The Valley Bridge

A weekly newsletter from the Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys

June 19, 2024

We are congregations who seek to be a collective expression of the Body of Christ, joyfully participating in Christ's ongoing life and work. "Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing." 

I Thessalonians 5:11

Congregation of the Week of June 23-29

First Presbyterian Church of Holland

Our Worship Leader is Ron Moffitt

Clerk of Session is Joel Minett

Prayer Requests: Prayers for finding a new pastor to lead our church and also prayers for continuing to grow our membership.

Together in Christ

Dear Presbytery Family,

In the book of Daniel there is a story told of the adventure of three men: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. According to the story, these three men refused to bow down and worship the golden image of King Nebuchadnezzar. The king was so angry that he had the men bound and thrown into a fiery furnace that had been heated seven times more than was customary. But when king Nebuchadnezzar looked in the furnace, the three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were unbound and walking around. And, even more astonishing to the king, he could see a fourth man walking with them. None of them were hurt.

Some theologians have called this story a “Christophany,” meaning an appearance of Christ in the Old Testament. Who was this fourth figure seen walking with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace? Was it God incarnate, keeping them company and protecting them during their time of need?

I find myself drawing strength from this story right now during this season of rehabilitation after a fall. I know many of you reading this article today are going through circumstances that you might also describe as a “fiery furnace.” While God does not prevent us from being “thrown in” to these circumstances, it is good to know that even when the fire is raging, God is present, walking with us in our time of great need.

And how exactly does God show up? In some ways perhaps it does not feel as dramatic as the story from Daniel. We may not see a transcendent being, God incarnate, walking in our home. But I honestly think it is no less miraculous. You see, scripture reminds us in places like 1 Corinthians 12, that we are the body of Christ. When we show up for each other in times of distress, it literally brings God’s presence into the room. You have the power to enter the fiery furnace of another’s life, simply by making that phone call or visit, sending that card or email, letting someone know you care.

But there is more. As we quiet our own hearts in times of distress, open our windows to the song of birds or the fragrance of rain and breathe deeply, we begin to sense God’s presence in our very breath. The ruach (wind), the pneuma (breath), the Spirit of God flows in us and through us, and we are never alone. Fiery furnaces are the places where we discover this spiritual reality that grounds us and assures us that we are loved, and there is One who will never let us go.

May God’s presence be very real to you this day, and to those you love, in whatever fiery furnace you may be facing. We are never alone.

Together in Christ,

With courage, devotion and good spirit as a colleague,

Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller

Rev. Leanne Thompson and Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller enjoyed an inspiring visit with Rev. Elizabeth Tot and Mr. Thijin Gatwech from St. Cloud and Rev. Princeton Abaraoha who was visiting from our African Immigrant office and lives in Dallas, Texas. Over the delicious cuisine served at Star of India restaurant relationships deepened as we dreamed of ways to better partner with and encourage the beautiful South Sudanese Presbyterians of our own Presbytery and beyond.

Juneteenth from Presbyterian Mission Agency Mission Yearbook | Presbyterian Mission Agency

Juneteenth, the official freeing of enslaved people on June 19, 1865, in Texas, is one of the most important events in American history — but most students haven’t even been taught it. Maybe that will change now that Juneteenth is a national holiday.

It makes sense to acknowledge the day when Union troops arrived in Galveston a full 2½ years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation — it is the start to remedying one of this country’s darkest sins.

However, it also sets in motion the maintenance of Black subordination in the country’s postbellum society. Yes, Black people were no longer enslaved, but white supremacy ideology is still openly and unapologetically killing Black people and people of color because of extreme ignorant terrorist cells of hatred and silently approved all around this country.

Yet, more than 20 states are moving to strike aspects of American history and anti-racist teaching from public school curricula. Their argument is that examining our history of racism breeds contempt that is racially divisive. On the contrary, discussing history truthfully and using its lessons to inform our future breeds empowerment and is racially unifying. Instead of seeding anger and blame, it allows us to approach solutions to current and future problems with the greatest insight and it helps build trust and accountability within our systems.


GA is coming!


Hopefully, you all know that the General Assembly is this summer in Salt Lake City, Utah. The format for this meeting is that committees will meet online via zoom June 25-27; the plenary sessions will be in person. Some opening events will occur on Saturday, June 28 in SLC, and then GA officially opens with worship on Sunday, June 29 at 2:30 p.m. (Mountain time) and will run through 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 4.

