Neighbors Helping Neighbors Age in Place 
Newsletter of
Northeast Village PDX  
Northeast Village PDX is a group of neighbors in Northeast Portland, Oregon, who are creating a membership organization that will help seniors in the area stay in their own homes as they age - by providing volunteers to help with rides, simple home repairs,  friendly visits, and light yard work, as well as professional services (plumbing, electrical, care giving and others) at reduced rates. This occasional newsletter will keep you up to date on the steps the Village is taking to achieve its goals.
July 2016 -- In This Issue:


Northeast Village PDX Coming Events  
19       Happy Hour with Byron Spice and Kathryn Hansman-Spice 5-7 pm, 6106 NE 42nd,   RSVP: 850-766-0654 or [email protected]
Cost: bring an appetizer and a beverage to share
23       Dinner Picnic in Rose City Park, 6-8 pm music by the Midnight Serenaders. More info at
27       Movie night - needs a host and a movie. Could you be the host? If you want to pick a movie (any theater-reasonably) and go to see it with some folks from the village, please contact:
Joan Bouwes, [email protected] or call her at 503 936 5972.
Patty Linde, [email protected] , or call her at 503 816-5515.
30       Dinner Picnic in Rose City Park 6-8 pm music Bloco Alegria. More info at
1         City walk with Jane Braunger in Rose City Park neighborhood, 2-3 miles, 10 am - 12 pm, followed by optional no-host lunch. Details provided when you RSVP to:
Jane Braunger: 503-528-9768 or [email protected]
6           Fremont Fest- all day. Look for the Northeast Village PDX booth on Fremont, near 30th
13          Alberta Street Fair- all day.  Look for our Village information booth. 
15          Bike ride with Margaret Baldwin.
10 am-12 pm.   A gentle ride through northeast neighborhoods on bike designated streets, starting at Fire + Stone Restaurant, 3707 NE Fremont St at 10 am.  We'll end up at Bassotto, a gelato restaurant at NE 18th and Dekum.  Lunch at Woodlawn City Park just west of Bassatto.  Tacos are available at a restaurant next door to Bassotto if you so choose.

RSVP to Margaret at 925-788-6526 or
Cost: your own bike, your lunch or snack, gelato 
16       Happy Hour with Patty and John Linde 5-7pm, 2722 NE 22nd Ave   RSVP 503-816-5515 or   [email protected]
Cost: bring an appetizer and a beverage to share
31       Movie night - needs a host and a movie. Could you be the host? If you want to pick a movie (any theater-reasonably) and go to see it with some folks from the village, please contact:
Joan Bouwes, [email protected] or call her at 503 936 5972.
Patty Linde, [email protected] , or call her at 503 816-5515.

NE Village Receives Grant from Irvington Community Association
A grant of $1,100 has been awarded to our Village to help with startup expenses, such as office equipment, printed materials for new members, ____ , and ____.

We very much appreciate the generosity of the Irvington Community Association.
Train Buffs Outing
Six enthusiastic NE Village PDX neighbors met July 18th at Portland's fabulous Rail Heritage Center to share one of the first outings on the Village's 2016 Summer Events Calendar.

The group ogled the giant steam locomotives and displays at the Rail Center, and then rode an Oregon Pacific Railroad train along the Willamette River to historic Oaks Amusement Park. With lunch at the park and a return trip along the river, a good time was enjoyed by all.

Pictured above(L to R) are Walt Quade, John Rogers, Frank Baldwin, and John Braunger; also participating were Don Tarbutton and Jerome Cure.

Village Boundaries
Report from the Northeast Village Chairperson 
Hello Northeast Neighbors.
A service for Carolyn Buan was held at the Village Ballroom on July 1. Three members of the Governing Council who had worked closely with Carolyn attended the event. For those of you who did not know her, Carolyn was a very active member of our Coordinating Council, and a participant in several committees. She created and wrote the newsletter last year, was secretary to the Council, and was a constant source of new ideas. We miss her and her tireless energy in service of our Village.
We are excited about our Membership and Volunteer Recruitment Drive. We are glad to see that some of you who have waited patiently for this moment are coming forward to sign up as members and volunteers. We are welcoming Charter Members in July: they are those generous souls who have the resources to make a contribution of $500 to NE Village PDX to help us with our start-up expenses. Charter memberships will be available through December 2016.  Even if you can't become a Charter member, you are welcome to sign up for membership, although our doors will not open until November 1.

