Dear Verbum Dei Supporters,
You have likely heard it said that if you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans. God must have been roaring with laughter this past year as our plans were constantly upended by the ever-changing landscape created by the corona virus. In Spring we finally saw daylight dawning at the end of a long, dark tunnel only to realize in early June that it was the proverbial light of the on-coming train of the Delta version of COVID-19.
Our Principal, Dr. Odom-Lucas and her team drafted umpteen schedules and recalibrated graduation ceremonies and other school events; CWSP scrambled to provide our boys with valuable work-related instruction in the face of closed businesses; coaches fielded teams in baseball and soccer. This current newsletter shows you how much we were able to accomplish, discarded plans notwithstanding. If not laughing, God is surely smiling at the generosity of you, our donors, and at the accomplishments of our students for the promise they holdout to us for a better world where the hungry are fed, the homeless are sheltered, and stranger is welcomed.