Even if you do not attend GA in person, you are able to watch everything via a livestream. You do need to register at as an observer. From there you will find out all the details about observing. I really hope some of you check it out.

The delegation from Minnesota Valleys Presbytery includes our two commissioners: the Rev. David Lick from Saint James; he will be on the Domestic Engagement Committee and Elder Sonya Alexander from Redwood Falls who is on the Christian Formation Committee. Young Adult Advisory Delegate Julia Prouty from the Mankato church will be on the Race, Sexuality and Gender Justice committee. The alternate commissioners include the Rev. Laura Messer from Silver Lake and Elder Louella Voigt from Luverne. Stated Clerk Pamela Prouty will be serving as the parliamentary manager for the Ordination committee and on the floor during plenaries. The Rev. Scott Prouty will also be attending as part of the General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations. Unfortunately, since Beth had a fall with a concussion, she is unable to attend.

June 12 Lunch and Learn on Discipleship Recording

Rev. Dr. Candace Adams looks at the important topic of Discipleship with a focus on our "why" for making connections outside of our churches - looking into our communities. We are called to "go and make disciples."

Prayer List

  • For Executive Presbyter Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller, who is dealing with a concussion and leg injury from a fall.
  • For Deb Hess, former Presbytery Moderator, former COL chair and member of First Presbyterian Church of Redwood Falls, who was diagnosed with an autoimmune liver disease in 2007. She is now experiencing serious discomfort and complications and is working with her doctor at the Mayo Clinic for the best path forward.
  • For Rev. Lynne Matthews, retired pastor most recently served First Presbyterian Church of Holland, who has lost the sight in her left eye; her right eye is stabilizing
  • For Bea Ourada, Presbytery Business Consultant: health issues - is grateful for all of the prayers and support
  • For Rev. Paul Snyder, pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Ashby: After many tests and different diagnoses, hopefully the final diagnosis is post-concussion syndrome for a fall on November 10th. The current treatment plan is providing some relief and Paul is returning to his pastoral duties.
  • For Rev. Bob Bartlett, retired pastor, Round Lake
  • For Rev. Michael Roys and Rev. Bonnie Roys, retired pastors, Winnebago. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes.
  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in the Occidente Presbytery of Guatemala

Is your church up to date with your nonprofit corporation filing?

Annual Renewals:

Attorney General:

In Minnesota there are two sections of code that apply to us.

  • Chapter 315 of the MN Code governs religious organizations
  • Chapter 317 of the MN Code governs non-profit organizations

Clerks of Session

from Stated Clerk Pamela Prouty

Since this is a General Assembly year, we will NOT have the Session Record Review. But I hope you are all keeping up on your records. Here are some things to think about:

  1. Have you checked the status of your incorporation with the state of MN? Do you know where the Incorporation papers are?
  2. Have you worked on the two new policies – Harassment and Anti Racism? Has the Session adopted them?
  3. The Boundary Training videos are available! Two videos along with viewing guides can be found on the Synod website The videos can be viewed directly on the website or downloaded. The requirement for Boundary Training is every 36 months. The minutes need to reflect the Elders and/or others who participated in the training.

And as always if you have any questions, please email or call me. I’m more than happy to answer questions.

Clearwater Forest Fest

July 13, 2024 - All Day

Free Event Open to the Public RSVP Here

Free Dinner and Live Music


Lawn chairs or blanket

Beverage of choice (non-alcoholic beverages will be available)


(1) 16595 Crooked Lake Road Deerwood, MN 56444

(2) Drive almost to the end of the long driveway & turn right when you see a brown sign pointing to the Summer Camp.

(3) The large grass parking lot will be on your left.


7:30 am - Bike Ride with 8, 30, and 50-mile options

Noon - Lunch available for purchase in the Dining Hall

2 pm - the Adventure-a-Thon begins!

3:30 pm - Awards

4:30- 6 pm - Chad Elliott Live Music

6 pm - Free Pig Roast Dinner is served!

6:30-8 pm - John Hermanson Live Music




Leaning Tree Room: Single $100 or Double $50 + tax

Eagle Room: Single $100 or Double $50 + tax

Loon Point Campground $37 + tax

Grouse Circle Campground $37 or $50 + tax


[email protected]

218.678.2325 with any questions.

We hope to see you at Clearwater Forest on July 13th!

Greetings, Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys!!!

