In May we:
Delivered donated mobility devices and necessary household items
Continued our Wellness phone calls
Delivered over 200 pounds of donated food
Transported to and from medical appointments
Orchestrated flag folding ceremony for Veteran burial
Assisted with household and lawn tasks and repairs
Helped single mom Veteran with emergency plumbing
Provided daily visits with a 90-year-old WWII Veteran Widow
This is only a brief list of our recent accomplishments. If you know of a Veteran or family member who is struggling and has nowhere to turn, please call us at 720-600-0860.

Flag Day is Sunday, June 14th
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
Be sure to display your flag!

Accepting Donated Items
We receive many calls or emails from Veterans who require items to assist in their everyday life. The most difficult to locate include electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, motorized stair lift chairs, wheelchair kits for vehicles, and wheelchair accessible vans. In addition, furniture tends to be a challenge. At times we receive a call for a vehicle for a Veteran, so don't hesitate to donate one.

Storage of these items can be a challenge because rarely does the need match the timeframe of the donation. Therefore, we are seeking storage space along the I-25 corridor between Hwy 66 and Fort Collins. If you or someone you know could donate locked storge space out of the weather, it would help us serve more Veterans and their families.

If you have no items to donate, we always accept monetary donations. Click here to donate.

Our 501-C-3 nonprofit status with the IRS allows all donations to be tax exempt.

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