Dear Founders,


I am still rejoicing from last Sunday's services! What a joy to worship with you all and to feel the Spirit of God moving to powerfully throughout our services! Thank you all for your hospitality to the spirit!

I'm happy to report that in addition to the 40 people that received their imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday in person and 1 by proxy, we had 315 views of our Ash Wednesday services (in English and Spanish) online. Once again, thank you to Sandra Contreras and Larry Rodriguez (and the rest of the Creative Worship Team) for making our online service available!

Special thanks to Pam Fairbanks for supplying not only lots of food for our Hospitality time, but also supplying sand bags to place outside our church during this rainy season! Thanks also to the Board of Directors for getting the sand bags placed last Sunday. Another thanks to Ina Serene and Desiree Downs for patching the vandalized walls on the side of the church.

As you know, we have many groups (mostly AA and other "anonymous" groups) that rent our facilities. Last Sunday, we added another group, a Spanish-speaking congregation, that are renting our social hall at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays for worship. Thank you, God, for blessing us with this connection.

As I looked out over the congregation last Sunday, it was apparent that you "got the memo" about this sermon series, The Color Purple! It was like looking out over a field of purple flowers! Keep that purple wave coming! (Don't forget: send pictures of you in purple by Monday to be included in our March 3rd, video presentation during worship!)

This Sunday, we'll continue the Lenten series with a message entitled, Venturing Into The Unknown. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Jeremiah 29:11-14 (New International Version). In addition, we have something very special happening in the service: the Dedication/Baptism of Julianne Jennings. I know you'll look forward to this as much as I am.

God bless.

Pastor Keith

Church Outside The Walls

Thanks to Martin Miny and 4th District Councilwoman, Nithya Raman for securing the funds to purchase this new commercial freezer that will allow us a bigger capacity to help our Food Ministry.

Congratulations: Vinny Mohr!

We're so happy to announce that our own Vinny Mohr will be attending Balley Austin this summer - on FULL SCHOLARSHIP! Congratulations, Vinny! We're so proud of you!

Feb 17: MCC Special Screening of

Angels & Saints, Eros & Awe.

The film is available from Feb 14th through Feb 19th, but Founders will host a watch party in the Upper Room today, Saturday, February 24th at 4pm, followed by an online interactive Q&A with the film's director and producer. 

Angels and Saints - Eros and Awe

Register Here

Angels & Saints - Eros & Awe (


I'm writing to let you know about an upcoming street closure taking place on Sunday, February 25 for CicLAvia—Melrose.

In case you're not familiar, CicLAvia is a non-profit organization that partners with the City of LA to produce car free days, transforming the streets into public parks for the day. The event is free, family-friendly and open to the public. 

On that day, 4 miles of Melrose Ave (from Vermont Ave to Fairfax Ave) will be closed to cars from approximately 7am to 5pm. During this time, motorized vehicles will not be able to access the route. 6 major intersections will be open for cars to cross the route. Parking will not be allowed on the route starting at 1am that day. See attached Street Closure Notification for more information.

Though your church is not directly on the route, please note that there may be additional traffic congestion during the event hours, and you may need to take a different route to church that day. Please plan accordingly and allow additional time to drive.


A street closure notification flyer (in English/Spanish) and a postcard are attached for reference. We would appreciate it if you could spread the word to your members!

Note: Melrose Street closure. From Fairfax to Vermont, but with crossing points for cars at La Brea, Highland, Vine, Wilton and Western. 




Aerienne Russell, Production Manager, Outreach & Engagement (she/her)

c: 323.510.6533 | o: 213.355.8500 |

Membership Inquirer's Class - 2/25

Our next Membership Inquirer's Class will be held this Sunday, February 25th after the 10:00 a.m. service. Rev. Steve Swafford will lead this class. The class is for those who are interested in learning more about our church to aid in their decision to join MCC. The class will be offered in-person and online. Please let Pastor Keith know if you're interested in attending this class at

link for the Inquirers' Chat on Feb 25

Steven Swafford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 8967 6677

Plans for remembering and honoring Paul Allison's life were finalized and we wanted to let you know as soon as possible. 


