☆☆Support for Troops & Veterans☆☆
Deb Robbins , Veterans Chairwoman -



Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

Wednesday, March 16 at 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.                 
Women Veterans Virtual Town Hall

This town hall specifically for women vets is held twice each year to educate you on services and events available for you. At the town hall, leadership (i.e. Women’s Clinical Coordinator, Military Sexual Trauma, Partner Violence Coordinator, etc) will share updates, provide new information, and answer your questions. Women vets signed up with the VA will get a robocall the night before and then again just before the event on March 16. If you want to participate, just stay on the line. To ask questions, press *3. If you don’t want to participate, just hang up. Those women vets not with the VA can join by either calling 833-305-1738 or clicking on the following link:  There will be a box in the middle of the screen where you can type questions once the event starts.

March 25 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.            
James David Warfield Memorial Verde Valley Stand Down       
This is an annual event connecting homeless, at-risk vets and their families with the essential community services they need but the information is good for all vets and everyone is welcome. It will be at the Cottonwood Recreation Center where any vet, not just those with the VA, can find out about services available to you such as notary services, dental, resources to help you navigate benefits, etc. This should be a fun day with the Marine Corps Mountain Color Guard and a Dedication Ceremony at 11:00 am.

Monday, May 2                                                  
Veteran’s Mixer at the Gurley Street Grill

These mixers are sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce for vets and vet-owned businesses. It’s informal, free and you need no reservations…just show up!
Key Information:

  • Please get your Flu vaccine at the Flu Vaccine Clinic. Go to Primary Care area and they will get you in for your shot as quickly as possible
  • Covid Vaccines….The VA has Moderna and Johnson and Johnson. You can make an appointment by calling 928-717-7406. These vaccines are for any vets who ever served, their spouses and caretakers. No paperwork and completely free. You can also get those at CVS and Walgreens who contract with the VA. Just take your ID card and it’s free. There are rumors that you have to be vaccinated to get care and benefits from the VA. These are NOT true. Only staff have to be vaccinated per government mandate. Not clients.
  • Note that the NAVAHCS Director Ms. Gorga, is now at the Kansas VA in Kansas City, MO. Mr. Sample is the Interim Director until a new person is named.
  • If you have time and want to give back, call Volunteer Services at 928-776-6013. They have great training programs for volunteers and there is no limit on the amount of time required, even 1 hour a month. The VA especially needs volunteers for the Greenhouse right now.
  • DAV (Disabled American Veterans) provides many services to vets such as housing, food, furniture, emergency financial gifts, spiritual guidance, assistance in filing permanent compensation for vets with disabilities as well as transportation for vets to and from their appointments which are funded through their thrift stores. However, transportation has been temporarily suspended due to an open position for the Service Officer/Transportation Director which is a paid position at the VA. If interested in applying for this position, email resume to Bruce Nogar: DAV is always looking for large item donations and volunteers to help at their 2 thrift stores in Prescott. 
  • Nurse’s Life Line – 877-252-4866  If you’re feeling ill and not sure if you need to go to the ER or doctor and want to talk with someone, they are available 24/7.
  • Crisis Line is always available for any vet who needs help by calling 800-273-8255 and press 1 if you’re a vet, or you can have a confidential chat by texting 838255.
DAV is always looking for large item donations and volunteers
to help at their 2 thrift stores in Prescott.
To volunteer, contact Pete Walter, Public Service Officer for DAV Chapter 16 at
Republican Women of Prescott * PO Box 10932 * Prescott, AZ 86304-0932

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