NE Village Outreach Programs
Village 101 Presentations
The next Village 101 session will be Thursday, April 14th from 6:30 to 7:45 at the Hollywood library. Attendees will receive our newly completed brochure and will complete our updated getting to know you form. Tell your friends!
We are seeking hosts for "at home" Village 101 sessions - the best way to spread the word about Northeast Village PDX, its services, and opportunities for involvement.
If you can host a group of your neighbors for a Village 101, please contact Jane Braunger,
[email protected], 503-528-9768. You supply the people and Jane will provide a speaker and materials.
Outreach to Faith-Based Communities
We are also looking for people to serve as
liaisons between Northeast Village PDX and the various faith communities in our Village.
Please contact Frank Baldwin if you are interested in helping with this outreach effort. His e-mail is
[email protected]. Frank will conduct a training for outreach people.
Summer Street Fairs & Events
Our village will take part in several neighborhood street fairs and events this summer. Marcia Tate and Walt Quade are heading up this outreach effort and will be
seeking volunteers for tabling at these events (usually a 2 hour shift). Please contact Marcia to find out how you can help. Her e-mail is
[email protected]. phone number is 503-284-9880.
NE Village PDX Booth at
Freemont Street Fair.
Interested in joining the leadership team of the Village?
On May 11 Northeast Village PDX will elect its first Governing Council.
There will be a minimum of 6 Councilors, including four officers. (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer). Not all members of the Coordinating Council will stand for election to become part of the Governing Council. We hope that some of you will consider stepping forward to serve on the GC.
The Governing Council will meet monthly to oversee the work and operations of the Village, once we are open. Right now the Coordinating Council is working on the tasks and projects, which will bring us to our launch date of October 31. Those Coco members choosing not to serve on the GC will continue their efforts to help us get to launch.
The Governing Council is essential to the village. If the village is the boat, the GC is the rudder. We need you to help steer our boat!
Please consider serving on the team.
If you have questions or concerns please contact Margaret Baldwin at 503-895-2750 or email: [email protected]
Other Volunteers Needed!
Time is getting short for our Fall Launch!
Membership for Northeast Village PDX
There is excitement in anticipation of when Northeast Village PDX will begin to offer services to NE neighbors. What is to be done before that can happen? Neighbors need to know when and how to become a member for the Village to become a reality.
The Membership Committee is looking for captains and teams in each neighborhood to reach neighbors on Village services and membership. Specifically, teams are needed to begin in the
Alameda, Beaumont-Wilshire, Cully, Irvington, Rose City Park and Parkrose neighborhoods.
If you can join us for a few hours in April, May and June to build our teams and deliver information, please contact Vonnie Condon at
[email protected]
Other Volunteer Needs
Program Committee: Help establish our NE Villages Programs: social, recreational, educational, wellness, aging, etc.
Volunteer Committee: Coordinate the recruitment and training of Village Volunteers: service providers, office workers, etc.
Grant Writing: Our Development committee is looking for people with grant-writing experience.
Newsletter Editor / Media Contacts
Help spread the word about our village, through our E-newsletter, articles for other journals, and through various media contacts.
For more information, contact:
Margaret Baldwin
Our next general meeting will be held at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, April 13, at Rose City Park United Methodist Church, 5830 NE Alameda, just east of NE Sandy Blvd. and NE 57
th Avenue.
This month you will have a chance to
"get real" with membership and volunteer materials. You can preview and give us feedback on the materials, hear about the fee structure which Coco has approved, and learn what volunteer opportunities there are right now for working in the Village.
In addition we will present more information on our
Governing Council Election, which will happen at the meeting on May 11.
Everybody welcome.
37 Households Intend to Join Our Village at Launch
A survey conducted among ~350 people on our mailing list was completed in March, and indicated that 37 households are now ready to join our Village upon launch in the fall.
We appreciate the responses from 95 households, representing about 140 people, who responded anonymously about their intentions.
People in Household (# and %)
- 37 ( 39%)
- 51 (51%)
- 6 (6%)
Intention to Join (by Household)
Full-Service Memberships
Single person: 1 1% of the 95 households
2+ persons:
6 6%
Associate Memberships
Single person: 17 18%
2+ persons:
11 12%
Volunteers only 23 24%
Not Decided 41 43%
Total Households Intending to Join: 37
(40% of respondents)
Age: <55 6 - 7%
55-65 17 - 19%
65-75 48 - 55%
75-85 16 - 18%
85+ 1 - 1%
37 households with current intention to join is very encouraging, as we are still 6 months away from our scheduled launch date.
2) Almost 25% of people wanting to start as volunteers will provide a good starting point for offering services to members.
3) We're not reaching enough people who need full-service memberships. The age distribution of our respondents show ~80% are under 75 years of age.
4) Almost half of the respondents are still undecided at this time - so we expect some of these people to decide to join.
5) Only 3 comments indicated the expected price was too high ... a good sign that we've found a good price range that justifies memberships and the services offered.
Easter Egg Hunt somewhere in NE Village PDX area
Northeast Village PDX Sets Fee Structure in Readiness for Launch
The Village Council has established a fee structure for services set to begin in November 2016. The fee structure supports both annual and monthly payments for Associate Members and Full Service Members.
Associate Members pay $300 each year for a single membership; $420 each year for a two person membership.
Benefits: Social, cultural, events & programs; Vendors and business discounts; 2 volunteer services per year; access to full-service benefits for short-term needs.
Full Service Members: pay $540 each year for a single membership; $780 each year for a two person membership.
Benefits: Social, cultural, events & programs; Vendors and business discounts; Monthly up to 12 Volunteer service appointments (see typical services offered
on our website).
Type of Membership
Monthly Payment
Annual Payment
2 Person
Each Additional
Full Service
2 Person HH
Each Additional
$20 ($240/year)
Membership fees are paid annually or monthly by check, credit card, or automatic transfers. A financial agreement between the Village and members outlines payment options.
Membership fees cover ongoing costs for part-time paid staff, volunteer training, background checks, administrative costs (insurance, publicity, newsletters, rent, office expenses, phone service, computerized scheduling, website management), and communications with members and volunteers.
Please watch for additional membership opportunities this spring, summer and fall for
Charter Memberships. Join as a Charter Member before we launch!!!
Incredible Edibles Plant Sale
Happy Spring!
The Multnomah County Master Gardeners' Incredible Edibles Plant Sale is back for its fifth year on April 30, at Westminster Presbyterian Church (1624 NE Hancock St., Portland). With "Plant. Grow. Eat." workshops, music, food carts and hundreds of lush, organic veggie, fruit and herb starts, the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale is a celebration of home gardening.