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Vanessa Hudgens, Lindsay Lohan, and Maverick City Music


October 19th, 2022

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A Movement of Prayer for the Entertainment Industry

Dear HPN,

It’s almost Halloween - a perfect time to pray for and/or visit your neighbors or welcome them into your home. It’s the only time of year where we can walk up to the front door of total strangers, introduce ourselves, and share the Love of God. Let’s pray for how we can take advantage of that in our own neighborhoods! Also, let’s pray for the people in Hollywood who love to hide their insecurities, anxieties, and fears behind Halloween costumes and lose themselves in the holiday! Let's be praying for masks to come DOWN, and for the vulnerability and transparency of Christians to warm hearts and build bridges to those who need the Lord...

We also want to let you know that HPN has grown so fast this year and had the amazing opportunity to MEET MORE NEEDS THAN EVER BEFORE in our 21 years of ministry! However, we are also the lowest we’ve been in decades financially. So, we are going to send out a special email next week letting you know what we’ve done, what we have planned for the future and how you can prayerfully consider joining our wonderful giving family to help us meet our goals. We believe this is a pivotal time in our ministry’s history, to take advantage of the unbelievable opportunities and needs, but, of course, we can’t do it without donations from like-minded friends and supporters. So, don’t miss the upcoming opportunities and ask God what your part can be in the ministry!

Let’s pray...


Testimony Time!

This is an email I recently got from an HPN member and friend who is a successful actress experiencing a few very slow years.  These are some of the things that we praise God for in our industry and community.  It truly is a miracle and shows Christians outside of Hollywood that God loves industry professionals and He is moving in Hollywood: 


     "Praise Report For me - I recently had a miraculous answer to prayer. On Sept. 11th , I told an actress friend that it would take a miracle for me to meet my eligibility for my SAG Health insurance by Sept 30th (my deadline). With the new SAG Health Plan rules for eligibility, everyone who has a SAG pension has to make the eligibility on SESSIONS ONLY (residuals don’t count towards eligibility). On Sep 11th I was several thousand dollars away from making it. The very next day, I booked a commercial - which turned out to be a 4-day shoot - 2 of the days  were on the weekend which is double scale…..So this one job put me over the needed amount. I have NEVER had a 4-day shoot for a commercial before.  PRAISE GOD - MIRACLE RECEIVED!"


Angela Lansbury

On October 11th, the iconic American actress, Angela Lansbury died peacefully, at the age of 96. Angela was known for her incredible skills in acting, singing, voice-overs and speaking and we know that her family and friends are missing her deeply. We honor her because she was a woman of integrity, grace, elegance, kindness and joy. Angela was great to work with and was faithful to her friends, along with offering the world hours and hours of great entertainment and joy. May more “celebrities” embrace these qualities as they live and work in the entertainment industry! And may Angela be an inspiration and a role-model to younger actresses who loved her and her work!  


Vanessa Hudgens

Let’s pray for young actress/singer, Vanessa Hudgens, who is on a spiritual journey and searching for truth. Vanessa has publicly expressed her love for witchcraft/ the occult, and has. a documentary coming out regarding her journey into these practices. It’s too easy for celebrities to search for God in all the wrong places, and for Christians to curse them or turn away! So we want to pray that Vanessa finds godly, loving Christians who will encourage her to embrace truth, love, peace, joy and hope - that only comes from God!

Cartoon Network and the Future of Animation

Cartoon Network Studios and Warner Bros. are in flux.

Please pray for the leaders and animation employees at the Warner Bros/Discovery animation unit The Cartoon Network, as the studio plans to consolidate its TV animation divisions and restructure its production divisions. There is a great need in our country for solid, clean, strong children’s programming with stories and characters that can inspire children and give them role models. So, let’s pray that God steps into the plans of these industry leaders and the outcome can be beneficial for children and families looking for great kids entertainment.  


Pray for the 20 Most Powerful Women in Global Entertainment

Here is a chance to pray through the names of 20 women who are not only having an impact on our industry through their positions and personalities, but who are making decisions that impact the world. This article is a truly fascinating look into a diverse pool of women who are shaping the narrative of entertainment as we know it. Please ask the Lord to hold these 20 women in the palm of His hand and guide them, fill them with wisdom, discernment, strength, integrity, joy and creativity, and that they will positively influence the world! And of course, we want those who don't know God to come to Him and be bold in their faith!

Actor's Co-op, A Community for Actors

We would love for you to pray for a fabulous Acting Company in Hollywood - The Actor’s Co-Op. It has been a sister ministry for decades, and in fact, it was the first entertainment ministry in our industry when it launched in 1982. They went through a hard time during Covid and we want to see them flourish again. So, would you pray for them to get the finances, resources and audience that they need to become vital and active again as the most award-winning acting company in Los Angeles. If you like theatre, or if you would like to audition to join the company, would you check them out?


