The Biggest Challenge

We are a compilation of our experiences and memories.  One of the biggest challenges we will ever face as we navigate life is with ourselves.  Continue offering love, your time, and courage until others are encouraged - because it works.  Loved ones are preparing children to start school for the first time.  Students are moving on to the next grade. High school seniors are graduating.  Raising and educating children requires facing and solving challenges.  Children are graduating because of your commitment to navigating life challenges.  Pat yourself on the back and celebrate. Also, click here for details about Henrico County Public Schools graduations, and enjoy!

Have a wonderful day,


Learn more about Alicia at

Thank you!

The last day of school is June 9, 2023, and summer officially starts June 21, 2023. From my hubby and I to you, thank you for your support this school year. We appreciate you and want you to have a peaceful and fun summer.

Just the Facts

Click Here to learn about HCPS Legislative Priorities.

Henrico County

- 5 Board Members

- 74 Schools & Centers

- $707.5 million Budget

- 333K+ Population*

- 48K+ Students

- 7K+ Employees

Varina District

- 58K+ Population

- 9K+ Students

- 26 Schools & Centers

- 2 Schools at >95% capacity

- Largest land mass

Please note information presented is fluid and may change.

6/09: Last day of school

6/20: Virginia Primary Voting Day (Click here for details)

6/20: HCPS Summer Academy begins (Click here for details)

6/22: School Board Work Session (Click here for details)

6/26: Let's Grow, Henrico Summer Camp begins (Click here for details)

HCPS Family and Community Engagement

A community is a group of people living in the same place or feeling fellowship. The HCPS Division of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) is committed to building resource-rich school communities, bridging high-impact collaborations and partnerships, and boosting transformative family engagement. As the “FACE” of HCPS, they focus on genuine connections and family relationships. 

Click here to learn more about Bridge Builders Academy, Exceptional Education Support, Resource Navigation, The Oak Avenue Complex, and more. 


OFFICE: 804.652.3808 * MOBILE: 804.385.9823 * EMAIL: ASATKINS@HENRICO.K12.VA.US