" Together In Service "

" We are never really happy until we try to brighten the lives of others ".

  Helen Keller

Victorville Lions Club

Established since 1926  

President's Message

Thanks for two awesome meetings!

We had a productive Executive Board meeting! Thanks for approving our Victorville Lions Club By-laws. 

The General Meeting was fun for the members, our new lions, as well as, the guests.

Thanks, Lions Nichole Williams-Artry and Kisha Collier for the enjoyable opportunity drawing game and gifts. 

Welcome, welcome new pride members! They were inducted by our 2nd District Governor, Stephanie Gwinn. 

We are one target for some exciting productive times and projects ahead. 

Don't miss our bench presentation to the Victorville Senior Citizens Club on September 12th at 10:30am.

 Mark your calendars for other upcoming events.

We Serve.

Moving Forward.

Changing the World.

We Are Better Together!

Thanks, again.

In Service,

Lion Linda J. Titus, PA, RN


Victorville Lions Club


Victorville Lions Club

President Lion Linda J. Titus, PA,RN

VP/Membership Chair Lion Kisha Collier

Secretary Lion Brittany Martin

Treasurer Lion Joe Garcia

Marketing Communication Chairpersons

Lizet Angulo-Kimbrew, MBA and Lion Basil Kimbrew

Service Chairperson Lion Nichole Williams- Artry

Tail Twister and Director Lion Pam Ridge

Event Planner and Director Lion Frances Flowers

Club Administrator and Director Lion Keya Thomas

Fundraiser for our Victorville Lions Club

Double Good Popcorn

August 28th - Sept. 1st

Instructions were sent by text by our Lions Club President Linda for our Popup Store.

President's Message

Changing the World with

International President

Dr. Patti Hill

Dear Lion,

Changing the World begins with us, but we’re not supposed do it alone. Collaboration is the key to delivering meaningful and lasting outcomes in your community. That’s why inviting more great members just like you can help your club and community reach their full potential.

Let’s start with planning ambitious service that addresses the biggest challenges facing our communities. Then, let’s bring in new members to help us make an even bigger impact.

You know the difference one Lion can make. You know the difference your club has made. Together, we are changing the world one life, one relationship and one community at a time.

Yours in service,

Dr. Patti Hill

International President

We’re on a mission – MISSION 1.5

To make sure we are always there and ready to serve, we need to grow. That’s why we’re launching MISSION 1.5.

MISSION 1.5 is our drive to reach 1.5 million members by 2027 so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before.

Watch a special video message from President Hill about what this important initiative means for Lions, and be sure to check out the MISSION 1.5 webpage to learn more.

Resources for Strengthening Your Club

Changing the world begins with healthy clubs. Here are four great resources to help you strengthen your club and the service you give to your community.

  • Community Needs Assessment – Understand what your community needs and how your club can make an even bigger difference in people’s lives.

  • Service Launchpad – Find the right project planner to help you serve new causes or in new ways.

  • Just Ask! – Invite great new members who can help your club make an even bigger impact.

Let’s keep working together to change our communities and make a difference in the world we share.

August Meeting

Awards and New Members

Welcome the following new members to Victorville Lions Club pride:

  1. Lion Joy Nichols
  2. Lion Duane Nichols
  3. Lion Marlene Garcia
  4. Lion Kendall Artry

Thanks 2nd District Governor, Lion Stephanie Gwinn for installing our wonderful new lions. 

We appreciate your willingness to support our Club and new members.

New members, please invite your families and friends to support your well-deserved installation into the Victorville Lions Club.

Lion Stephanie Gwinn

2nd District Governor


SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

Mark Rollins

Apple Valley Treasurer

Lions stick together !

Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Rollins for helping in building our bench!

Victorville Community Clean Up

Saturday, October 21, 2023

8:00 am - 10:00 am

Location TBA

Victorville Lions Club continues to strive for their causes


Recepitent for the "Today's Woman Foundation Award"

Ya' all come back now! We've been having a roaring time at our Victorville Lions Club!

Don't forget to record your volunteer hours. Email them to our President or bring to our general meeting.

Lions Club Hours

There are activities we can attend, check out the monthly calendar

Lions Club Activities

Victorville Lions remember to set-up your online accounts.

Lions Club

Victorville Lions Club Meetings

Executive Board:

2nd Thursday of the month: 6:00 pm

General Membership Meeting:

2nd Thursday of the month: 7:00 pm

Mimi's Cafe

12032 Amargosa Road

Victorville CA 92392

2023-2024 District 4-L5 Officers

District Governor Lion Hank Trueba

1st VDG Lion Dr. Alan Winkelstein

2nd VDG Lion Stephanie Gwinn

Marketing Communication Chairpersons

Lizet Angulo-Kimbrew, MBA and Lion Basil Kimbrew

Editors of E-Publications

Have story or article, email it to us:

Lions Lizet Angulo-Kimbrew/Basil Kimbrew

[email protected]

We are a digital news publication providing news, information and commentary about Federal, State and Local issues. 
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