Lindsay Lohan’s Return to the Movies

Let's pray for the movie comeback of Lindsay as she stars in a new Netflix Christmas movie, Falling For Christmas, this time with her younger sister Aliana Lohan. Let’s pray for Lindsay to have professional and spiritual wisdom and balance as she gets back into the public eye, after years of rehab and recovery from the damaging life that being a young celebrity often produces. This talented actress needs our support, love and prayers - not our judgment or criticism. We believe that God is touching Lindsay's life! Let’s ask God to hold her up and give her supernatural strength and favor that only He can supply, as she navigates marriage and her career!

Maverick City Music

Let’s pray for the Christian band/ Gospel music group Maverick City Music, that is getting both praise and criticism for their success, their collaborations, and their relationships. It is so easy to judge Christians who become famous and work and walk with non-believers, and yet- shouldn't we be salt and light, (not in a "holy bubble" but in the world)? Maverick City Music needs our prayers for wisdom, discernment, favor and encouragement as they navigate the difficult waters of celebrity and faith. Let's also pray that they remain surrounded by grounded believers and mentors that don't want to benefit from their growing fame.

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Thank you for praying for us this month! We love you and thank you for your life-giving prayers and financial support that we need as we uniquely and boldly support, encourage, serve and pray for the people in the Hollywood Entertainment industry!

With love,

Karen, Kelry and Myesha


"The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.

-- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


"Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place," 

-- Ephesians 6:14

HPN YouVersion Weekly Devotional: Truth

Truth is a controversial issue in today’s world. What is truth? How do we stand firm in truth and yet not judge or offend people? This week we’re focusing on God’s absolute truth and how we can incorporate it into our everyday lives. And His truth will set us free!

- Karen Covell

Read Full Devotional

Feature Presentations


Want to have these prayer Calendar sent to you monthly? Join our HOLLYWOOD KIDS & FAMILIES once monthly mailing list and pray for the hottest young stars in kids and teens entertainment! Join this list to also get news of more family events and gatherings for families in entertainment.


Film Reviews: 

Upcoming films:

  • Black Adam 
  • Mrs Harris Goes to Paris


HPN wants you to know about our amazing friends in Australia, THIRD SPACE, a non-profit that "creates room to explore the important questions about life". We all share a common goal to create conversation amongst Christians about entertainment, culture, and faith. Check out these resources, FOLLOW THEM ON INSTAGRAM to be a part of the ongoing discussion, and SHARE these film reviews with friends! THIRD SPACE WEBSITE


HPN member Danae Samms will be performing at the Comedy Chateau on Thursday, October 20th at 8:00p.m.! Go support her and any other Christian Comedians that you know are out using the gifts that God has given them!

Comedy Chateau- 4615 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91602

Join us for this FREE event honoring Women in Film Music. We are thrilled to offer a lunch, networking, and a rich panel discussion with film composers Sarah Trevino , Hannah Parrott , and Edie Lehmann Boddicker , facilitated by our very own Karen Covell! ALL ARE WELCOME as we discuss faith and success in the film music world.


FILM: Buying Her

HPN Friend and member Benji Nolot premiered his latest film Buying Her on Oct. 17th at the Newport Beach film festival.


New Monthly gathering at Incarnation Catholic Church

You're invited to "3rd Saturday" Fellowship Group for Media and Entertainment Professionals

November 19th

7:30 PM Optional Praise & Worship

8:00 PM Scripture and Sharing

For More Information, visit their website at Incarnation Church

FILM - Jesus Revolution

We believe in the power of this story, and we’re giving away FREE TICKETS while supplies last to see JESUS REVOLUTION on the night of our national preview — Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Thousands of people across America will experience this profound true story of revival on the same day, at the same time. And we want you to be part of the movement.    

Link to Free Tickets!

Your Community Awaits...

HPN member and friend Sonia Alcazar Collier has an amazing new magazine that just released it's #Mommypreneur edition!

TSOE is where thousands of professionals in events, the arts, business and entrepreneurship come to find community, and our hope is that you find that kind of space for yourself as well! Here at our online shop we are currently selling subscriptions to The State of Events Zine - an exclusive magazine where events & community meet. Enjoy the new Fall issue #Mommypreneur!

Purchase the magazine HERE

If you know someone who would enjoy this magazine, CONTACT THEM to gift it!

THANKSGIVING DAY - 2nd Annual Friendsgiving!

Last year, over 60 community members gathered on Thanksgiving night for a community Friends-giving to remember! To join our even bigger group this year, FILL OUT THIS FORM, bring a friend, and enjoy a night of food, games, photos, worship and gratefulness 🥧 


Support our Community by Attending or Praying for these Events!


