Thank you



Vibrant Communities participants attended the Live2Lead event at the Civic on Jan. 21 or participated virtually thanks to mini-grants from Vibrant Communities of La Porte County. Thank you to Trudy Menke and her company for hosting! Goal: inspire greater civic involvement

Get to know Vibrant

View the Action Agenda.

Housing Study Results

See what we learned and what's next

Vibrant in the News

La Porte Co. Herald Dispatch: Study indicates La Porte County's housing needs have changed, supply not meeting demand

Take Action

Everyone has a role in supporting the Vibrant Communities Movement. From individual people to private businesses to large organizations, all of the action items require support to implement or may already be underway. Identifying opportunities to get involved in the movement will ensure that all of La Porte County’s communities become more vibrant.

Is there an action item you are interested in or are already championing? Let us know.



Local events make our communities more vibrant. View upcoming events.

Learn about La Porte's Ready2Work Child Care Assistance Program 

NWI BizHub provides entrepreneurs and small business owners with free, easy access to the vital assistance, resources, and information they need—when they need it.


We envision La Porte County to be a vibrant collection of unique communities that invest in their diverse people, grow their economic and health vitality, and promote innovative leadership through talented citizens for a rich quality of life for all.

Join the growing list of organizations who are working toward this vision for La Porte County!

Adopt the Vision
People Engaged in Preservation logo.png

We want to hear from you!

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