On July 27, 2020, the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, confirmed a finding of VSV infection (Indiana serotype) on an equine premises in Benton County, Arkansas. One horse on the premises met the case definition for a new positive state with compatible clinical signs and a Positive complement fixation test (CFT).
This is the first 2020 VSV case for Arkansas (Index Case on the Index Premises).
Two other horses on the same premises subsequently met the required VSV case definition with compatible clinical signs and (RT-PCR) Positive results for VSV.
VSV Index Premises (Arkansas):
The index premises is a private equine property
located in Benton County, Arkansas
. There are 4 equids on the premises (horses and a donkey) with the three (3) horses showing clinical signs of VSV and first noted around July 19
. There are no other susceptible species present and there have been no recent animal movements on or off the premises. Known competent vectors for
transmission of VSV include black flies, sand flies, and biting midges (
Culicoides spp.
The epidemiological investigation indicates that incursion of VSV-infected insect vectors is the likely source of infection on this premises
. Biosecurity measures and vector mitigation (insect control) have been instituted to reduce the within-herd spread of the virus. The animals are being monitored and the premises will remain under quarantine until
14 days after the onset of lesions in the last affected animal on the premises and at least thirty days from the first verification of VSV infection on the premise.
Since the start of the outbreak (4/13/2020),
affected states in the USA have identified 267 VSV premises.
Two hundred fifty-six (256) of these premises had
only equine species clinically affected (> 95% of total)
, 10 premises had clinically affected cattle (Texas and Kansas), and 1 premise had both equine species and cattle clinically affected (Cedar County, Missouri – area of Stockton, MO).
Within Arkansas –
change daily
due to emerging disease detection in various counties.
No hoofed animal may leave the premise of origin if pastured, housed, or has indirect/direct contact during the previous 30 days to an enclosure or premises currently quarantined for Vesicular Stomatitis virus (VSV).
Vesicular Stomatitis restrictions require all Arkansas based Equine (horses, donkeys, mules, etc.) originating from
a premises within the County or Adjacent County of any VSV quarantined facility to be:
- Examined by an Category II / USDA Accredited veterinarian; and
- Be declared free from signs or lesions of Vesicular Stomatitis virus (VSV) within 5 days prior to movement within or travel through Arkansas; and
- Be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) with date of veterinarian’s examination recorded. Fill out all blank spaces (add name of County to the CVI).
- Entry Permit number should be obtained for the movement to any other location in Arkansas or out-of-state. Record the Entry Permit number on the CVI.
- The following statement is to be added to the CVI and signed by the Attending Veterinarian with that veterinarian’s USDA Accreditation number noted on the CVI (near signature).
All animals individually identified and noted on this Certificate of Veterinary Inspection have been examined by me and found to be free from signs or lesions of vesicular stomatitis virus infection. The owner of the animals listed has attested to me that these animals have not had direct contact or indirect exposure to any premise quarantined or suspect for presence of vesicular stomatitis within the past 30 days.
If you have questions, contact the Arkansas State Veterinarian.