There will be two opportunities to gather and you are invited to one or both.


There will be:

Graveside Burial service


February 27, 2024

3:00 PM


at Forest Lawn Glendale

1712 S. Glendale Ave.

Glendale, CA 91205

(meet at info Kiosk (@ 2:45 PM) at the entrance to be guided in by personnel)




Celebration of Life

Saturday, March 2, 2024

2:00 PM

at MCC United Church of Christ in the Valley

5730 Cahuenga Blvd.

North Hollywood, CA 91601


If you have any pictures of Paul or stories of his life, send them to by Monday, 2/26.

***We will be livestreaming the service on March 2 on our YouTube channel: MCCUCC Valley ***



Another important request, if you have any extra time over the next few weeks, help will be needed to help empty Paul's home. If you would like to help, please contact me and I will pass your info on to Al Moreno.



Blessings to each and everyone of you as we continue to move through this difficult time.


If you would like to meet with myself or any other of our pastoral staff, please let me know. 


Rev. Pat

Rev. Dr. Pat Langlois


Senior Pastor

5730 Cahuenga Blvd.

North Hollywood, CA 91601


MCCUCC Valley YouTube Channel

Our FaceBook Page

Next Sunday, March 3 will be "Color Me Purple Day" where everyone is asked to wear purple, however, all are encouraged to wear some purple throughout Lent. Furthermore, on that Sunday, there will be a video composed of the different photos people send in to They can be selfies of you and others wearing purple, or other photos you take that feature the color purple. Photos must be submitted by this Monday, February 26.

Celebrate!!! Rev. elder Alejandro Escoto.

4 decades of service, ministry, dedication and love!!!


Keep the celebration going by purchasing a “limited edition” commemorative!

T-shirt. $20 each


Available after founders mcc Sunday service or


Please leave name, cell #, number of shirts, & size.

Payment will be decided upon availability of shirt. 

Troy Perry Legacy Fund

John Boswell and Rainbow Advocacy Roar Fund present the Troy Perry Legacy Fund, with the first grant of $3,000 going to Coloured Voices Media Foundation in Kampala, Uganda for the "Tailoring Our Way to Freedom" project: Please visit this worthwhile site and endeavor to learn more and see how you can support this legacy to our own Troy Perry.

The New Appointed Elders are to be voted on/affirmed next Tues, Feb 27. Furthermore, attendees to Sunday's service will be given a sheet of paper with which they can vote, and return it to the lay delegates. For anyone not in attendance on Sunday, they can send an email to to send in their vote by Monday, Feb 26.


the Candidates for Elder in MCC

View as Webpage

Reminders About the Virtual Forums

and Special General Conference

A Word from the Moderator



Three virtual forums of approximately 90 minutes will be held in which the candidates for Elder will be presented, have the opportunity to speak, and answer some of your questions. Video recordings of the Forums will be made available.

This is the link for all Forums -

Monday, 19th February, in Portuguese and English 

1pm Hawaii / 3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern / 8pm BRT / 11pm GMT / Midnight CEST / 1 am Tuesday SAST / 2am Tuesday EAT / 7am Tuesday PHST / 10am AEDT

Thursday, 22nd February, in Spanish and English 

8am Hawaii / 10am Pacific / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern / 3pm BRT / 6pm GMT / 7pm CEST / 8pm SAST / 9pm EAT / 2am Friday PHST / 5am Friday AEDT

Saturday, 24th February, English 

3am Hawaii / 5am Pacific / 7am Central / 8am Eastern / 10am BRT / 1pm GMT / 2pm CEST / 3pm SAST / 4pm EAT / 9pm Friday PHST / 12am Sunday AEDT

Dear MCC Clergy and Lay Delegates:

I am excited to announce that, as Moderator, I have appointed seven new Elders and reappointed one Elder from the current Council of Elders all to serve on the Council of Elders until 31st October 2027. The Governing Board approved the appointments at its February 2024 meeting, as per the UFMCC Bylaws. 

