The Valley Bridge

A weekly newsletter from the Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys

September 7, 2022

We are congregations who seek to be a collective expression of the Body of Christ, joyfully participating in Christ's ongoing life and work. "Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing." 
(I Thessalonians 5:11)

Congregation of the Week of September 11-17

First Presbyterian Church of Maynard

125th Anniversary 1897 - 2022

First Presbyterian, Maynard began as a Sunday School in 1894. In 1897, the church was organized with only 11 members. Rev. Thomas Scottens was the organizing Pastor, and the eleven members were: Ada Peterson, Mary Barager, Sophia Dewey, Libbie Habstritt, Elbert and Mary Laidlaw, Hattie Fish, Nels and Ellen Norberg and their children, Willard and Jenny. The church was remodeled in 1917 and again in 1954. In 1931, the church elected the first woman elder, Mary Thompson. Among the earliest families, now deceased are: William Thompson, A. W. Carpenter, Charles Schaller, David Underwood, William Harris, David Harting, Harold (Pete) Coulter and A.C. Martenson. 


Our early history began with a petition sent to the St. Cloud Presbytery of interest in starting a church. On June 14, 1901, the church bought property for $1 from the Spicer Land Company. (The town is named for John Spicer’s son, Maynard.) On May 21, 1902, the church borrowed $600 from Presbytery for lumber, with the mortgaged property belonging to Presbytery. April 10, 1917, remodeling and enlarging of the Presbyterian church was begun. There was also a time that the church was “turned around.” 


In the early years, the minister served the churches of Clara City and Maynard. In 1908, the Presbyterian Church left the Clara City church and became self-supporting. In 1923, the churches in Kerkhoven and Maynard decided to have an association that lasted until 1964. In that year, the congregation in Maynard felt Kerkhoven was too great a distance to travel and decided to associate with the United Church of Christ in Granite Falls. That association ended when the Granite Falls church felt they could support their own minister. Maynard then re-established their relationship with the Kerkhoven church. The church has been served by eighteen ministers and three stated supply ministers. The minister at the present time is Reverend, Beverly Crute, Ph.D.  


Celebrating our 125 years as a congregation is a milestone. We are holding a special Anniversary Church Worship service on September 11. One feature of the service will be singing hymns that could have been sung by members gathered years ago on The Sabbath including: “Awakening Chorus” © 1905, “Blessed Assurance” © 1873 and “The Church’s One Foundation © 1866.  


Following the Anniversary Worship Service, members and friends will gather for a catered meal by Budger’s Fine Dining of Maynard, Minn. to be held at the Maynard Community Center. Former members and friends will have opportunity to visit, share stories and look at pictures from the past. At this time, a group photo will be taken. For questions or additional information, please contact Nancy: (320) 250-9199. RSVP is needed by Wednesday, September 7th for the catered meal. (A free will offering will be received for the meal).

Here is Sunday's schedule:

10:15 – 11:00 Coffee and Cinnamon Rolls in Fellowship Hall

11:00 – 12:00 Church Anniversary Worship Service

12:00 – 1:00 Catered Meal at Maynard Community Center and Group Picture

Session Members: 

  • Gary Coulter  
  • Michael Coulter
  • Glenis Elliott         
  • Nancy Pierskalla



  • Glenis Elliott, Clerk
  • Michael Coulter, Treasurer
  • Zac Coulter, Sound Technician
  • Jeri Freese, Church Safety Coordinator and Decorator
  • Julie Jacobs and Lucia Medina, Christian Education
  • Gary Coulter and Mac Coulter, Buildings and Grounds
  • Nancy Pierskalla and Sue Ripley, Church Historians
  • Emerson Coulter, and twins Trenton and Taylon Plamann, Candle Lighters
  • Rev. Beverly Crute, M.A., PhD. M.Div., Pastor

Prayer Concerns:

  • Our 125th Church Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, September 11
  • Area-wide Community Ministry
  • Students returning to School and their Teachers
  • Those who are recovering from illness or are seeking treatment
  • Those who are grieving from loss and bereavement
  • People “on the margins”
  • Environmental concerns and our planet’s health
  • Mission Co-Worker, Rev. Dr. John McCall in Taiwan
  • Our Church Belfry (that leaks) and the “1 bat” (that we know of)

Together in Christ

Dear Presbytery Family,

When I am driving through the countryside of the Minnesota Valleys Presbytery I see many churches, but to be honest, not many of them are Presbyterian. Often, they are big and beautiful. Sometimes I have wondered what the Presbyterian Church uniquely brings to our region. Are we a needed voice? Do we have a specific call and mission to this area? We are not the only voice in our region, maybe not even the most important voice or a better voice, but we do have a distinctive voice, and I think it is helpful not to lose that and to appreciate our own unique message.

