Veterans and their dependents are potentially eligible for benefits determined during an intake interview. The Veteran Service Officer (VSO) will serve as your advocate to assist you with the preparation, presentation, and possible appeal of your VA benefits.
When you need assistance getting the benefits as a Veteran, you should utilize the assistance of a VSO. They are trained and accredited by the VA to aid Veterans, their dependents, and survivors. These services are provided at no charge:
- VA Enrollment/Reinstatement
- Filing Claims
- Service-Connected Compensation
- Non-Service-Connected Pension
- Death Pension
- Medical Benefits
- Education
- Home Loans
- Military Records, Awards, or Medals
- Insurance
- Burial Benefits
- Headstones
- Survivors Benefits
You do not have to fill out VA forms yourself. It’s the job of the VSO to do this for you.
Almost every county in the U.S. has a VSO. Shown below are helpful links.
VSOs may also be a resource for services other than what the VA provides. For those needs, you can also call Qualified Listeners at 720-600-0860.