Elders are volunteers who, as a Council with the Moderator, offer spiritual and pastoral support and leadership to the churches, pastors, and people of MCC.

I received 14 applications from individuals in 7 different countries. In the application process, individuals were invited to share their theological background, some of their spiritual practices, their international experience, their current efforts to make MCC more racially equitable, diverse and inclusive, and their thoughts on the role of Elder. 

The eight appointees will be presented for affirmation to the Special General Conference. Their photos and biographical information are at the bottom of this page. 

MCC rightly expects its leadership to reflect our rich diversity and this was an important consideration in the selection process, as well as character, competence and experience. Among those appointed, there are pastors of different size churches, two highly experienced lay persons and a clergyperson who works internationally, helping churches reconcile sexuality and spirituality. Within the group of appointees, there are those who identify as queer, cisgender, transgender, Latinx, Caribbean, African and of African Descent. I hope that you will be inspired by reading the biographies of all these leaders, who are willing to serve our global community. 

Please hold the Elder appointees, their families and ministries as we continue this journey of service together.


God bless


Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston

Moderator, Metropolitan Community Churches

Hattie Alexander-Key

Hattie Alexander-Key (She/Her/Hers) studied Education at the Ohio State University and Urban Ministry at the Ecumenical Theological Seminary (Detroit). In addition to being an educator, Hattie’s worked as a nurse over 30 years in the Detroit area. 

Most of her adult life, Hattie has served in ministerial leadership. Her faith tradition began with the Church of God in Christ but left after acknowledging her same-gender attraction and decision to live openly as a Queer woman.

Hattie was introduced to the Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit in 1989 serving in a variety of positions: Children’s Church Coordinator, Prayer Ministry Leader, Christian/Spiritual Education Lead, Altar Guild and Deacon. Currently she is the Administrative Pastor at MCC Detroit.

Hattie has occupied the role of friend, mentor, spiritual leader and community organizer for the Detroit African American and LGBTQIA community during the HIV/AIDS crisis and coordinated MCCD’s response and pastoral care during the COVID pandemic.

Rev. Mark Byrd

Reverend Mark R. Byrd (He/Him/His) is the Senior Pastor of New Life Metropolitan Community Church of Hampton Roads in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. He has 34 years of pastoral ministry experience - the last 19 of those years in MCC serving 5 MCC churches in associate, interim and senior pastor roles (the last 13 years at NLMCC). He currently serves as the Coordinator for the Hampton Roads LGBTQAI+ Interfaith Group and is a vocal passionate leader both in the church and community for human rights and justice issues. 

Mark grew up in the mountains of North Carolina and holds a Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, USA. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA. 

Mark currently lives in Virgina Beach, Virginia, USA, with his husband of 13 years, Rev. Alberto Najera, and their yellow lab Nica. He enjoys snow skiing, spending time on the beach and in the mountains, and most of all – time spent with their two-year-old grandson, Miles. 

Rev. Nokuthula Dhladhla

Rev. Nokuthula Dhladhla (She/Her/Hers) works as a Regional Manager for Global Interfaith Network (GIN) on the Religious Dialogue Partner Project. She was ordained as MCC clergy in 1998 and serves as Pastor of Hope and Unity MCC, which has recently reopened. She was the first openly lesbian, black clergy to engage in religious work in South Africa.

Rev. Nokuthula is also a Spiritual Coach helping people to find their own journey of faith and how to integrate sexuality and spirituality. She has made a very important contribution to a process convened jointly by the Norway LGBTI organization, GIN, and the Fellowship of Christian Councils of Southern Africa (FOCCISA) to create greater understanding and tolerance for LGBTIQ+ people through the RDP project in Southern Africa.

Rev. Nokuthula’s life experiences have been documented in several book chapters, documentaries, magazines and even an exhibition held at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. She is a powerful, funny, deeply human speaker whose life’s work has been to make a difference for others.

