Vesak Day is June 12 at Fo Guang Shan
This is the only path;
there is none other for the purification of insight.
Tread this path, and you will bewilder Mara.
—Dhammapada v. 274
Greetings from MABA
Join us every Sunday for meditation, talks, chanting, and discussions
in person, on Zoom, and Facebook, all are welcome!

MABA is now open to the public on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Please wear masks indoors, be vaccinated, and maintain social distancing.
Dear Dharma Friends,

Again, as MABA has re-opened to the public, we are reminded of a few guidelines when visiting the monastery. Along with COVID precautions, please remove shoes before entering buildings, refrain from wearing fragrances, speak in low tones, and wear respectful clothing (plain colors, no bare knees or shoulders).

The Omicron variant is now surging through the Midwest. Symptoms resembling a cold (stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, fatigue) often appear less than 48 hours after exposure; after positive COVID test, isolate for 12 days (or until negative COVID test). If you have become lax with taking precautions, please be more diligent in wearing masks and social distancing indoors in public places. Order free COVID test kits from the US government here so you will have them on hand before you need them.
Our first virtual visit with Ajahn Amaro last month as part of our Zoom Dhamma Talk Series was well received. Coming to us from Amaravati Monastery in the UK, where he welcomed Master Jiru and Ven. Kongyan in April, Ajahn spoke on equanimity in the Niramisa Sutta.
The annual Vesak Day celebration sponsored by Buddhist Council of Greater St. Louis will be held Sunday, June 12, in person at Fo Guang Shan (please see their website for Eventbrite invitation), as well as on Zoom and Facebook. Donations to support St. Louis Area Foodbank are gratefully accepted.

Save the date! Thanissaro Bhikkhu will be joining us virtually from California on Wednesday, July 6 at 7pm, as a part of our Zoom Dhamma Talk series. Ajahn Geoff will be speaking on not-self. Stay tuned for more details, including Eventbrite invitation, in the coming weeks.

IBFA's new building in Chicago's Chinatown is nearing completion. Volunteers are still needed to finish painting, cleaning, and move furnishings. Please email the office for details and to carpool, see you in Chicago!
We invite you to join us every Sunday Morning, either in person, on Zoom, or on Facebook for meditation, Dharma talks, chanting, and discussions. All are welcome.

As always, we are grateful for your ongoing support. May all beings be well and happy, please continue to stay safe.

Your Friends in the Dharma,
The Community at MABA
Vesak Day at Fo Guang Shan ~ June 12

"Calm is his thought, calm his speech and calm his deed, who,
truly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil and wise."
Dhammapada v. 96
Augusta Food Drive Ends June 5
Study Group in Chinese ~ Wednesday Evenings
June 5 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Xiankuan Don Yeye
June 12 -- Vesak Day at Fo Guang Shan - Dharma Talks by Ven. Jue Huang and Master Jiru
June 19 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Xianzhi Katty
June 26 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Xianhuan Francesca

July 3 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Xianchu Cory
July 6 -- Thanissaro Bhikkhu on Not-Self
July 10 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Ven. Kongke
July 17 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Xianji Lee
July 24 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Jeff
July 31 -- Sunday Mornings at MABA - Dharma Talk by Xianxing Sherrie

Spring topic: Dharma for Difficult Times

  • 9:15 am -- Meditation Instruction Video
  • 9:30 am -- Guided Sitting Meditation
  • 10:00 am -- Dharma Talk
  • 10:30 am – Chanting (in English), Announcements, and short break (Facebook streaming ends)
  • 11:00 am -- Study Group
  • 11:45 am -- Conclude

Sunday Mornings at MABA and our Study Group meet every Sunday morning in person and via Zoom and Facebook. All are welcome, no experience necessary. If you would like to receive a weekly email reminder, please send an email to Xiankuan Don Yeye with "subscribe to weekly email" in the subject line.
On Sundays our Book Study Group continues to read and discuss the Śūraṅgama Sūtra (首楞嚴經 Shǒulèngyán Jīng) during our regular Sunday Mornings program. This month we continue with Chapter Three. All are welcome, no experience necessary. To sign up for these classes, contact Xiǎnxǐng Sherrie at [email protected] to receive the free .pdf book. Or join us on Sunday Morning and download it then.

Come visit with us on Sunday Mornings
Calling All Gardeners!

MABA's monastics continue in the Buddhist monastic tradition of increased self-reliance by producing their own food. Early plantings have yielded abundant cool weather crop harvests this spring. We can always use a few extra hands to help us throughout the spring, summer, and fall with planting, weeding, harvesting, and canning.

Join us in the gardens Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, all are welcome!
MABA Cares

The MABA community is happy to be of benefit to any of our sangha members in difficulty, and we are able to help in several ways.

If you are in a food emergency, MABA can provide supplies from MABA's pantry; if you cannot make it out to the monastery, we can deliver. For longer-term food assistance, we can help you find a food pantry.
Whether spiritual counseling and moral support, professional mental health counseling, end-of-life questions, or legal assistance, we can help you find a provider. If you feel unsafe, let us know.

Please have no fear of reaching out; anyone can fall into difficulty, and there is no shame in a helping hand from a friend. Reach out to MABA at if you need assistance.
Dharma Talks and Guided Meditations
Xiǎnkuān continues to post new guided meditations on YouTube. Learn how to calm the mind, gain insight, and cultivate loving kindness and compassion at:

Six Pathways is available in both softcover and e-book at Stay tuned for Volume II this fall!
MABA continues to upload past Dharma Talks, and
can be found at MABA's YouTube channel (more to come):

Photos, Events, and More!

To view more photos from events at MABA, please visit our Media page.

Please visit our Event Calendar for upcoming events.
Please consider making a donation today
to support our on-going programs.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

You may make secure contributions directly to MABA via PayPal, PayPal Giving Fund, Zelle, or by sending a check made payable to “MABA” to
299 Heger Lane, Augusta, MO 63332

Thank you for your continued support!
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