News for Howard County Veterans and Military Families

November 2024

November dates to recognize:

Military Family Month - month to honor and celebrate the contributions and sacrifices of the families of the U.S. Armed Forces. Learn more...

November 10 - Marine Corps Birthday

November 11 - Veterans Day - The anniversary date of the signing of the armistice which ended World War I and a day set aside to thank military veterans for their service. Learn more...

November 28 - Thanksgiving Day

Vehicles for Change Provides

Transportation for Veterans and Military

Vehicles for Change (VFC) is committed to helping veterans and active-duty members access reliable transportation, which is crucial for maintaining employment, supporting their families, and achieving financial independence. They are seeking veterans or junior enlisted active-duty members who may qualify for our car award program. 

Below are the qualifications for eligible candidates: 

  • Annual family income under $62,000; 
  • Currently employed and working a minimum of 30 hours per week;
  • Must be insurable with no lapses in coverage, revocations, or suspensions within the past three years;
  • Possess a valid driver’s license
  • Able to provide the two most recent pay stubs, a Social Security card, and a certified driving record for the past three years; and
  • Have $358.50 in cash for MVA fees and taxes. 

The vehicle costs $1,032, which can be paid in full or sponsored by Sandy Spring Bank. With this sponsorship, there are no credit requirements and the vehicle can be financed with payments of approximately $90 per month. For more info, visit Need a Car? Get a Donated Car - Vehicles for Change or email

Howard County Veterans Day Parade poster

Blue Star Families Strengthens Military Communities with New Leadership and Expanded Outreach

Blue Star Families, a national nonprofit dedicated to supporting military families, continues to enhance its impact in Maryland, particularly through the Baltimore & Chesapeake region, led by Yolanda Rayford, executive director of the Baltimore Chapter, and Julie Ferns, program manager, a new addition to the team. Blue Star Families is focused on fostering a sense of belonging for military families through community outreach and support initiatives.

The Baltimore & Chesapeake Chapter has developed a strong relationship with Howard County government, collaborating to better support veterans and military families. Together we have hosted a Welcome Week: Stronger Together event with entertainment, food and resource organizations from the community, as well as a caregiver lunch and day out. Blue Star Families will walk in the Howard County Veterans Day Parade again this year, proudly representing military families, while raising awareness about the challenges and resilience of service members.

The Baltimore Chapter is expanding outreach across Maryland, creating spaces where military families feel supported and heard. From community-building events to resource-sharing, their work emphasizes the importance of unity within the military community.

Check out the link to Join the Neighborhood and register to attend events at Join the Neighborhood, including

  • 1 November - A Day in the Corn Maze
  • 2 November - Fort Smallwood Beach Clean Up
  • 10 November - Howard County Veterans Day Parade
  • Week of 18 November - Coffee Connections across Maryland

For more information on Blue Star Families or to get involved in upcoming events, visit or reach out to the Baltimore & Chesapeake Chapter via email at

Operation Green Light for Veterans

Operation Greenlight

This Veterans Day, the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers

(NACVSO) invite the nation’s 3,069 counties, parishes and boroughs to join Operation Green Light and show support for veterans by lighting our buildings green from November 4 to 11.

By shining a green light, county governments and residents will let veterans know that they are seen, appreciated and supported. Learn more at Operation Green Light for Veterans (

Important Dates and Upcoming Events


October 29, 2 p.m. - EMFP Coffee and Chat, Blue Star Families.


October 29, 5:30 p.m. Military Family Cooking Party on Ft. Meade, free

October 29 - Mail-in ballot request deadline. The deadline to request a web delivery mail-in ballot is November 1. Visit SBE’s mail-in ballot webpage to request a ballot. Mail-in ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by or before 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 5. If returned by hand, ballots must be dropped at a ballot drop box or local board of elections by 8 p.m. on November 5. A list of drop box locations is here (en espanol).

October 29, 6:30 p.m. - Safe Firearm Storage workshop conducted by a veteran to help prevent accidental death and suicide. Harriet Tubman Cultural Center


October 30 - Welcome to the Workforce - LinkedIn Learning, Cover Letter and AI Use. Baltimore, sponsored by Blue Star Families

October 31 through February Onsite Veteran-focused social workers at Howard County Library Systems Central and Savage branches. Veterans are welcome to drop in to meet with a social worker from Baltimore Veterans Administration Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC). No appointment needed. They will be onsite twice a month starting in October, Mondays at Central, and last Thursdays at Savage. View the schedule.

November 1-3 – Squared Away Weekend (NAB Veterans Claims Clinic, Vetworking and More. Uplift Coaching has put a series of events designed to provide essential resources, support, and social enrichment to our nation's veterans.

November 4, 5:30 to 7 p.m. - Listening Session: Military Families of People with Developmental Disabilities

November 4, 5:45 to 7:15 p.m. - NAMI Veterans Connection Support Group 

November 6, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. - PACT ACT Veterans Claims Clinic, at Perry Point.