Elder Velma Garcia

Velma Garcia (She/Her/Hers) , has recently retired from her secular job and moved from Manor, TX to San Antonio, TX where she and her spouse, Darlene S. Hernandez attend. Together we raised two children, and have the great pleasure of being “Mamies” to our 6 grandchildren. 

Velma served on the previous Council of Elders and is grateful for an another opportunity to serve the wonderful saints of our beloved global denomination. Velma is a Laity Empowered for Active Discipleship (L.E.A.D.) 2 graduate and serves as a faculty member for L.E.A.D.

Velma loves bike riding, canoeing, snorkeling, American college football, and has a passion for prayer and spreading the “Good News” of God’s all-inclusive love to and for all of God’s creation! 

Rev. Richard D. Hendricks

Rev. Rich Hendricks (He/Him/His) (B.A. Drake University; JD University of Virginia School of Law; M.Div. Emory University) works for equality for all as pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of the Quad Cities in Davenport, Iowa, a part of the Quad Cities along the Iowa-Illinois Mississippi River.

He is in his 20th year as settled pastor at MCC QC with a deep love for all our local churches. Rich wears unmatched shoes to spark conversations around being different and has a passion for interfaith work and advocating for all of us to take care of planet earth. He is the co-founder of One Human Family QCA and of QC Pride, Inc. and a OneIowa 2023 LGBTQ Legacy Leader Awardee.

Rev. Aaron Miller

Rev. Aaron L. Miller (He/Him/His), after graduating from Yale Divinity School (MDiv), was ordained by MCC (2008) and began serving as the associate minister for Pastoral Care at MCC New Haven (New Haven, CT USA). Aaron became MCC Hartford’s Interim Pastor (2011) and then its Senior Pastor (2013). He is also serving as a trans/chaplain with the Yale Pediatric Gender Program supporting parents and their children on their gender journey. Aaron had a long and distinguished career in global logistics/transportation before ministry. 

Aaron has served on the MCC Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council, as a spiritual leader with MCC Oasis, and has partnered with emerging churches in Colombia and South Africa.

Aaron is passionate about MCC’s unfinished calling of love, inclusion, and justice as well as MCC Hartford’s outreach ministry TV365 (Trans Voice and Visibility 365 days a year) that provides emergent support to the trans/nonbinary community. Rev. Aaron was honored in 2023 by GLAD for social justice advocacy and activism. 

He resides in Middletown, Connecticut USA, with his cat Molly, and loves to take nature walks and spending time at the beach/pool with his sister.

Rev. Elaine Saralegui Caraballo

Rev. Elaine Saralegui Caraballo (She/Her/Hers) began pastoral work in 2012 when the Somos group emerged in the Baptist church with LGBTIQA+ people interested in a liberating perspective. In 2014 the group became Somos Iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana en Cuba, and Rev. Elder Troy Perry praised them with the Founders award, "For having been MCC before being MCC." 

She is a graduate in Theology from the Evangelical Seminary of Theology of Matanzas, and holds a Master’s degree in Critical Gender Studies and Theology from the Theological Community of Mexico.

Elaine is a passionate promoter of spiritual growth, critical thinking, and the defense of the human rights of LGBTIQA+ people. As a founder and coordinator of the project Abriendo Brechas de Colores, she impulses Christian spaces free of spiritual violence, where people can freely express not only their gender identity and sexual orientation, but also their different faith experiences.

She lives in Matanzas city, with her elderly parents, her wife, and 12 furry family members.

Rev. Stuart Sutherland

Rev. Stuart Sutherland (He/Him/His) comes from Sydney, Australia, and is the Pastor of MCC Good Shepherd Western Sydney Australia. He was a Committee Member on the MCC Good Shepherd Mardi Gras Organiszng Committee and has worked for the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras as a volunteer during the parade and as an Honorary Solicitor to the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Constitution Committee.

He attended the Uniting Theological College, Charles Sturt University, Sydney Australia, and achieved the Academic Dean’s Award for outstanding academic performance. He enjoys practical theology and continues to attend the College.

Stuart is the coordinator for the MCC Office of Vocational Leadership in Australia and New Zealand. Assisting churches in Sydney and Brisbane Australia and New Zealand. 

