Vice President for Advancement Finalists

I am excited to announce the next step in our search for Idaho State University’s Vice President for Advancement. After reviewing application materials and vetting candidates from across the country, the search committee has recommended a strong group of three finalists for our consideration. I am pleased to welcome the following individuals to our University in the coming weeks and look forward to learning more about their talents, abilities, and vision for advancement and engagement.
Brent Davison

Thursday, June 23
10:15 - 11 a.m.

Meeting ID: 824 3879 1001
Passcode: 1901
Daniel Montoya

Wednesday, June 29
10:15 - 11 a.m.

Meeting ID: 825 6521 9527
Passcode: 1901
Catherine Wooton

Thursday, July 14
10:15 - 11 a.m.

Meeting ID: 869 0915 7012
Passcode: 1901
The entire campus community is invited to attend a series of virtual open forums to learn how each finalist’s experience and leadership will support the mission of Idaho State University. A schedule of the open forums, including meeting locations and streaming instructions, is available on the search website. All members of the University community are also invited to share their feedback about each candidate through the close of business on Friday, July 15.

I also want to thank the members of our search committee for their hard work and dedication to this process. Because of their commitment to the success of our University, we have three fantastic finalists to consider.

Please join me in welcoming these candidates to our University. Your valuable feedback about the finalists will also be of great assistance as we move forward in making this key leadership hiring decision.


Kevin Satterlee
This communication was sent to all Idaho State University faculty and staff.
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