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Dear Vikings,

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2022!!! Despite the circumstances that may have limited your celebrations, we hope you had a joyous and healthy holiday season.

All of us at Archbishop Wood want to thank you for your prayers, loyalty, and support in 2021. We look forward to the wonderful year ahead!

May God bless you and your families with prosperity, good health, and happiness in the New Year.

God's Blessings,

The Development Department at Archbishop Wood High School

Sarah Hale : Director of Institutional Advancement

Lisa James ('06): Director of Marketing & Communications

Regan Gallagher ('16): Major Gifts Officer

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Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, also known as when the Magi Visit the Messiah in Matthew Chapter 2: Verse 1-12.

2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[a] from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:

6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,

are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;

for out of you will come a ruler

who will shepherd my people Israel.’[b]”

7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”

9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.


Archbishop Wood’s 2021-2022 Viking Fund goal is


We are confident that you, the champions

of Archbishop Wood, will help us succeed.

The Viking Fund is the backbone of Wood. It supports the school’s operational expenses; programs and activities; the funding gap for cost of tuition versus the total cost to educate a student; and emergency needs as they arise due to the current climate.

Your contribution to the Viking Fund is CRUCIAL for the sustainability of Archbishop Wood and continuing our Tradition of Excellence for the Leaders of Tomorrow.

You may make your tax-deductible gift by going to www.archwood.org and clicking here


In honor of her memory, the family of Mary

D’Alonzo, AWHS Class of 1983, are establishing The Mary D’Alonzo ’83 Memorial Scholarship. 

This new Viking Scholarship will be open to incoming Archbishop Wood 9th graders from St. Catherine of Siena parish. 

If you wish to make a gift to The Mary D'Alonzo '83 Memorial Scholarship, please click here or send a check made payable to “Archbishop Wood High School.” If sending a check, please write “The Mary D’Alonzo Scholarship,” in the memo line and mail to: Archbishop Wood High School, Attn: Sarah Hale, 655 York Road, Warminster, PA 18974.

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Thank you to our Viking Scholarship donors for your advocacy of supporting AWHS families who desire a Catholic education for their children.

It is because of your generosity and participation in our Viking Scholarship Program that we are able to help our families each passing year.

Stay tuned for the announcement of our Viking Scholarship winners! Winners will be announced before the end of January 2022.


Thanks to YOU and your support/purchases during the December Kendra Scott Giveback Event, a total of $497.26 will come back to Wood's Viking Fund!

Another exciting announcement is that the in-person shopping giveaway winner for the KS Giveback Event was Jenna Grover from the Class of 2022.

Jenna was so gracious when she arrived at the Development Office to claim her prize. She told us how this moment made her entire week. Jenna went on to say that her bracelet will be perfect to wear next year when she ventures out of state to the The University of Alabama to study Political Science and one day use her degree to become a lawyer.

Jenna's dynamic personality is a perfect example of what sets Wood students apart from the rest. Hearing her speak on how blessed she feels to have had the opportunity to attend Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Catholic School for grade school and Wood for high school "two great schools!" gave us all the warm fuzzy feelings. Congratulations Jenna! We couldn't have blindly selected a more deserving winner!



Don't forget to cast your ballot for the Archbishop Wood Hall of Fame. Ballots are due NEXT WEEK on January 10, 2022.

The Viking Hall of Fame honors any person, living or deceased, whose life and accomplishments are an inspiration to the students of Archbishop Wood High School. Upon graduation, the nominee must exemplify the pride and spirit that is expected of a Wood graduate. In order to be considered as an Inductee, providing a list of their accomplishments and service to their community is highly encouraged. He/She must be an Archbishop Wood High School graduate and have been out of high school for at least ten years.

For more information please contact: Sarah Hale, Director of Development at [email protected] or 215-672-5050 ext. 227

Click here to cast your ballet! 

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The Archbishop Wood Prayer Garden is a beautiful sanctuary to pray, meditate, and reflect. 