He enjoys going to Bondi Beach and hiking in the many National Parks in Australia including Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales. He has a keen interest in Australian Aboriginal Culture and Art and attends Broken Hill in the Australian outback regularly.

He has been with his partner, Michael for 20 years, they have two children Lucy and Ruby.


28 February, 2024

Special General Conference Agenda:


To affirm the appointment of Elders in accordance with Bylaw Article V:E3 and VIII:5. 


A quorum shall consist of twenty percent (20%) of the number of lay people eligible to vote at General Conference and twenty percent (20%) of the number of licensed credentialed clergy eligible to vote at General Conference.

VOTE of Affirmation

(or Not)

Lay delegates and credentialed clergy will need to pre-register to vote for affirmation before Saturday, 24th of February using this link:

The registration link will be made available at the Forums and during that week. The link to vote for affirmation will then be sent out on Monday, 26th February.  

Affirmation Voting (or Not) will open at 8am EST / 1pm GMT on 27th February 2024 and close 24 hours later at 8am EST / 1pm GMT on 28th

February 2024.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The actual link to use to vote will come from Mike Haase. On Monday 26th February, please watch for an email from

Affirmation Announcement - 29th February 2024

Virtual global service to install new Council of Elders - Thursday 7th March 2024 at 12pm PST / 2pm CST / 3pm Cuba and EST / 8pm GMT / 10pm SAST which is 7am AEDT Friday in Australia

The next North American LEAD Retreat to be held at

Church of the Trinity MCC

Sarasota, FL, USA

April 19-21, 2024

LEAD, Laity Empowered for Active Discipleship, is the UFMCC lay leader certificate program. Since its inception in 2011, there have been 13 North American LEAD cohort groups, as well as LEAD cohort groups in the UK, the Philippines, the European Network and Australia. We now have 51 LEAD graduates following their call to lay ministry all over the world. The next LEAD

cohort group, North American LEAD 14, is now being planned for Friday, April 19, beginning at 1:00 pm Eastern Daylight-Saving Time, through Sunday, April 21, 6:00 pm Eastern Daylight-Saving Time, at Church of the Trinity MCC, Sarasota, FL, USA.

One of the exciting features about this retreat is that most of the expenses for the retreat will be covered by a fund set up by upRising MCC of Austin, TX, USA. Because of the fund, accepted retreat applicants will not pay the Retreat registration fee (normally $350). In addition, Church of the Trinity will provide housing for participants with its church congregants and provide several meals during the Retreat. Retreat participants will only need to pay for their travel, plus a $50 matriculation fee, to attend the retreat. In addition, all online courses that are required or are electives for completion of the LEAD program will be paid through the fund (a $600 value). The LEAD scholarship fund, The Judy Dale Scholarship for Lay Leadership, may be used to assist with other fees associated with course work or events necessary for the completion of the LEAD certificate requirements.


Applications will be processed on a “first come, first served” basis until March 11, or until 18 applicants have been accepted to attend the Retreat.

Applications can be found here:

(to download the Application, click on “File” in the upper left hand corner. A pull-down menu will appear. Click on “Download” and then select “Microsoft Word”.)

More information about the LEAD program can be found in the North American LEAD Manual here:

(to download the Manual, click on “File” in the upper left hand corner. A pull-down menu will appear. Click on “Download” and then select “Microsoft Word”.

Questions about the retreat or the LEAD program can be directed to Elder Nancy Maxwell at

MCC Governing Board Update

Dec 2023, Jan & Feb 2024

Dear Friends:

Due to the end of year close out, and some staffing changes, there has been a delay in sending this summary. We know it is important and have a new system that should ensure these updates are provided in a more timely schedule.

The financial snapshot for November 2023, is here

The financial snapshot for December 2023, end of year, is here

The meeting minutes are located here:

November 2023 link here

December 2023 link here

January 2024 link here

The Moderator’s Reports are located here:

Presented in December 2023

Presented for January 2024

The December 2023 meeting saw much forward planning around the coming process for the new Council of Elders, and the approval of the 2024 budget, including the approval of the following motions:

  • Motion to Authorize Special General Conference: Motion that the Governing Board call a Special General Conference Meeting to affirm the appointment of Elders, February, 2024.