November 7, 7 to 8:30 p.m. - Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families meeting at 9830 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia. To attend virtually, email


November 7, 11:30 a.m. - Fort Meade Veterans Day Ceremony, at Defense Information School Atrium.

November 8, 7:30 p.m. - The Stage Door Canteen by the Columbia Jazz Band. Founded by the American Theater Wing in 1942 the Stage Door Canteen was an entertainment venue for American and Allied servicemen and women in the Broadway theatre district of New York City during WW2, featuring performances by entertainers like Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman.

 November 8, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. – American Legion Post 156 Veterans Fellowship at Columbia Crossing Mission BBQ.


November 9, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Adaptive Fishing hosted by Friends of Patapsco Valley State Park. This family-friendly event promises to be another day of fun and fellowship as we enjoy the great outdoors together. MD DNR Fisheries will be on hand to provide all of the necessary fishing gear, and Lost Lake, where we will be located, has a fully accessible fishing pier. Along with our partners from Trout Unlimited and Hooked on Fishing, Friends will be providing healthy snacks and beverages to all of the participants.


November 10, 9:30 a.m. - Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony All are invited!

November 10 - MD Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET)5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk/Roll

November 10, 6:30 - 9:30 a.m - Veterans Day Dinner Gala, . at Stella Notte Italian Restaurant, 8809 Baltimore National Pike, Ellicott City Cost: $42 per person (Dinner w/ gratuity & tax. Check or cash at door). Italian Dinner* of Your Choice plus salad, Drinks Cash Bar. Email Walt Chahanovich (BG(Ret))

at or call 410-750-7799 and leave a message. Sponsored by American Legion Post 156


November 12 & 13, 1 to 5:00 p.m. - Maryland's Commitment to Veterans Virtual Conference. Day 1 - Tuesday, November 12, 2024, from 1pm-5pm, EST


Day 2 - Wednesday, November 13, 2024, from 1pm-5pm, EST

November 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Community & Veterans Job Fair, Ft. George G. Meade


November 14, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Claims Clinic and Health Care Enrollment Fair at Sollers Point Multipurpose Center, 323 Sollers Point Rd., Dundalk, MD 21222, Contact: 410-230-4444, extension 6458. Sponsors: Chesapeake Veterans Alliance, MD Dept. of Vets and Military families, VA MD Healthcare System, Baltimore Regional Office of Veteran Benefits Administration.


November 15, 11:30 a.m. - American Legion Post 300 Member Fellowship Meeting and Luncheon at Mission BBQ


November 16, 7 p.m. - Post 300 General Meeting at Cornerstone Church, 7277 Eden Brook Dr. (Shaker Dr). Contact:

November 16, 9 a.m. to noon – A Wider Circle Furniture and Winter Clothing Giveaway at A Wider Circle’s Community Connection Center in Silver Spring (.5 mile from the Center for Community Service; address provided upon registration). AWC is offering gently used furniture, seasonal clothing and winter jackets.

  • CareFirst will be onsite to discuss new plans for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, including a Medicaid plan with a spending card that can be used for groceries and over-the-counter medications. Plus, its Medicare plans have transitioned to PPO, providing a larger network of providers, enhanced vision, dental, and hearing benefits.
  • So What Else will provide food, access to necessities and educational programming for children at the event.

Registration is limited to the first 100 people. To register, email with your name, phone, address (street number and name, city, state/district and zip code). Upon receipt of registration, you will receive an email with an appointment time and the address of the Community Connection Center.

 A Wider Circle provides furniture, household items and more to individuals and families in need, free-of-charge. They also provide career support, professional clothing and programs directly within low-income communities. If you are in need of a full furniture appointment, call the Essential Support Team at 301-608-3504 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

November 19, 5:30 to 7 p.m. - Support Group for Caregivers at The Loan Closet, 7125 Riverwood Drive, Suite 1, Columbia. For more info, call 410-313-3668. Held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

November 19, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - DAV Recruit Military National Government Agency Virtual Career Fair for Veterans

November 20, 10 to 11 a.m. - Womens Veteran Wednesdays (virtual). Join Easterseals every other Wednesday to learn how we are providing premier services to help our women veterans!

November 21, 7 p.m. - American Legion Post 156 Monthly Membership Meeting, held in the VFW Post 7472 Hall and Canteen.


November 21, 7 p.m. - American Legion Post 300 General Meeting, 7 p.m. at Cornerstone Church, 7277 Eden Brook Drive. or 240-381-5909.


November 26 - Welcome to the Workforce - Making the Most of Your Family and Friends During the Holidays (virtual), sponsored by Blue Star Families.


December 2, 6 to 7:30 p.m. – Veteran Support Group (Virtual), 6 - 7:30 p.m. 

December 13, 6 p.m. American Legion Post 300 Holiday Party, 10101 Governor Warfield Parkway, set up at 5:30 p.m.


December 13, 11:30 a.m. AL Post 156 Veterans Fellowship, at Columbia Crossing Mission BBQ.


December 19, 7 p.m. American Legion Post 156 Monthly Membership Meeting, in the VFW Post 7472 Hall and Canteen.


