There is no better bang for the bulb buck than Van Engelen's Discounted Collections. They take the pain out of making selections from over 800 varieties of exquisite Dutch flower bulbs and Peonies. Plus, you can take advantage of wholesale pricing on smaller quantities of individual varieties! You have the freedom to split up the Collections between client gardens, and to plant them individually by named variety or to mix them into your own signature blends. (Photo above: Collection I. To the left: Collection F.)

Each variety is individually packaged and labeled. We have a limited number of each Collection, so reserve them now to make sure you can get exactly what you want.

All Collections ship out in mid October once we receive them from their two-week crossing of the Atlantic from the Netherlands.

If you've never really examined our Collections, do take a look. Several are color-themed, some are to help feed the bees, others are deer-avoidant, and a couple are designed to sparkle woodlands.

Special Discounted Collections

COLLECTION A: The Early to Late Red Tulip Garden

50 bulbs each of Single Late Tulip Kingsblood, Emperor Tulip Red Emperor, Giant Darwin Hybrid Tulip Red Impression, Single Early Tulip Ruby Prince, Single Late Tulip Sky High Scarlet and Triumph Tulip Spryng Tide. 

COLLECTION B: Single Early Tulips

50 bulbs each of Single Early Tulips Candy Prince, Christmas Dream, Princess Irene, Purple Prince, Sunny Prince and White Marvel. Each has beautiful cup-shaped blooms and is great for bedding.

COLLECTION C: A Rainbow of Triumph Tulips

50 bulbs each of strong-stemmed, large, shapely-bloomed, extra colorful Triumph Tulips Bastogne, Don Quichotte, Michael, Negrita, Pays Bas and Strong Gold. Triumph Tulips are known to be good for forcing.

COLLECTION D: Colossal Giant Darwin Hybrid Tulips

50 bulbs each of large and long-lasting Giant Darwin Hybrid Tulips Apricot Impression, Blushing Impression, Daydream, Hakuun, Pink Impression and Salmon Impression.

COLLECTION E: The Early to Late Purple Tulip Garden

50 bulbs each of four solid purple Tulips: Triumph Tulip Negrita, Lily Flowering Tulip Purple Dream, Triumph Tulip Purple Lady and Single Early Tulip Purple Prince.

COLLECTION F: Tangerine-Pink Tulips

50 each of Giant Darwin Hybrid Tulips Apricot Impression, Big Love and Pink Impression; Single Late Tulips Dordogne and Menton; and Triumph Tulip Salmon Pearl.

COLLECTION G: The Latest May Tulip Garden

50 bulbs each of Peony Flowering Tulip Black Hero, Single Late Tulip Blushing Beauty, Single Late Tulip Blushing Girl, Parrot Tulip Green Wave, Single Late Tulip Maureena nd Single Late Tulip Menton.

COLLECTION H: The Spring-Long Pink Tulip Celebration

50 each of Peony Tulip Amazing Grace, Single Early Tulip Candy Prince, Green T. Greenland, Parrot T. Green Wave and Giant Darwin Hybrid Tulips Pink Impression and Royal Pride.

COLLECTION I: Big Bang Naturalizing Narcissi

50 bulbs each of Large Cupped Narcissi Flower Record and Fortissimo, Trumpet Daffodil Marieke and Large Cupped Narcissus Pink Charm. While all Narcissi are deer-proof perennials, these varieties are known as terrific naturalizers.

COLLECTION J: Early-to-Late Naturalizing Narcissi

50 each of Small Cupped Narcissus Barrett Browning, Large Cupped Narcissus Delibes, Cyclamineus Narcissus Tête-à-Tête and Double Narcissus Yellow Cheerfulness.

COLLECTION K: Late Flowering Fragrant Narcissi

50 bulbs each of Jonquilla Narcissus Beautiful Eyes, Double Narcissus Cheerfulness, Poeticus Narcissus Pheasant's Eye and Double Narcissus Yellow Cheerfulness.

COLLECTION L: Fragrant Naturalizing Jonquillas

50 bulbs each of sweetly fragrant Jonquilla Narcissi Baby Moon, Hillstar, Golden Echo and Sweet Love. You'll adore their multiple flowers per stem, lovely fragrance and grass-like foliage.