  • Motion to allow all members of the Clergy House who are ordained clergy with a License to Practice and honorably retired clergy; as well as all eligible members of the Lay House to vote in this Special General Conference for the Affirmation of the Council of Elders.

  • Motion to approve the Finance Committee’s recommended 2024 operating budget, which has since been posted to the website.

The meeting closed with reflections by each governor, thinking back on 2023 and anything in which they found hope and/or joy. These include:

  • Gratitude to all local MCC churches everywhere
  • Offering connection and support, being pastoral as well as administrative in nature
  • Proactively sending out emails to churches to let them know that the Governing Board is here to support them
  • Establishing a global leadership development fund, moving towards being less US Centric

In January 2024, your Governing Board turned its attention to governance and began approving appointments to the Moderator Nominating Committee, approving the Ministry Leader and Professional Ethics Policy developed and adopted by the Council of Elders at its 14th December 2023 meeting, and authorized a location for the in person gathering for conference in 2025.

There were financial motions to approve the sale of a property for a church that closed early in 2023, and a motion to transfer the lease holder of a property owned in Sarasota.

The Governing Board received the interim report for the Commission on Rites and Sacraments and expects a report fro other Commission in the first four months of 2024.

“May the New Year be a canvas upon which you paint your faith with vibrant colors of kindness, compassion, and generosity.” (Galatians 5:22-23)

In February 2024, the Governing Board met and received a report on plans to flourish as the leadership development and clergy support plans are solidified since the denomination has received another 5 year Lilly Endowment grant.

The Governors received information concerning the Moderator’s process for appointing Elders for the next Council of Elders, who will begin their service in March 2024. The Governors voted unanimously to accept the appointee names, which will be released soon. 

The Governors received statistics about participation in the last two General Conference Business meetings (2019 and 2022). They voted to authorize an online business meeting for General Conference 2025, to ensure greater access from MCC’ers around the world.  

As four of the Governing Board members’ terms end in 2025, including James Chavis, who chairs the Governance Committee, the Governing Board appointed Clare Coughlin to oversee the Governing Board Nominating Process, along with a subgroup of the Governance team.

As you can see, the last three months have been busy ones for the Governing Board. And, we continue to celebrate the steadfast support of our local churches, our amazing staff, and the many additional donors whose generosity has positioned the denomination to begin to invest in our dreams and hopes of the future.  

Respectfully Submitted:

James A. Chavis, Clerk, on behalf of the Governing Board

Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston, Moderator

Rev. Alberto Najera, Vice Chair

Chad Hobbs, Treasurer

Rev. Marie Alford-Harkey

Mark Goddette

Rev. Beulah Durrheim

Rev. Joseph San Jose

Léo Rossetti

Approved Reports

The most recently approved Meeting Reports are available in the MCC Resource Bank under Governing Board / GB Meeting Reports or at this link. Governing Board Meeting Reports

The Moderator's Reports are also in the Resource Bank at this link: Moderator's Reports

Financial Reports may be found here.

A bit of Rev. Steve Pieters' interview with Tammy Faye Bakker is headed to Broadway in 2024 in Tammy Faye, a new musical with songs written by Elton John. 

Producers announced Friday that "Tammy Faye" will make its way to New York City for the 2024-2025 season after a successful run in London where it was nominated for four Olivier Awards including Best Musical.

Commitment Cards

Commitment forms for 2024.

Join us before and after worship for a time of Hospitality in the church courtyard. Martin Miny is heading a team of people to get coffee, juice, and pastries ready each Sunday. Volunteers are always welcome!
Monkey Pox Vaccine Available 
LA County now has another limited supply of Monkeypox Vaccine available. You can sign up here:
Change In Covid-19 Protocols
As we continue to cope with Covid-19, we are changing our protocols. The new protocols are in line with the rest of LA County. Until further notice, here are our guidelines:

1. We will no longer require vaccinations and boosters for church attendance, though we highly encourage them.
2. We will make wearing masks optional. Please feel free to continue wearing masks as you feel comfortable.