You may recall from a study of church history or a confirmation class in years gone by, that we trace our theology back to the Protestant Reformation. Before the Reformation, everyone was Catholic. But resistance came to some of the teachings of the Catholic Church. Martin Luther, himself a Catholic monk, grew weary of trying to earn his way to a relationship with God by rule-keeping that was impossible. The Protestant Reformation ignited as Luther protested some of the teachings of the Catholic church. John Calvin, also raised in the Catholic church, and someone who had studied to be a priest and then a lawyer, also became a leader in the Protestant Reformation. We trace our reformed roots back to Calvin.

One of the things that Calvin taught was that our relationship with God is initiated by God. It is God’s grace and majesty that finds us, claims us, invites us into faith. We would not have the ability to repent of sin were it not for an encounter with the grace and majesty of God. The beauty, the wonder, the grace, and mercy of God are the beginning of our relationship. We respond to God’s initiative in reaching us. We endeavor to obey the commandments of God not as a way of earning God’s love, but as a way of thanking God for the love God has freely given.

Friends, this really is a distinct message, and something that can be life-giving for those who hear it. Ours is not the task of trying to point out where others sin or err. Instead we point to the grace and majesty of God. We have the privilege of helping others see God’s glory. We trust God to be at work, taking the initiative to reach all, to bring change into our lives when change is needed. We trust we will find the grace and strength for that journey through God’s grace, already freely given.

Through the years one of the compliments I have heard paid at Presbyterian churches is that we “don’t preach a bunch of hell-fire and brimstone.” Those offering this compliment often have stories of being afraid of God as children because of things they were taught at church. They have stories of being shamed, made to feel guilty or like they would never measure up. Those stories are often painful and led to a greater sense of alienation from God as opposed to relationship with God. When we are at our best, we are offering this hurting world the message of God’s grace, freely given, God’s majesty, power and love. We are trusting God with the rest – to move in the hearts and lives of the people God loves so very much. We have the honor and privilege of being conduits of God’s love, because that is what God most wants to share with our world.

Together in Christ,

With courage, devotion and good spirit as a colleague,

Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller

On Sunday, September 11th, we will be celebrating 50 years of worshiping together at Hope Presbyterian Church in Spicer. We will start with our regular worship at 10:00 am, followed by a program at 11:00 having invited past ministers to speak. After the program, lunch will be served and following that a time of outdoor games, root beer floats and bluegrass music in our chapel.

2022 Minnesota Valleys

Pastors’ Rest and Renewal Retreat

When: 6 pm Sunday, Sept 18th – 9 am Thursday, Sept 22nd

Where: Leaning Tree Lodge at Clearwater Forest

Cost: $50 (double occupancy), $100 (single occupancy, space allowing) in Leaning Tree lodge, which includes lunch and dinner each day at the dining hall, and informal breakfast in Leaning Tree.

Description: This retreat is designed for active and retired pastors and CREs in Minnesota Valleys Presbytery. The purpose of the retreat will be to rest and recreate in “God With Us.” Other than mealtimes and worship and devotional times, you will be free to relax, fish, golf, boat, hike, or chill in a swing or hammock. You will also have opportunities to hang out with colleagues and build friendships with your peers in the Presbytery. You will have the opportunity, if you wish, to share ideas, collaborate, and encourage each other. Our sincere hope and prayer is that you will come home from this retreat with recharged batteries and renewed energy.

