River Hill  
Commun ity Association 
6020 Daybreak Circle, Clarksville, MD 21029            410-531-1749                 FAX  410-531-1259
Run for the River Hill Board of Directors!

Serving on the Board of Directors is an excellent way for residents who are passionate about issues impacting the village or have ideas on ways to improve association operations to become involved and give back to the community.
This year there are four positions to fill.

Now is the time to take action and get involved.

To run for election, a valid nomination petition must be submitted by March 21 no later than 9 p.m. Nomination petitions are available in the March issue of 
The Villager (page 12), at Claret Hall, or online at www.villageofriverhill.org.

For more information on running for the Association's Board of Directors, call 
410-531-1749 or email manager@villageofriverhill.org.




River Hill Community Assoc iation 


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