3. We ask people that have symptoms of (or tested positive for) Covid, flu, monkeypox, or any other easily communicable disease to please refrain from attending until they are well.

As we have from the very beginning of the pandemic, we will continue to keep in line with the advice of the LA County Public Health Department. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new guidelines.
Tithes & Offerings

Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.

Grand Total For Week Ending: 02-18-2024: $5,038.00.

Tithing: $3,505.00

Building Fund: $1,300.00

Pastor's Discretionary Fund: $233.00

Reflection for Ash Wednesday

The Council of Elders of MCC are delighted to share with you "Lent and Easter" Reflections from some of our younger leadership from across the denomination.

[Transcript of video]

Hello UFMCC family, my name is Liam Gabriel. I am a lay leader at Exodus MCC in Abilene, Texas and also the host of a mental health podcast ministry called Psalms and Psych. I am honored to be sharing a reflection with you this Ash Wednesday. This year's Lenten messages are under the theme, "What R U Up 2?". A typical lenten season consists of sacrificing something to feel nearer to Jesus. But this year, UFMCC desires for us to look at Lent as an opportunity to enhance our spiritual practice, and get "up" to adding in the good stuff that can be carried through the year to benefit ourselves and all of God's kin-dom. Matthew 6 is an incredible chapter in the Gospels where Jesus instructs us on our heart posture while we embark on these spiritual pursuits. He talks of how to be charitable, how to strengthen our connection with the divine with sincerity, how to pray and also how to engage with the material world without getting swept away. I really appreciate Jesus's assurance in his sermon that even if we don't see physical manifestations of treasures for our good deeds and mission of justice, we will absolutely receive gratification when we meet God at the end of our earthly lives. How I would summarize or simplify the several verses in Matthew 6, I was given is this: Make sure what you love is capable of loving you back. Love of money, of power or material things is not sustainable. Those things can be taken away in an instant. But the reciprocity of human connection, connection to the divine, the great feeling you get when someone shows kindness to you or when you're generous with others, creates a lasting impression on both giver and receiver, and can alter the course of someone's life. The apostles encountered the overpowering love-light of Jesus and none of them were ever the same. This is also true for us now. 

Ash Wednesday is the perfect time for us to reflect on Matthew 6. The significance of Ash Wednesday is the same as the point Jesus makes in his teachings in this chapter. This world we are visiting will all slip behind us one day, much like earthly life. The ashes we mark ourselves with today represent the futility of earthly ambitions because they are temporary. But although Jesus isn't physically among us anymore, the lasting love and inspiration we received from him has made his time here count beyond all measure. When you leave church, it matters not whether the ashes stay on your forehead. We aren't doing this to show the world how much we love God. We wear the ashes as a deeply personal commitment to set our eyes and hearts on things that transcend superficial rewards. To look in, and look up. I hope this message brings you inspiration, affirmation, and clarity. Be at peace and love one another. Thank you. 

Liam Gabriel is a lay worship leader at Exodus MCC and a podcaster with a ministry called Psalms and Psych. He first encountered Christ through an LGBTQ affirming ministry at 16 and has continued his mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus ever since. Liam has a heart for training up other leaders and doing mental health outreach for those in need. He is currently working on completing the L.E.A.D. program and hopes to bring anyone in search of a loving, transformative community into UFMCC.

Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator)
Kim Doneche (Clerk)
Ed Shaughnessy (Treasurer)
Roger Owens - Governance
Ina Serene - Trans* Unity
Martin Miny - Facilities
Parking Available
Children's Hospital has so graciously volunteered up to 10 spaces for us to park. It is a small lot off Sunset Blvd., just beyond the Metro Station entrance.
Founders Metropolitan Community Church Address And Contact Info:

4607 Prospect Ave, Los Angeles CA 90027 | 323-669-3434
Facebook  Youtube