COLLECTION M: Perfect Naturalizing Narcissus Mates

50 bulbs each of Large Cupped Narcissus Golden Salome and Large Cupped Narcissus Salome. They bloom together~a perfect match!

COLLECTION N: Fragrant Narcissi

25 bulbs each of beautiful Poeticus Narcissus Actaea, Double Narcissus Bridal Crown, Tazetta Narcissus Golden Dawn and Jonquilla Narcissus Golden Echo.

COLLECTION O: The Stinzenplanten Lawn

50 each of Corydalis solida Beth Evans, Crocus Tommasinianus Barr's Purple, Eranthis hyemalis, Galanthus woronowii, Scilla mischtschenkoana and Tulipa sylvestris.

COLLECTION P: The Deer-Proof Garden

50 bulbs each of Allium aflat. Purple Sensation and sphaerocephalon, Chionodoxa sardensis, Muscari armeniacum, Narcissus Grand Mixture and Ornithogalum balansae.

COLLECTION Q: The Crocus tommasinianus Lawn-of-Dreams

100 each of Crocus tommasinianus Barr's Purple, Lilac Beauty, Roseus, Ruby Giant and Whitewell Purple (pale silvery-mauve).

50 each of Crocus tommasinianus Barrs Purple, Eranthis hyemalis, Galanthus elwesii, Iris reticulata Harmony, Miniature Narcissus Topolino and Ornithogalum balansae.

COLLECTION S: Woodland Wonders

25 bulbs each of Eranthis hyemalis, Galanthus elwesii, Hyacinthoides hispanica Excelsior and Oxalis adenophylla, and 50 each of Geranium tuberosum and O. nutans Silver Bells.

COLLECTION T: The Must-Plant Allium Sampler

50 each of Allium aflatunense Purple Sensation, Allium siculum bulgaricum, and Allium sphaerocephalon; 5 bulbs of Allium atropurpureum and 25 bulbs of Allium christophii.

COLLECTION U: Essential Late Spring Perennials

50 bulbs each of A. sphaerocephalon, Brodiaea Queen Fabiola, B. Rudy, Camassia quamash, Gladiolus communis ssp byzantinus and Ixiolirion tataricum ssp. pallasii.

COLLECTION V: Northwest U.S. Native Heirlooms

50 bulbs each of Brodiaea laxa coccinea, B. laxa Corrina, Camassia quamash and C. quamash Orion, 10 bulbs of Camassia cusickii and 25 bulbs of Camassia quamash Blue Melody.

COLLECTION W: The Fragrant Peony Collection

It includes one rootstock each of deliciously fragrant Herbaceous Peonies Eden's Perfume, Festiva Maxima, Koningin Wilhelmina, Moonstone, Pink Hawaiian Coral and Raspberry Sundae.

The Impression Tulip Grand Collection

50 bulbs each of Tulips Apricot Impression, Blushing Impression, Design Impression, Pink Impression, Red Impression and Salmon Impression, each individually packaged and labeled.

Call Us~We're Here for You!

Reserve the essential flower bulbs for your clients' gardens now to avoid dreaded sold-outs later. We don't charge credit cards until we prepare your order for shipment, so there is no cost associated with reserving your bulbs now. (Photo to the left: Collection K.)

We ship Collections in mid-October once they're received from the Netherlands.

We are here to help you 8:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm over the weekends. If you need an individual variety in smaller volume, please visit our sister company, John Scheepers Beauty from Bulbs.

Call us at 860.567.8734 if you need a sharp pencil quotation on individual varieties in excess of published volume pricing. We can pack your order by client or planting site.

We never substitute named varieties, bulb size or quality.

For Van Engelen's 56-page Wholesale Price List, click: Request VE Catalog.

For John Scheepers' 92-page Beauty from Bulbs color catalog, click: Request JS Catalog.

To view our collection of over 800 flower bulb varieties online, click: Flower Bulb Collection.

For our Website Specials, click: Website Specials.

For our Kitchen Garden Seeds catalog, click: Request KGS Catalog.

Van Engelen Wholesale Flower Bulbs

23 Tulip Drive * PO Box 638 * Bantam, CT 06750

Phone: (860) 567-8734 * Fax: (860) 567-5323

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