Our hopes are that the project is the first of many installations envisioned throughout Vergennes on both public and private properties.
In June last year, we held a Public Art Forum at the Opera House to spark enthusiasm and imagination. The evening event, spawned from a Municipal Planning grant received in fall 2021, generated dozens of ideas for public and private art throughout the Little City.
Based on this input, the Partnership applied for an animating infrastructure grant through the VAC in January of this year - specifically for the Tri-Valley Transit bus shelter area on Green Street.
As an artist or artist/design team, WE INVITE YOU to consider this opportunity to respond to the call, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). NOT an artist? Please share this with notice with someone you may recommend.
Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, June 20. Guidelines and details are available www.VergennesDowntown.org. Imagine a mural; imagine a sculpture; imagine raising the bar of artistic attraction to the Little City's downtown!