Worship & Spiritual Leader: This year we have asked Carol Meier to lead our worship and offer times of spiritual guidance. Carol is a child of God who spends her days working as a church musician, songwriter, and full-time student. Carol has served as music director at Eagle Lake Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Willmar, MN for the past 15 years where she enjoys being in ministry with her husband, Steve, who serves as pastor. As a songwriter, Carol writes music for a variety of settings including music for congregation, ensemble, and/or soloist. Having found the intersection of music and spirituality to be an especially sacred space, Carol loves exploring that space with fellow companions on the journey of faith. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Liturgical Music (with an emphasis in composition) from St. John’s School of Theology and Seminary in Collegeville, MN.

Daily Schedule:

The retreat begins with check in no earlier than 4:00 pm on Sunday and dinner at 6:00 pm that evening. The retreat ends on Thursday following breakfast and

morning devotionals (must check out by noon). Otherwise, the schedule will be:

7:30 am – Lakeside devotionals

8:00 am – Breakfast (basic items included, with informal dining in the Leaning Tree kitchen, bring your own breakfast favorites if you’d like: cereal, bagels, yogurt, etc.)

Noon – Lunch in the dining hall

6:00 pm – Dinner in the dining hall

7:00 pm – Lakeside worship

10:00 pm – Lakeside devotionals

What to bring:

  • Snack(s) to share: bars, cookies, chips, etc.
  • Recreational items such as fishing gear, mountain bike, golf-clubs, disc golf discs, etc. We are checking on the availability of the pontoon boat, and camp activities.
  • You may be asked to share a morning or evening devotional
  • A favorite board game or cards.
  • A musical instrument if you want to help with worship leadership.
  • Outdoor gear/clothing for fall elements, bug spray, sunscreen, flashlight, etc.
  • Breakfast is informal, so bring your own cereal, bagels, yogurt, etc.

To sign up: Email with the following info:



Cell phone

Dietary restrictions

Roommate/housing request – space is limited; and singles will be handed out, space allowing, on a first come-first served basis.

Mail your check, made out to the Presbytery, to:

Presbytery of Minnesota Valleys

PO Box 431

Kerkhoven MN 56252

Pictures of Installation Service of Rev. Randall Knuth as pastor of First and Emmanuel Presbyterian Churches, Rushmore and Zion Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth.

New Beginnings for a New Era

After years of prayerful consideration and the moving of the Holy Spirit between First Presbyterian Church, Rushmore and Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Rushmore, each of them voted unanimously to follow God’s leading and come together as one congregation.

While it is a celebration, there naturally is grief and loss felt because First Presbyterian Church, Rushmore has been a place that has meant so much to so many through the years. The legacy will continue with us as we worship together in one building as we bring the two houses of faith together.

While we acknowledge our moving on, we also will begin with a celebration of worship and a catered meal on Sunday, September 25. The worship service will begin at 10 AM. The Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller, our Executive Presbyter will offer God’s Word and encouragement as our preacher for the day. If you would like to be a part of this special celebration, we would like your RSVP no later than Wednesday, September 21, 2022. You may send your RSVP to: or You may also call Pastor Randy Knuth at his office: 507-967-2269. Please leave a message with number attending.   

If you are not able to attend and would like to send greetings or memories especially of First Presbyterian Church, Rushmore, please do so also by responding by Wednesday, September 21 to the above email address or you may mail them to: Rev. Randy Knuth at 504 S. Broadway St., Ellsworth, Minnesota 56129.

Notes from Kali Luther, Presbytery Youth Coordinator

Fall Clean Up Weekend (October 21-22)

Winterizing doesn't have to be a chore! Come join us as we put away the summer months and get Lakeshore ready for the colder months. Enjoy the beauty of autumn in our sacred space and enjoy the fellowship of volunteering! Click on the link to book a room:

Weekend of Living Ideas Conference

November 4-6th (Friday-Sunday)

Lakeshore Center at Okoboji

More Information:

Schedule (

Registration NOW Open:

Registration (

Happening SOON:


7-Part Webinar Series

Sept. 13 & 20

Oct. 4, 11, & 25

Nov. 1 & 8

Leaders Register NOW For

ConNext Summit’s biennial 2 day- 2 night conference:

CONNEXT SUMMIT – The Ministry Lab


Sunday, October 16, 2022 – 5:00 PM CT


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – 2:30 PM CT

Where: Christ the King Retreat Center

621 – 1st Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313

Check out Lifelong FAITH Trainings

Lifelong Faith Training - Home

These trainings are FREE, self-paced, and there is one for everyone:

Leaders, Children, Pastors, Families, Young Adults, and Adults. 

