Colorado is 146 years old this month; founded Aug 1, 1876.
According to the Library of Congress, "After its first bid for statehood was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, Colorado entered the Union on August 1, 1876, the year the United States celebrated its centennial. Thus, the thirty-eighth state is known as the Centennial State." Click here to read more.
Get Help From a VA Patient Advocate
The patient advocates at VA health care are trained to help you resolve issues with your care experience. If you have a problem that cannot get settled, please reach out to one of the patient advocates.
Cheyenne VA Medical Center
Michelle Walton
Kevin Simmons
Aurora VA Medical Center
Chris Peterson
Manuel Alvarez
April Love
Todd Bell
Veteran-Directed Care is a VA program designed to help eligible Veterans at risk of being institutionalized continue living at home and maintaining their independence. It provides Veterans with opportunities to self-direct their long-term support system where they can manage their budgets, decide what mix of goods and services best meet their needs, and hire and supervise their workers, including family and friends. Veterans must be enrolled in the VA healthcare program and meet requirements. As with most VA programs, Veterans must first consult with their primary care physician to determine eligibility. For more information on the Veteran-Directed Care Program, Veteran-Directed Care - Geriatrics and Extended Care (
Qualified Listeners is opening a satellite office in the Albuquerque area to offer Veteran support services we’ve been providing in Colorado for the past five years. In mid-July, we met with local individuals and organizations in New Mexico for three days. It was determined that a Veteran support presence would enhance what is in place and fill gaps that are not provided. More on this new venture as plans unfold.
Did You Know Your Credit Rating Can Affect Your Utilities Services?
Want to meet other Veterans for fellowship, food, and fun? Join the gathering of 100+ veterans and family members each Saturday morning at Golden Corral, 1360 Sculptor Drive in Loveland for a buffet breakfast, about $11.00 per person. Doors open at 8:45 a.m. for PAMVET attendees only. No dues, no obligations, and no one sits alone. Arrive when you want, leave when you want. For more information, email Patricia Folse at
This is why we do what we do
- Delivered mobility devices to 3 physically challenged Veterans
- Paid moving expenses for 69-year-old Fort Collins Navy Veteran
- Transported 29 Veterans in 3 different counties
- Connected 83-year-old Marine Veteran in Kansas City, MO, to VA resources
The wife of a recently deceased Air Force Veteran in Loveland wanted to donate her husband’s sizeable over-stuffed recliner chair because her living room is small and she no longer needed it. In addition, she recently had emergency surgery and was transferred to a rehab facility in Loveland and asked if it was possible to remove the chair before she returned home. At the same time, a Vietnam Navy Veteran in Frederick needed a recliner for his Agent Orange-related health issues. We scheduled the chair transport with our volunteers, Del and Cathy Schulenburg, who provided their pickup. Then we reached out to Loveland Fire Rescue Authority, asking if they could move the chair from the widow’s house and load it into the pickup. Their answer was an immediate “yes, we can!" Next, we contacted Frederick-Firestone Fire District, asking if they could meet us at the Veteran’s house in Frederick to unload the chair and move it into his home. Again, their response was “absolutely!” We accomplished both needs promptly and on the same day. We want to thank Firefighter Erica Schmidt and her staff with Loveland Fire Rescue Authority and Lt. Brian Aguirre and his staff with Frederick-Firestone Fire District for their help. First Responders are all about community service!
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.
- Helen Keller
Job Openings at Larimer County Community Justice Alternatives
Inviting Veterans and Family Members to Apply
Current position openings:
Our full-time staff position is titled Correctional Services Specialist I. We have this posted currently as Criminal Justice Specialist. This position is really the backbone of both of our facilities.
The part-time, temporary version of that position is titled Correctional Services Worker Temp. We currently have this one posted as Criminal Justice Worker Temp. This position is trained to about 80% of what the full position does and works on average 29 hours a week. This one we can be a bit more flexible with scheduling if the person has school or other obligations to keep up with.
The last position we currently have open is our Administrative Specialist I position. The current opening is with our Community Service unit, but we do also build an eligibility list that could be placed in many different roles with Community Justice Alternatives.
Britta Wohlfahrt, Hiring Supervisor
Community Justice Alternatives
July Progress
531 Volunteer Hours | 2,776 Volunteer Miles
Onboarded 51 new Veterans or family members into our system
Created 50 new missions
67 active missions at month’s end
What exactly do we do?
- We listen
- Provide transportation to medical appointments
- Help with mobility equipment
- Offer vetted resources for Veterans
- Help Veterans & families find more peace in their lives
Monetary Donations:
We are always grateful for monetary donations, which allows us to continue serving Veterans and families. If you can contribute whatever amount you feel comfortable with, please click here. It’s not about donating; it’s about making a difference. We’re a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible under our EIN 81-5381427.
Qualified Listeners
Mailing Address:
PO Box 563
Dacono, CO 80514
Tel: 720-600-0860