Love
Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)
2022 Per Capita
$43.00 Total
$28.52 for Presbytery
$5.50 for Synod
$8.98 for GA

2022 Presbytery Meeting Dates
Tuesday, June 7 via Zoom from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, August 16 via Zoom from 7:008:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct 8 in person from 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. (location: St. Cloud)
Tuesday, Dec 6 via Zoom from 6:308:00 p.m.
Prayer List
  • For the family of Rev. Charlie Reid, retired pastor (obit link)
  • For Rev. Jeff DeYoe, undergoing cancer treatment (former pastor at Hope Presbyterian Church, Spicer)
  • For Rev. Mark Chamberlain, retired pastor, Willmar
  • For Rev. Bob Bartlett, First Presbyterian Churches of Brewster & Round Lake
  • For Rev. Michael Roys, retired pastor, Winnebago
  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in the Occidente Presbytery of Guatemala - for their health, safety, and recovery from the effects of the Covid pandemic
Pastoral Leadership Opportunities

First Presbyterian Church of Canby - Pastor
Ministry Information Form - 03775.AD0

First Presbyterian Church of Edgerton and First Presbyterian Church of Lismore - Pastor, yoked parish
Ministry Information Form - 03781.AD0

First Presbyterian Church, Pipestone - Pastor
Ministry Information Form - 03796.AD0

Harrison Presbyterian Church, rural Spicer - Pastor, yoked parish
Ministry Information Form - 03878.AA0

First Presbyterian Church, Winnebago - Pastor
Ministry Information Form - 03811.AA1

Ministry opportunities are posted on the Church Leadership Connection website --
ConNext Summit Announcement

Register today for the 2022 ConNext Summit! Plenary time will be fueled by Sara Thompsen's amazing musical leadership and Danger Boat Production's facilitation of Improv Café Conversations. Workshops are diverse and interactive. Plenty of time for rest, contemplative practices, nature, and socializing. Find Rev. Emily Meyer of The Ministry Lab at your conference/synod gathering for details or find them here: (