Register today to join a book study

Black Elk Speaks

by John G. Neihardt

Dates: September 26, October 17 and 31

Daytime study begins at 1:30-2:30 PM (CST)

Evening study begins at 6:30-7:30 PM (CST) 

This book study is sponsored by Presbyterian Women in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and led by members of the PWS Native American Concerns Committee. It is open to interested women and men across the synod, via Zoom videoconferencing (using computer or phone) There is no charge to participate, yet registration is required.

Synopsis: Black Elk Speaks, the story of the Oglala Lakota visionary and healer Nicholas Black Elk (1863–1950) and his people during momentous twilight years of the nineteenth century, offers readers much more than a precious glimpse of a vanished time. Black Elk’s searing visions of the unity of humanity and Earth, conveyed by John G. Neihardt, have made this book a classic that crosses multiple genres. Whether appreciated as the poignant tale of a Lakota life, as a history of a Native nation, or as an enduring spiritual testament, Black Elk Speaks is unforgettable.

Black Elk met the distinguished poet, writer, and critic John G. Neihardt in 1930 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and asked Neihardt to share his story with the world. Neihardt understood and conveyed Black Elk’s experiences in this powerful and inspirational message for all humankind.

Register by contacting Marilyn Stone at

Provide the following information: Name - Email address - Phone # - Presbytery - Afternoon or evening study preference

Racial Ethnic Student Scholarship

So happy to send you this 2022 Racial Ethnic Student Scholarship application from the Committee on Racial Ethnic Ministries of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The application can be found on the Synod’s website here, and a copy is provided as an attachment for your convenience. We hope that you will share this with the congregations in your presbytery.

The Student Scholarship is an educational assistance program designed to encourage Indigenous and students of color in their preparation for academic success in higher education. Students must have a permanent residence within the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, be active members in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation and have confirmation of enrollment in a college, university, or specialty program.

The synod is committed to partner with students and schools for leadership development and quality instruction for lifelong service. Application awards are based on personal achievement, financial need and recommendation from a teacher and pastor.

Completed applications are due September 30, 2022, and must include an official transcript and financial aid statement.

Please help share this news by distributing the form to eligible students and interested church partners. Questions about the application or process may be directed to

Elona Street-Stewart, 651-357-1149


Gretchen Milloy, 651-357-1143




Elona Street-Stewart, Synod Executive         

Carolyn Grice, Chair, Committee on Racial Ethnic Ministry

Furnishing and Supplies available from First Presbyterian Jackson church

We have a wide variety of furnishings and supplies available to MVP congregations from the former First Presbyterian Church in Jackson. We are asking for a donation if your congregation is interested in acquiring any of these items.

Please contact one of the Administrative Commission members for more information: Galen Smith, (507) 376-3138, Cory Germain, Deb Hess, Mary Jo Lutz, Stan Menning

Some of the items are:

The Presbyterian Hymnal (1990 Blue); 180 pew editions; 2 accompaniment editions

Pipe organ

2 Filing cabinets - 5 drawer

Wood pews, semi circular, or straight

Mixer, amplifier, microphones

Pulpit, Lectern, Communion table, Baptismal Font

Choir Robes

Bibles - TEV, ESV

Vases, Candelabra, Advent Wreath

Christmas decorations

Step ladders

Refrigerators: Kenmore, GE

Deep Freezer

Miscellaneous Kitchen utensils, glasses, silver service, dishes, etc.

TV, VCR, Cart


Upholstered Chairs

Sofa, upholstered side chairs, end table

Seth Thomas 5’ tall pendulum clock

Presbytery Sermon Sunday

Sunday, September 25

Sermon and Liturgy Now Available!


Churches across the Presbytery are encouraged to invite the Presbytery Executive the Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller to Preach a virtual sermon on Sunday, September 25.


The sermon and worship material can be downloaded at Click on the image and follow the download instructions. You do not need to register on the site to download the files. The worship material is available in both Word or PDF format.


