In April we:
- Delivered donated electric wheelchair to WWII Veteran whose old chair stopped working
- Delivered donated recliner lift chair and motorized scooter to paraplegic Navy Veteran
- Delivered over 300 pounds of donated food to Veterans
- Transported Cheyenne Veteran to VA Hospital for an emergency blood draw
- Transported Cheyenne Veteran to VA Hospital who was having sudden reaction to new medication, next day delivered food and water
- Provided daily visits with a 90-year-old WWII Veteran Widow
- We continue to stay in touch with our Veterans and family members, whether they’re in lockdown facilities or not. The only temporary change to our Listening Program has been no face-to-face contact
Free Lunch Pickup and Delivery Service to Veterans
VFW Post 1781 in Fort Collins is honoring the Veteran Community by offering a free curbside lunch pickup and delivery service each Saturday from Noon to 3:00 pm outside their Post building located at 603 Lesser Drive. They have committed to providing free Saturday lunches for Veterans and families until the COVID lockdown has been lifted.
Some food is donated by local restaurants, some is prepared and brought in by Post and Auxiliary members, and some is purchased. The members sort and divide food items in takeout containers.
How You Can Help Veterans
Qualified Listeners has partnered with King Soopers in a Community Rewards Program to support our COVID-19 Veteran Relief Fund. King Soopers shoppers pay no more than they would at the checkout. A percentage of each transaction is donated to Qualified Listeners. All you need is a King Soopers card and an online account.
Go to
and click Enroll Now. Once logged into your account, click on the Community Rewards tab and search for Qualified Listeners or NPO# BV076.
Don’t shop at King Soopers? No problem, you can always donate directly as a one-time gift or a monthly amount. Even a small contribution makes a huge difference. If you’re ready,
click here
If you know a Veteran or family member who needs food, please give us a call 720-600-0860
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