December 20, 11:30 a.m. – AL Post 300 Member Fellowship Meeting and Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at Mission BBQ Columbia Crossing.


January 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Howard County Office of Children and Families Child Care Fair, at the East Columbia 50+ Center, 6610 Cradlerock Way Columbia, MD 21045. Parents of young children have an opportunity to learn about preschools, child care programs and community resources in one single location.


Tuesdays - Women Veterans at Top Golf in Germantown. For more information, contact


Every other Thursday at 5:30 p.m. - Warriors Anonymous Veteran Support Group, 1420 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver Spring, 20910. No registration required. Open to military and veterans to help connect with others and share experiences.

Tuesdays - Women Veterans at Top Golf in Germantown. For more information, contact


Every other Thursday at 5:30 p.m. - Warriors Anonymous Veteran Support Group1420 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver Spring, 20910. No registration required. Open to military and veterans to help connect with others and share experiences.

Other Resources:

 Health and Wellness


Three Tips for Filing a VA Claim video


The VA Maryland Health Care System has eight locations throughout central Maryland and the Eastern Shore where Veterans can choose to receive care. Simply call our Appointment Center at 410-605-7333. 

Did you know?

You can receive care from VA even if you have private health insurance and continue to see a community provider. What’s more, once you begin receiving care from VA, seeing your VA primary care provider once every two years will retain your eligibility for important health care benefits at VA expense, including:

•          Pharmacy services;

•          Emergency care services;

•          Care in the community; and

•          Urgent care through participating community urgent care facilities.

(This eligibility pertains to medical benefits only. It will NOT impact any compensation and pension benefits you may be receiving from the Veterans Benefits Administration.)


If you know a Veteran who is not yet enrolled for VA health care, encourage them to apply online or call 1-866-976-9822. 

Vet Center Accepting New Clients at Fort Meade - To schedule an appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., call 410-282-6144 or email for the Capt. John E. Smathers U.S. Army Reserve Center outside Fort Meade.


Veterans Yoga Project is on a mission to support recovery and resilience among veterans, military families and communities.


A Guide for Military Families | Organization for Autism Research


Path Finders for Autism works to support and improve the lives of individuals with autism through expansive, customized programming, and by providing resources, training, information and activities free of charge.

Mental Health Back to School Toolkit Materials

Visiting Angels Eldersburg and Columbia is now an approved provider for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Program! This new development allows us to expand our services and offer high-quality in-home care to eligible veterans within our community.

Military and Veteran Spouse Wellness Survey is being conducted by the Institute for Military and Veteran Family Wellness at the University of Texas at Austin and InDependent, Inc. The MVSWS is an anonymous online survey that asks about different types of wellness, including physical, emotional, and more. Findings from the survey will be produced in a published report that will disseminated broadly.x

FirstCall Medical Center Serves Veterans - If you hold a Veteran's Benefit Health Card, FirstCall Medical Center is here for you! We’re an in-network Community Care provider, which means you don’t have to visit a VA facility for your urgent healthcare needs. Just walk in, no appointment needed! Whether it's a minor injury, illness, or general urgent care, we're here to serve you with the respect and care you deserve.

Fast, compassionate care close to home. Convenient locations ready to help! No long wait times—walk in anytime! (410)694-7999




Veteran Saves - Information about Money Saving Tips, Investing, Relocation Costs, GI Bill and more!.


 How to Advertise a Veteran-Owned Business


Comprehensive guide aims to help veterans kickstart their businesses with top-tier marketing strategies. Some topics included in this content:

- Building a strong and authentic brand. 

- Leveraging your veteran status. 

- Best digital and traditional marketing strategies to use. 

- Tools, platforms, and assistance programs for veteran-owned business. 

- Measuring marketing success.


 Employment / Education

Veterans Day Teacher Resource Guide by Dept of the VA

Association of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs (AMSE) - An exclusive community for military spouse entrepreneurs who want to start, scale, or sustain their businesses - between PCS moves, deployments, and anything else the military throws your way!


Veteran Spouse Network – Virual Events and More

Veterans Full Employment Act

AFCEA Student Scholarships


Bright Minds Foundation, Education Foundation for HCPSS Scholarships

George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest – National Society Sons of the American Revolution 

Newsletters and More

MD Dept of Veterans and Military Families, Sept newsletter


Parents Guide - Community Resources Update


Office of Aging and Independence Newsletter - Oct


VA News – Oct 23


Department of Community Resources and Services Podcast Series


Employment Opportunities

Howard County Government Job Listings

Jobs for Veterans in Maryland

State Careers for Veterans

Become a Teacher - Earn your master's degree and teaching licensure in less than a year!

Military Spouse Employment Partnership

Amada Senior Care

Treasury Inspector General - Accounting, Finance, Public Admin and Business Admin

Red Cross Careers

Anne Arundel County Police Dept.

Federal Highway Administration

Employment Opportunities | Anne Arundel County Government

Lisa Terry, Manager

410-313-0821 (voice/relay)

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