Personalized stone pavers, benches, trees and plants provide a lasting tribute for alumni, family, friends, faculty, members of the community, and corporate donors. Special occasions such as birthdays, graduation, marriages, anniversaries and retirement may also be honored. 

All donors will receive an invitation to the annual Alumni Mass and Breakfast which is held in the spring to bless the tributes and memorials.

For more information click here or please contact Lisa James at 215-672-5050 ext. 228 or by email at [email protected]


Mr. Rowan and our student journalists have worked hard this quarter to put out their first electronic edition of the school newspaper, The Viking Voice.

Click here to access the first edition for the 2021-2022 school year!

The students will be updating it regularly, so be sure to check back often on our website under the Student Life tab!

Vikings In The Spotlight


The Class of 1981 held their 40th Reunion, Saturday, November 20th at the Iron Oven. A wonderful and memorable time was had by all! Archbishop Wood is especially grateful to the Class of 1981 for raising $1,300.00 for Wood's Sponsor-A-Student program. Sponsor-A-Student is an emergency fund that helps families who, due to an unforeseen circumstance such as job loss or health issues, are facing financial struggles. Thank you to the Class of 1981 for this gift which will help a family in-need afford Catholic education.


Engineering Students Visit the Willow Grove Air Museum

Forty one Archbishop Wood Engineering students visited the Harold F. Pitcairn Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum last Thursday.

Their Engineering teacher; Mr. Barkley, arranged for the tour by the museum docents, and prior to the trip provided instruction on the basic principles of flight, the design of jet engines, and the design of helicopters.

The museum houses tons of aircraft memorabilia inside and 14 aircraft outside. The students thoroughly enjoyed the visit. We were blessed with perfect weather and very pleasant, knowledgeable docents.


Archbishop Wood Engineering students learned about Green building designs and technology. One aspect of the lesson involved testing the elastic and plastic tensile properties of building materials as well as the compressive strength of “Green” concrete. “Green” concrete is made using recycled materials like crushed glass, crushed bricks and even kitty litter as the aggregate in the concrete mix, versus newly mined and crushed rock.

The students mixed concrete samples, placed them in cups used as molds, added reinforcing wire in 1/3 of the samples to demonstrate the benefits of steel reinforcement, and then tested them in compression. The photos show the students placing their concrete samples in a simple compression tester designed like a nut cracker. The one arm is on a scale to measure the force applied. The sample area is also measured to calculate the pressure the sample can be subjected to before failure.

The students’ samples were so strong that they actually broke the wooden arm of the tester on one of the larger, steel reinforced samples and our students had to fabricate a new one!


The Fighting RoboVikings (AWHS Robotics Team) got together just before Christmas to pack toiletries, hats, gloves and socks for the homeless men at St. John's Hospice in Philadelphia, PA.

The team donated items like shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste and filled 52 Christmas wrapped shoe boxes for the men staying at the shelter during the holidays. Team 2607 has been involved in this charitable community service for more than 6 years now and they were happy to continue helping the needy in any way they can.

A big thank you to everyone who donated items and those who volunteered!


Mrs. Morton’s PreCalculus students joined the Our Lady of Confidence students to do a STEM activity on Friday morning to try to create the tallest Christmas tree using plastic cups. Each group had different ideas about what would be the best plan. All groups made great trees and had a lot of fun.


Archbishop Wood High School held their Annual Christmas Concert on Tuesday, December 21st. The concert included the string ensemble, concert band and vocal talents of our students. It was the perfect way to kick off Christmas break - way to go Vikings! Seeing our students use their God given musical talents makes us so proud!


For the first time in Archbishop Wood history, we had a student receive a perfect score on the Reading Performance Series test, a standardized test that students take three times per year in both reading and math.

Congratulations to AWHS Junior, Oscar Nama for this incredible accomplishment!


Dylan Cappiello, Evan Kilian, Lauren Greer and Maura Yoos practice using a triangular bandage in First Aid Medical Careers Laboratory.

The triangular bandage can be used in a variety of first aid scenarios. In this case the students are assuming that their patient has an injured shoulder that must be supported.

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