After much prayer, we have decided to postpone this event until the funding is available to bless our community with another spectacular event. If you'd like, you can PARTNER WITH US early for next year! As always, THANK YOU ALL!! We can't wait to dress up, support artists, and lift up the name of Jesus in Hollywood at Christmastime!

HPN Upside Down Comedy Night 😂 

Every Tuesday Night | 7:00pm | IN PERSON

Join our community group of Christian comedians, comedy writers, and humorists that are meeting every Tuesday night of the month at 7pm at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood Campus! Learn more by following Upside Down Comedy on Instagram.  REGISTER HERE >>


Sunday, October 23rd | 10:00am PST | IN PERSON

Catholics in Media Associates is back!

Join us Sunday, October 23rd for a special Mass and Breakfast honoring filmmakers, producers, and actors.

10:00am Mass at Sacred Heart Chapel at Loyola Marymount University. Awards Breakfast to follow Mass at St. Robert's Hall. CiMA Awards recognizes those projects and people in the entertainment industry who, by their work, have made clearer the Word of God.


Jewish Hollywood: Engaging The World

Sat, Oct 29 | 9:30-5:00PM | IN PERSON

PLACE: Bel Air or Westwood. Location sent with rsvp

BRING: Bible & Pen, (can bring or purchase lunch - details to follow) OR

603-303-5739, 310-207-6095 (Please RSVP by Oct 23)

COST: No admission charge. A free-will offering will be taken


Women in Film Music Event 🎞🎶 

Measure for Measure Musical Community

Sat Nov. 5th | 12:00pm | IN PERSON

We invite you to the next Measure for Measure Community Group Event for Singers, Songwriters, Composers, Producers and Musicians! Join us for this FREE event honoring Women in Film Music. We are thrilled to offer a lunch, networking, and a rich panel discussion with film composers Sarah Trevino , Hannah Parrott , and Edie Lehmann Boddicker , facilitated by our very own Karen Covell! ALL ARE WELCOME as we discuss faith and success in the film music world.


The Business Principles of Acting

Greenhouse Arts & Media

Sat Nov 5th | 12:00pm-3:00pm | VIRTUAL

There's more to being an actor than just acting. You have honed your craft, but have you learned the realities of the entertainment business? For a successful acting career, you must understand how the acting business works! Become the type of actor an agent and casting director want to work with by learning the business principles of acting.


1st Mondays Prayer/Worship Nights

Mon. Nov. 7th | 7:00pm | VIRTUAL

If you are an L.A.-based entertainment industry professional, we want to offer you our “1st Mondays” Monthly Prayer and Worship Nights! We have prayer intercessors who will pray for you one-on-one in a Zoom breakout room.


HPN Meetups! For New HPN Friends

Thurs. Nov 10th | 11:00am | IN PERSON

Are you NEW to Hollywood, LA, the Industry, OR HPN? Then we want to meet you at our monthly HPN Meetups at the FPCH campus! Come grab a light breakfast and coffee with us as we talk faith, the industry, your journey to LA and pray for you! We also encourage old friends to connect with new faces, so come again and invite someone new to come with you!



Sat. Nov. 12th | 9:30am-1:30pm | IN PERSON

Act One’s first LIVE IN-PERSON event in 3 years is coming on Saturday, November 12th, and you are invited! Biola University & Mastermedia International present THE ACT ONE DIALOGUE SESSIONS, an intimate day of conversations around faith and film. Hosted at Biola University, this is an event you don't want to miss!

Cost: $35 per person ($45 after Nov. 4th)


KWA - Kingdom Writer's Association: Hollywood Chapter

Sat. Nov 12th | 1:00pm-3:00pm | IN PERSON

If you're a screenwriter, you're invited to join our monthly meetup for a time of prayer, fellowship, and writing with fellow Christians. Make sure to invite your screenwriting friends! Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. KWA meets EVERY MONTH on the 2nd Saturday at 1pm at the Library on the FPCH campus. Contact Anthony Cantu

HPN Weekly Friday Global Prayer Call

Fridays | 12 - 1 p.m. Pacific | ZOOM or Phone

Join us for a powerful hour of praise and prayer for our industry, where HPN members call in from around the globe and pray for the industry and each other. Links are updated weekly, so please email us to get the latest.


Don’t miss our other local events on our Hollywood Community Calendar, or if you have an event to add, let us know and we'll add it! 



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All Ralph's/Kroger community donors MUST RE-REGISTER NOW in order to have a percentage of your purchases go to HPN! 

Set up your Amazon account to permanently connect to HPN and donate every time you order!

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The Hollywood Prayer Network

1760 N Gower St

Los Angeles, CA 90028

(323) 462-8486

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