Contact Vonnie Condon, [email protected] for more information or fill out the online form on our website.
Not ready for membership? Join us as a volunteer . There are many different ways to provide direct service to our members in their homes, but one of the services most requested (in other villages) is rides. We are looking for many volunteer drivers to meet the need for transportation requests once our village opens. To become a driver you need to have a good driving record, have an insured vehicle which can safely transport passengers, and some training.

Contact Margaret Baldwin, [email protected] for more information or fill out the online form on the website.
In June some of our members enjoyed social activities in our village . The Happy Hour at the home of Joel and Laine Schipper was a great success. The attendees enjoyed good wine and good piano music provided by Joel. A separate article in this newsletter describes the enjoyable time had by our train buffs on the ride to Oaks Park. The calendar for July and August is full of activities, both in the daytime and the evening. Check out the calendar on the website.
There are two concerts in the park at Rose City Park in July. The dates are July 23 and July 30. We are looking for volunteers for the concert on July 30th to give out information about NE Village PDX both before the concert and during intermission. Contact Marcia Tate, [email protected] if you can help.
Village Volunteers Needed 

Interested in becoming a Village Volunteer?   We're ready to talk with you about the possibilities, and to begin the sign-up process.

Check out the types of services that Villages typically provide on our website, and
let us know if you have an interest in volunteering, by submitting the pre-application form on our website.

Steps to becoming a volunteer in Northeast Village PDX
  1. Fill out form online to let us know you want to become a volunteer
  2. Someone from the Village will contact you to set up an interview to introduce you to our village. You will talk about the services you want to provide, your past experience with volunteering, etc.
  3. You will receive a paper application at the interview to fill out and return to Village
  4. Your references will be checked by someone from the Village
  5. You will receive an invitation to do a criminal background check online and sign a confidentiality agreement with Villages NW
  6. You will attend at least one volunteer training
You will have an opportunity to accompany a more experienced volunteer on a "ride along" if you choose starting in October 2016

NOTE: If you want to be a driver, there are further steps to complete with Ride Connection. All drivers must first complete the steps above. Contact the Village for more information.

Volunteer Training Dates:
Saturday July 23rd from 2-5pm
Hollywood Library, 4040 NE Tillamook
Wednesday August 10th 6-8:30pm
Rose City Park United Methodist Church, 5830 NE Alameda
Saturday, September 24 3-6 pm
Tabor Space, Muir Hall
5441 SE Belmont
Wednesday, October 12 6-8:30 pm
Rose City Park United Methodist Church, 5830 NE Alameda

Looking for Office Space 
Our village is now searching for a suitable office location, hopefully somewhere near the center of our Village region (such as in Hollywood, Grant Park, Beaumont-Wilshire or Rose City Park).

At a minimum, we need enough space for several office workers, and for conducting small meetings.  Ideally, there would also be nearby space for larger meetings, Village programs, pot-luck dinners, etc.

If you know of any such places that might be available, please contact Ron Laster, [email protected],  Head of Office Task Force for the village.
Village Orientation Sessions
Come and learn about the Village movement, and the Northeast Village PDX in particular at one of the following sessions:
Saturday, July 9th, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Hollywood Library

Thursday, July 21st 7:00 p.m. at Daybreak Co-housing on North Killingsworth

Thursday, July 28th, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Susan Bach's home in Irvington (co-hosted by Susan Roberts).
If you are willing to host a Village Orientation Session for friends and neighbors, contact Jane Braunger at
Northeast Village PDX is a member of the Villages NW tax-exempt network.

For more information, contact:

Margaret Baldwin

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