Vestry Voting Opens Sunday
Those nominated by the Vestry to stand for election are:
Dennis Carr
Denise Cassedy
Carleton Compton
Kim French
Lockwood Gray
Greg Hearing
Nancy Watkins
Bob Yelverton

The Annual Meeting of St. John's Parish, which will include the election of four new Vestry members from these nominees, will follow a combined service at 10:00 a.m. on  Sunday, February 11. The combined service takes the place of the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. services. The 8:00 a.m. service will take place as usual. The Annual Meeting will take place in the Parish Hall, and a simple lunch will be provided.

In addition to voting on the day of the Annual Meeting, early voting will be available following each service on January 28 and February 4. Early voting will also be available during normal business hours in the Parish Offices beginning January 29.

In accordance with the bylaws of Saint John's Parish, "Only adult communicant members of this Parish, those who are 16 years of age or over, whose names are duly enrolled in the Register of said Parish, and who are regular in their attendance at its services and make stated contributions of record to its general support, shall be Electors qualified to vote at a duly convened meeting of the Parish."