The sermon Is also available on YouTube at


If you have technical questions, please feel free to contact me at


Michael Hartwell

Inventive Ministries Task Force of the Commission on Leadership

Money available for Peacemaking

The Peace and Global Witness Offering is one of the special offerings of the PCUSA. It is usually taken on World Communion Sunday in October. It is dedicated to peacemaking in many different forms. Peacemaking is the job of the whole church. 25% of the offering is kept by the local congregation for their projects. 12.5% goes to the Presbytery and 12.5% to the Synod.

Over a few years the Presbytery has accumulated over $7,000 from this offering. The Presbytery Life Committee is offering money from this fund to help with peacemaking projects. If you have an idea to further the peace in your church or area, send a brief note to the office explaining your project, the cost, amount requested and where other funds would come from. Make sure your session is on board with this. Applications will be taken until September 1.

Some ideas would be:
  • Hold a Bible or book study focus on peace: example "Five Risks Presbyterians Must Take for Peace" WJK.
  • Find local projects that deal with poverty, violence, racism, climate change, immigration/migration or justice.
  • Sponsor a speaker for a community event.

We encourage you to think about ways to promote peace in your community. We would like to see this money used in ways the givers have intended.
Pastor Opportunity

It's been a hard couple of years for everybody! Pastors are dealing with all the issues that are related to the pandemic, along with all the normal ups and downs and other parts of ministry. In addition, they are ministering to congregations that are also dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety.

The Commission on Leadership has decided to give those in ministry some help and support in the form of affordable coaching. The Synod has trained coaches to provide the service at a cost of $50.00 per session. The Commission on Leadership has approved paying one half of the cost for one session a month for up to 24 months. If you are already working with a coach or want to use another one, you still can be reimbursed $25.00 per month. This program is available to all pastors, CREs who are serving churches and Christian educators.

We all can use some help and support as we continue to deal with a lot of heavy issues. If you are feeling just a little (or a lot) overwhelmed, please take advantage of this opportunity.

Contact Beth Buckwalter-Miller if you want to get started: 530-513-0592 or e-mail

2022 Per Capita

$43.00 Total

$28.52 for Presbytery

$5.50 for Synod

$8.98 for GA

2022 Presbytery Meeting Dates

Saturday, Oct 8 in person from 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. (location: St. Cloud)

Tuesday, Dec 6 via Zoom from 6:308:00 p.m.

Prayer List

  • For Rev. Al and Jeri Jergenson and family, retired pastor most recently serving Foley, on the death of their daughter, Tessa
  • For Rev. Jeff DeYoe, undergoing cancer treatment (former pastor at Hope Presbyterian Church, Spicer)
  • For Rev. Mark Chamberlain, retired pastor, Willmar
  • For Rev. Bob Bartlett, retired pastor, Round Lake
  • For Rev. Michael Roys, retired pastor, Winnebago
  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in the Occidente Presbytery of Guatemala - for their health, safety, and recovery from the effects of the Covid pandemic
Pastoral Leadership Opportunities

First Presbyterian Church of Canby - Pastor
Ministry Information Form - 03775.AD0

First Presbyterian Church, Pipestone - Pastor
Ministry Information Form - 03796.AD0

Harrison Presbyterian Church, rural Spicer - Pastor, yoked parish
Ministry Information Form - 03878.AA0

First Presbyterian Church, Winnebago - Pastor
Ministry Information Form - 03811.AA1

Ministry opportunities are posted on the Church Leadership Connection website --

Presbyterian Church USA Weekly News

The Dining Hall Project is complete!

Experiences of division, isolation, and despair are overwhelming. BELONGING offers connection, encouragement, and hope.

The Ministry Lab invites clergy, faith formation, worship, and other congregational leaders to join our Blue Whirl Webinar Series: Belonging: Welcome Wellbeing. Grow with coaches toward greater personal wellness; learn from therapists' tools to foster intergenerational mutuality; rest with a contemplative in belonging to God; and be inspired by artists to deepen and broaden communal belonging - all leading toward greater wellbeing for individuals and communities. Learn more and register here.








All webinars run from 2:00-3:30 PM CT.

Many Moving Parts

Flooding in Pakistan

Cultural, Faith, and Disability Communities

COVID-19 Updates
