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January 29, 2024 | Week 5

Aptitud Financiera Empresarion - Clase Completamente Gratis y en Español

Únete a nosotros en una serie interactiva e informativa que ayuda a los empresarios a poner en orden las finanzas de su negocio. Los participantes aprenderán a configurar y administrar las finanzas de su negocio, comprender y analizar lo que dicen sus finanzas sobre el negocio y estar preparados para futuras oportunidades de financiamiento o subvención.

Módulo 1: Febrero 13, 3:00-5:00pm

Módulo 2: Febrero 20, 3:00-5:00pm

Módulo 3: Febrero 27, 3:00-5:00pm

Estas clases son posibles en colaboración con el Small Business Development Center (SBDC).

Más Información

This class will also be available in English at a different time, see more information here.

State of the Community Luncheon

A big thank you to our Keynote Speaker Mayor John Franklin, and guest speakers Vista Chamber Chair Zeke Corley, VUSD Superintendent Dr. Matt Doyle, and Dr. Bronner's President Michael Bronner for sharing their insights and inspiring us all.

Read more about the event on the North County Daily Star here.

Ribbon Cutting Jersey Mikes

The newest Jersey Mikes location in Vista is owned by husband and wife duo Mike and Christy Baker. The two of them have been franchisee owners since 2011 and along with their friendly staff are ready to serve you a sub of the highest quality!

Visit them today at their location on 1850 University Dr., Ste. 110 (next to Starbucks), open everyday from 9:30am-9:00pm.

Ribbon Cutting for ARCO AM PM (Magic Brush Carwash)

ARCO is open and ready to serve all of Vista! Check out their new touch screens at the gas pumps, and while you're at it grab a snack inside and a cool beer from their Beer Cave. Until February 4, you can enjoy a free car wash at their Magic Brush Carwash!

Visit them today at their location on 1401 E Vista Way!

Government Affairs Meeting - February 1

We receive updates each month from our representatives from Federal, State, County and City government. Keep up on what is happening in our community.

The agenda includes a presentation from Sheriff Captain John Boyce, update from Moonlight Cultural Foundation and updates from our elected officials' offices.

RSVP here.

Vista Irrigation District Scholarship

Vista Irrigation District invites local high school seniors to compete for scholarship(s) from the District. Up to six scholarships may be awarded in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. The purpose of the scholarship program is to increase knowledge and awareness of how water related issues influence our daily activities. Deadline to apply is Friday, February 23 at 4:00pm. Learn more and complete the application here.

City of Vista General Plan Update

The City of Vista is excited to be hosting the second series of workshops for the City of Vista General Plan Update - Land Use Alternatives! These workshops will outline the feedback received from the first workshop series, Establishing the Vision, and how this feedback has influenced changes to Vista's Land Use Plan. Finally, this workshop will present two Land Use Alternatives for consideration and feedback from the community. See the times and location for the four different workshops here.

Spring Festival & Farmers Market - Vendor Opportunity

Bella Mente Academies is holding a Spring Festival on March 9th from 1 pm to 5 pm! 

This is a community event, to meet and share local businesses and non-profit organizations. We will have a Game zone for the kids, Food, and Live Music. We are helping our Middle School Students fundraise money for their field trip, selling a 10x10 space for vendors in our parking lot. Vendors can register here.

Food Festival

When: Friday, February 2 | 5:00 - 10:00pm

Where: Local Roots Kombucha | 1430 Vantage Ct, Ste. 101

Learn more here.

Vista Farmers Market

When: Every Saturday | 8:00am - 12:00pm

Where: Vista Courthouse Parking Lot | 345 S Melrose Drive

Saturday Sessions: Kimmi Bitter

When: Saturday, February 3 | 7:00 - 9:00pm

Where: Pure Project Vista | 1305 Hot Springs Way

Learn more about the event here.

Vista Chamber of Commerce

170 Eucalyptus Ave., Ste. 115

(760) 726-1122

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