It was a joy to be with several leaders at the Leadership Summit at Christ the King Retreat Center at Mt Olivet Retreat Center. I appreciated the sense of community, the feeling of collegiality, of being co-con-Spiritors in carrying out God’s dreams for this church, and our specific communities, and the openness to faithful transformation that is sweeping through our congregations.

Whether you attended our Leadership Summit workshop or not, we’d like to follow up with a reminder and links to further information about the Innovation Culture Index (ICI) and the Ministry Transformation Lab launching this September.

The Ministry Lab partners with Innovation Lab - the creators of the ICI and conveners of Ministry Transformation Labs - to provide up to 18 member congregations with free access to the Innovation Culture Index (until June 1, 2026) and follow-up consultations as well as a trained local catalyst for the Ministry Transformation Lab.

Learn more about all of these opportunities by contacting ED Rev. Emily Meyer.

Learn about Innovation Lab’s Theological Innovation Process here.

Learn about the Innovation Culture Index here.

Learn about the Ministry Transformation Lab below and here.

Here’s what Innovation Lab says about Ministry Transformation Lab’s:

Faithful innovation requires more than just a good idea.

Innovation isn’t synonymous with “new” or “cutting edge.” Instead, it emerges at the intersection of a faith community’s mission, a community’s assets, and a community’s needs, and must be led by the Holy Spirit.

Why should your faith community join a Ministry Transformation Lab?

Sustainable innovation happens through a structured and guided process. A Ministry Transformation Lab is an 18-month journey to learn about your community, reflect theologically, and develop and test an innovative ministry. Each faith community assembles an Innovation Team to learn and utilize the Lab's five-phase Theological Innovation Process. The Ministry Transformation Lab is facilitated by an Innovation Lab staff member and each Innovation Team receives individualized support.

God is constantly innovating to pursue people in relevant ways and transform lives. A Ministry Transformation Lab is an opportunity to develop new kinds of ministry with a team of passionate people from your context. We'll help you examine your faith community's culture, utilize your assets, and discern where and how God is calling you to innovate.

Labs launch three times a year in September, January, and April. Applications for the September 2024 Lab are due June 28, 2024. Learn more and apply now by visiting Financial assistance is available.  

What are ministry leaders saying about the experience? 

"Our experience with the Innovation Lab has been nothing short of transformational. We're learning how to listen to our community and our congregation better and to respond in a way that honors them and honors God."

“This is one of the most intentional moments of ministry I’ve experienced. It is truly a joy to be a part of this process.” 

“So often in church, we get caught up in the semantics and just getting stuff done that we often don’t take the time to sit back, think theologically, and listen to the Spirit. This is exactly what the Theological Innovation Process encourages us to do. I leave each innovation meeting energized, feeling like I truly am doing the ministry God has called me to.”

Paid Leave Update: Wage Detail Reporting and Answers

from Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

Starting in July, most employers will be able to submit quarterly wage detail reports to the Paid Leave program. To help employers prepare, we’ve assembled a list of frequently asked questions about the process and timeline.

What is wage detail reporting and why is it necessary for Paid Leave?

Every quarter, employers across the state are required to submit a report to the state that details wages paid to their employees. This report is important because it provides the state with administrative data that helps support programs, complete labor market analyses, and comply with reporting requirements.

Paid Leave needs this information to support administration of the program in two important ways: (1) when premiums are due, they will be based on a percentage of wages paid to employees and (2) when benefits start, we’ll use wage detail to establish eligibility for the program and determine the benefit amount.

How will employers submit wage detail reports for Paid Leave?

The Paid Leave division will leverage the existing Unemployment Insurance (UI) UI Online system to collect wage detail reports for the program. If an employer is covered by the UI program, they will be able to submit a single wage detail file for both programs when they pay their UI taxes. The data used in the UI filing will be used to report wages directly to the Paid Leave program.

If an employer is not covered by the Unemployment Insurance program, they will need to set up a “Paid Leave Only” account. This account will be available in the Spring.

My organization is covered by the Unemployment Insurance program, what do I need to do?

Nothing! Your UI employer account will be automatically converted into a joint UI/Paid Leave to allow you to submit your wage detail report using the same process you use today.

My organization is not covered by the Unemployment Insurance program, what do I need to do?

During summer 2024, you will need to register for a Paid Leave Only account through the UI Online system. We will post instructions on our website as soon as Paid Leave Only accounts are available.

