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“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” – Suzanne Collins

November is a busy month including the Marine Corps Birthday, Veterans Day, and of course Thanksgiving.

Please remember all those that are serving around the world who cannot be with their families and friends this holiday season.

"Only two things protect America. The Grace of Almighty God and the U.S. Military."

-Charlie Daniels


Herbal Holiday Gift Making

with Rebecca Vann

The holidays are the perfect time to share your love of herbs with your friends and family! Gifts you prepare yourself are often more meaningful than anything you can buy at the store. In this workshop we will craft Evergreen Lip Balm, Bath Bombs, and Sugar Scrub. These body care treats can easily be made in a day. Join us at the new farm for an afternoon of cider sipping and crafting! Participants will take home a sample of all the treats we make together!

When: Friday, November 22

Where: Veterans Healing Farm, 138 Kimzey Road, Mills River, NC

Time: 1-4pm

Register Today!

Unbroken Spirit

2025 Programs are now open!

The Veterans Healing Farm is partnering with Unbroken Spirit to empower you with training, support, and resources to unlock your full potential. Discover how their 3 Phase Transformative Program can help you become your best-self. This Veterans program is completely free.

2025 Programs are open now and space is limited. Apply Today! In-person dates are: 

  • May 20-25, 2025
  • July 21-27. 2025, Adaptive Sports 
  • Sep 16-21, 2025

Check out the videos from our Spring Wilderness Experience team and Summer Adaptive Team. The team came as strangers and left as lifelong friends. For more information or questions, please email

Apply Today!

Combined Federal Campaign

The Veterans Healing Farm, a 501c3 nonprofit in its 11th year, is dedicated to improving the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our Veterans and their families. Our ultimate goal is an end to Veteran suicide. Situated in Mills River, NC, we specialize in non-pharmaceutical mental health interventions for our Veteran community.

As part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for federal and retired federal employees, your $20 monthly contribution plays a crucial role in funding our various agritherapy, workshops and events, all designed to support Veterans and their families.

For further details and to explore how you can help, please visit our website at We welcome any inquiries and are happy to provide additional information, including our I990 form. Your support is invaluable. Thank you!

Donate to CFC Here!


The Veterans Healing Farm will be closed Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 8 for internal training.

Horse Time with Heart of Horse Sense, Saturday November 16, 10am - 2pm at the Farm. Open to everyone who could use a little horse love after this past month. Bring the kids too!

Friendsgiving! Saturday, November 23, 2-4pm at the Farm. We've got the birds and ham, you bring the sides. For more information please email us at

Holiday Cookie Contest and Movie Night, Saturday, December 14, starting at 4pm at the Farm. For more information please email us at

Bee School

Henderson County Beekeepers Association has kindly donated 5 slots to the Veterans Healing Farm for their 2025 Beginner Bee School: 

  • Limited to 2 people per family
  • Requesting if bringing a child 12 years or older
  • In person this year - not Zooming. 

HCBA Bee School starts January 27, 2025 from 7-9pm in person at the county Extension office 100 Jackson Park Rd Hendersonville NC and runs for 7 consecutive Mondays. Additionally there will be several sessions (up to 6 depending on weather) in the Apiary/outdoor area at Historic Johnson Farm on Haywood Rd./Hwy 191 in Hendersonville, NC.

If you would like to attend please email us and we'll get it set-up (if you cannot commit to the classes, please do not sign up). While there is no requirement to be part of the VHF Bee Squad, it is a wonderful, safe, caring place to practice your newly acquired knowledge.

2025 Volunteer and Workshop Survey

Please take a few minutes to give us important feedback on your 2025 programming. Thank you!

Begin Survey Here






138 Kimzey Road

Mills River, NC 28759

Get In Touch

The Veterans Healing Farm is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2013 to enhance the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our nation's Veterans and their families.