October 2021
President's Message
Dear Verbum Dei Supporters,

Author Timothy Radcliff’s insight that human beings “do not simply grow, like cabbages effortlessly unfolding into their vegetable fullness” underpins much of what you see in this newsletter. Human development is a “peaks and valley” journey that take us through high and low moments. Through it all, the support and affection of family and friends provide the security needed to safely navigate the deep and shallow waters of human experience. 

Verbum Dei’s Adopt-A-Student” program pairs concerned adults with developing adolescents, with the intention of offering our boys the care, concern, support and mentoring that sees them through their critical teenage years into college. Verbum Dei faculty, like John Stradley, play prominent roles in offering students a Jesuit “education that is rooted in the Gospel and inspired by the example of Jesus to promote the full, integral development of students…so that they embrace challenges, are intellectually motivated, religious loving, and committed to justice” (Core Values). 

The theological axiom, “grace builds on nature; it does not replace it” reveals Adopting Parents as channels of God’s gracious presence through the natural challenges and opportunities faced by Verbum Dei students. For this we say, “thanks be to God” and all of you for the generous and loving role you play in “preparing young men of color to graduate from college as men-with-and-for-others who serve their communities and pursue a more just and humane world for all” (Vision Statement).

Stephen A. Privett, S.J.
Verbum Dei High School
Classes are back on Campus!
We are so excited to have students back on campus daily! Our young men are excited to be here and we asked a member of the journalism class for some thoughts on being back at The Verb.

"A lot has changed since the last time we saw each other, masks are now being required while on campus. We have new faces at Verb, though you can't see them because of the masks!.. Here's to a stronger brotherhood in our future and a safer smooth year!"- Ian
Adopt-A-Teacher Program
Access to a high-quality education is crucial to the personal and long-term development of children, families and communities. Through our Adopt-A-Teacher Program, you can help us help these fine young gentlemen achieve their dreams of graduating high school, graduating college, and, becoming fine productive citizens in our society by sponsoring a teacher—the people who make it all possible!
  • The program giving levels start at $10,000 annually
  • 10% of the money will go to the Teacher as a stipend for professional use.
  • Teachers will have to submit an application to receive stipend use. Donor will have involvement in this process.
  • Donor will also interact with the teacher through correspondences, meeting(s), goals, and measurements.

For more information please contact Paul Hosch at 323-564-6651 ext. 5100
John Stradley shared how important it is to have the proper supplies for his classroom. As an English teacher he did purchase some supplies on his own, including portfolios for students to keep finished assignments in, though he mentioned he would have gotten plastic ones that last longer if he had that extra money. Mr. Stradley hopes that with the AATP he and other faculty will be able to take students on field trips and more!
Partnership Series Tuesday, October 26th, 5PM

Holiday Card Tribute Program