When are the first wage detail reports due?

The first wage detail reports will be due on October 31, 2024, and will be based on wages paid between July 1, 2024, and September 30, 2024.

Do employers need to pay premiums for the Paid Leave program when submitting wage detail reports?

No, premiums do not need to be paid until after the Paid Leave program launches in 2026. The initial wage detail reports are for informational purposes only.

The first premiums for Paid Leave will not be due until April 30, 2026, and those initial premiums will only apply to wages earned between January 1, 2026, and March 31, 2026.

What information will employers need to include on a wage detail report?

Employers will need to provide the first and last name, social security number, wages paid and hours worked for each employee. This is identical to information provided to the Unemployment Insurance division.

There is more information on wage detail reporting at: Updated pages to submit and adjust wage detail information / Employers - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota (

Columbia Theological Seminary's Wonder of Worship program offering $1,000 grants to congregations: The 'Quick Wins' grants will help faith communities that are working to nurture children in their worship and prayer lives

by Columbia Theological Seminary/Special to Presbyterian News Service

DECATUR, Georgia — The Wonder of Worship program at Columbia Theological Seminary is offering a second round of grants of $1,000 to congregations nationally looking to enhance the engagement of children in their corporate workspaces.

Wonder of Worship is funded through Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. The aim of the national initiative is to support faith-based organizations as they help children grow in faith and deepen their relationships with God.

The $1,000 “Quick Wins” grants are available to congregations in any denomination through the Lilly Endowment and are part of an allotment to Columbia to provide for the nurturing of children in their worship and prayer lives.

“Churches in the first round of these grants have proposed many creative ways of using this money, from building worship training resources to hiring consultants to aid in writing more child-friendly liturgy,” said Dr. Kathy L. Dawson, project director for the Wonder of Worship grant program. “Some are renovating cry rooms to enhance family participation in the service and others are developing programs for child leadership of worship. I’ve been amazed by the creativity in our partner churches so far and look forward to what this second round of Quick Wins grants will bring.”

Read more

Join us!

FPC Willmar is planning a mission trip to Frontera de Cristo on the US/Mexico border from October 14 - 20, 2024. Mark Adams & Miriam Maldonado are our sponsored missionaries associated with this mission. The mission trip is a delegation of individuals that will participate in a variety of learning experiences (see page 5 of the delegation manual for more information about the experiences). Along with these learning experiences, the Coffee Growers celebration will round off our mission trip. Interested persons are recommended to read the delegation manual to understand what is involved in this trip before expressing interest.

FPC Willmar would like to extend this opportunity to those in our presbytery who would be interested in joining us. We need to have interested persons contact Deb Grunwald by June 10th as we need to submit our delegation form to Frontera de Cristo with information about the delegates planning to participate in this exciting opportunity! Please forward this email to your contacts in the Minnesota Presbytery with the deadline of June 10th.   

We are anticipating the cost per person to be approximately $1300.00 plus splitting the cost of the $400 group van to/from the airport. This includes the cost of lodging (see page 8 of the delegation manual). 

Here is a link to the Frontera de Cristo site:

Attached to this email is a delegation manual. Interested individuals should read through this before committing to this trip. Please direct any questions about this trip to Deb Grunwald/Mission Committee co-chair or Pastor Leanne Thompson.

From the Board of Pensions:

New resources to support benefits decision-making

5th Annual Ministry Leaders Retreat

September 15-19

Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center

$110 for single room $60 for shared room

Register with an email to the Presbytery Office

There and back again.

The Joys and Benefits of Role-playing.

“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”    ― J.R.R. Tolkien

Please join us for the 2024 Minnesota Valleys Presbytery Ministry Leaders Retreat from Sept 15–19 at Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center. Our leader will be the Rev. Steve Tyykila.

Our Matthew 25 Missional Partners

Rev. Dr. Candace Adams - pastor of our New Worshipping Community, The Compassionate Way, Candace serves marginalized people in our jails, living in group homes, and in recovery from addiction. Funds will be used for the work she does.

Scattering Seeds of Compassion

June Newsletter

To donate, write the check to Lakes Area Presbyterian Church with The Compassionate Way in the memo line and send to:

Lakes Area Presbyterian Church

Attn: Candace Adams

7761 Excelsior Rd

Baxter MN 56425

Pastor Elizabeth Tot - pastor of our South Sudanese Fellowship in St. Cloud, Elizabeth serves primarily single mothers in the South Sudanese community who are struggling to make ends meet. She is a pastoral presence to the Nuer people in St. Cloud and Mankato. Funds will be used to help her care for her community here and in Ethiopia and South Sudan.

To donate, write a check to First Presbyterian Church with “Pastor Elizabeth Tot” on the memo line and send to:

First Presbyterian Church

340 5th Ave S

Saint Cloud MN 56301

Pastor Elizabeth Tot and Rev. Beth Buckwalter Miller are available to visit your church on a Sunday morning! They will share the sermon, and often a South Sudanese choir will be able to come along too. If you would like a visit, just email Beth at [email protected] to schedule.

Mr. Thijin Gatwech - leader of the Nuer Professionals Network (NPN) with a degree in business. Thijin lives in St. Cloud and is networked to South Sudanese people throughout the region. He helps his people receive mental health education, as well as move toward financial independence and home ownership.

NPN Links:

To donate, write a check to First Presbyterian Church with “Thijin Gatwech, NPN” on the memo line and send to:

First Presbyterian Church

340 5th Ave S

Saint Cloud MN 56301

MissionInsite available from ACS Technologies

MissionInsite is a web-based analytical tool providing community demographic information designed to empower faith-based organizations with the tools they need to visualize and cultivate their current and prospective members, donors, and volunteers.


Product Brief



June 25-28: GA Committee meetings

June 29-July 4: General Assembly Plenaries

July 4-5: Office closed

July 21-26: Synod School

Aug 1: COL Zoom at 9:00 a.m.

Sep 27: Commission/Committee/Other Reports due for Presbytery Meeting

Oct 2: Presbytery Packet emailed

Oct 7: RSVP due date for Presbytery Meeting

Oct 12: Stated Presbytery Meeting (in person only) from 10:00 - 3:00 at Federated Church of Fergus Falls

Nov 27: Commission/Committee/Other Reports due for Presbytery Meeting

Dec 2: Presbytery Packet emailed

Dec 11: RSVP due date for Presbytery Meeting

Dec 12: Stated Presbytery Meeting via Zoom from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Quick Links

  • Clergy Wellness Grants
  • Pulpit Supply and Moderator Information
  • Public Domain Hymn Project link
  • Template for a social media policy from the Luverne Church is Here

Resources for Ruling Elders and Deacons

Elder Training recording

Passcode: Q0zu@.?U

Help for churches waiting for their next pastor: Read more

If you're preaching your first sermon: Your First Sermon: Getting from here to Sunday in Five Manageable Steps 

For crafting a worship service:  Book of Common Worship (Westminster John Knox Press) and Feasting on the Word Worship Companion 

Additional Resources:

Along the Road: A Podcast for PC(USA) Leaders

Coming Alive in Christ: Training for PC(USA) Ruling Elders and Deacons based on the Constitutional Questions

re: Ruling Elders

PC(USA) OGA ( provides a list of additional resources and the promo code LEADER40 that will get you a 40% discount when you order the books listed.

The Academy for personal growth or to become a commissioned ruling elder

Academy-Brochure-8-30-2023.pdf (




Solar Churches

Watch the webinar that showcases 5 dynamic Presbyterian congregations and the different ways they funded, promoted, and installed solar panels on their church buildings!



Is Here!

June 20: World Refugee Day

More here: World Refugee Day 2024 | UNHCR

Video 1: These Ukranian sisters are creating sounds you can't ignore

Video 2: Meeting the Mushroom King

Video 3: This Syrian toymaker builds the most beautiful contraptions

2024 Per Capita: $45.00 Total

$29.70 for Presbytery

$5.50 for Synod

$9.80 for GA

Pastoral Leadership Opportunities

First Presbyterian Church of Holland - Pastor

Ministry Discernment Profile

First Presbyterian Church, Pipestone - Pastor

Ministry Discernment Profile

Harrison Presbyterian Church, rural Spicer - Pastor, yoked parish

Ministry Discernment Profile

Ministry opportunities are posted on the Church Leadership Connection website -- Church Leadership Connection (

PC(USA) Weekly News

Keeping in Touch E-news

On the Road to GA226 - Issue 10

New week, new worship resources

Countdown to Clearwater Forest Fest (and lots of summer happenings)

Being, Not Doing: How do we DO that?

News for the Common Good

Getting rid of fossil fuel ads
